
DBZ: Akatsuki

A random otaku dies and gets 10 wishes to rebirth after accidentally saving the world. He creates a one man army, the akatsuki inspired by naruto and he will train and become the emperor of his universe and one of the strongest in his verse. Power, Money and Fame are all in his scopes for the future!

DemonSosa · Cómic
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14 Chs

Judo vs Raditz !

It was today that Raditz would come to this planet and he couldn't wait to get his hands on that Saiyan pod. When Judo left the orphanage, he obtained a black cloak with brown fur on the inside and a onigiri mask. A perfect look for him!

He stayed in the mountains for four days where he did nothing but non stop training and testing his techniques. He even started breath training for his time skip.

He didn't know when Raditz would actually allear so he would just guess when to make his surprise appearance.

While he thought out his plans, he took off his weighted gear which caused an crater and did handstand push ups in the center of it.

"HEY YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE!" Said a tribal looking man with face paint and hardly any clothing.

Instantly Judo was standing in the mans face before the man even realized he was there. "Who are you to tell ME where I belong!" He said sending a light palm attack (he used zero strength) to the mans chest, shattering his ribs and sending him flying to a tree but instead a portal opened.

Judo then jumped up with his knee sending an attack to the air but a portal appeared above him and the man fell on his back landing on Judo's vicious knee attack and getting launched god knows where.

"That was a good warm up! maybe I should check on the z fighters now" Judo said stretching and putting his gear back on.

(Kame House)

"W-Who are you?" Goku asked the tailed man who had a tail like how he did and his son.

"Oh, Kakarot? you don't remember your own brother!" Raditz said with an evil grin.

A portal appeared in the middle of the two opposing figures. A 5'6 cloaked man walked from out of it which made the situation even more confusing but nobody could sense any power from him.

"And who are you? another alien" Yamcha said sarcastically but very believable considering the situation.

"Nobody cares who he is, your in my way you scum trash bag!" Raditz said rushing at the cloaked man who did nothing but stood there and looked at him. Raditz tried to back hand swat him but he literally phases right through the man and his mind immediately became discombobulated.

He then created a Ki blade with his hand and pierced Raditz through the heart while he was still mid air, fatally killing him and shocking the z fighters.

Judo leaked a deadly intent in the air which made all the z fighters become alert.

"You are weak...come back when your strong enough to fight me" when he said this he stopped time and walked up to Goku, punching him in the stomach. When time continued everyone saw how this man instantly K.Od Goku himself at impossible speeds.

Piccolo tried to charge an attack but Judo reached his hand out and made a portal in front of it. He grabbed piccolos face through a portal and then through a portal kick, sending piccolo flying into another portal and crashing him into Krillin who tried to attack from behind and simultaneously ducking a kick from Yamcha and upper cutting him in the nuts.

He used his intangibility to phase through a destructo disk that was thrown at him and threw up a peace sign before hopping away and taking the pod with him.

"OH MY GOD GUYS WHERE IS GOHAN!?" Bulma said already scared half to death but that's kinda expected when you see someone no diff the best fighters on the planet.