
DBZ: Akatsuki

A random otaku dies and gets 10 wishes to rebirth after accidentally saving the world. He creates a one man army, the akatsuki inspired by naruto and he will train and become the emperor of his universe and one of the strongest in his verse. Power, Money and Fame are all in his scopes for the future!

DemonSosa · Cómic
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14 Chs

Grand Might !

The villains headed towards a large dome like building that had multiple school buses inside of it. The villains all snickered as shigaraki destroyed the side of it with his quirk and the villains all walked in. "All Might, Today is the day you fall from glory. This nomu was made to END YOU KEKEKE" He said arrogantly as the Nomu launched it self at All Might instantly.

'In the canon All Might came late? Why are things different…' Judo thought to himself. He knew deep down inside that something here wasn't right. He analyzed all the students but they were panicking and looking at All Might.

"Hey look its the guy who defeated Endeavor" Uraraka said out loud to the class. This caught the attention of Aizawa who had looked at him using his quirk. Seeing this Judo made a face of irritation as he was using that pathetic ability on him. He casually dashed breaking the speed barrier and shoving his fist in Aizawa stomach so hard that his whole spine shattered and tons of air pressure came from behind him as he flew into the building wall.

"N-n-no way, he's too strong" Momo said stuttering in fear.

Meanwhile All Might had already went plus ultra on the Nomu and destroyed it making Shigaraki whine like a baby and throw a tantrum but he focuses his attention to Judo who was terrorizing the children.

In no time all might appeared in front of the children blocking them from Judos path. All might didn't even try to convince him since he already knew there was no talking to this child. He chose to be a villain and thats final. All might charged the last of his power as he was already fatigued.

'This is for the students, I won't let them down' All might said to himself motivating himself to go harder. "FURTHER BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA 200% TEXAS SMASH" All might yelled sounding like a ultimate move. Judo did not move. Instead he stood there and took the attack head on looking at All might and smiling.

"No way…" Midoriya said as his faith had been shattered. All mights attack for the first time was completely useless and he put his all in that attack but he only stands there laughing!

Judo kicked all might away from him and the kick was so hard that it sent all might flying away and crashing through the building walls and into a boulder at incredible speeds. The kick was not only powerful but directly to all might weakness too. Judo kicked him like a soccer ball and when Shigaraki saw this he saw Judo as a GOD. This boy was probably even stronger than his own MASTER!.

When Izuku and the others saw these they were also especially surprised and worried. Izuku the most because he knew what this smoke meant.

Unexpectedly though when the smoke cleared, it was All Might with his face turned to the boulder but he was looking over his shoulder while clenching his fists. Not only was there no Injuries on or bruises on him anymore but he looked STRONGER.

Judo saw a red extremely powerful aura with signs of extreme mastery of ultra instinct. "So you snuck around and found a way to train in my simulation huh, Judo Akatsuki. Well as long as you live in HERE every time you get stronger I will come down here and take your strength away. Do not try this again or I will KILL you.." He said into Judos head but what everyone else heard was

"I am here ⚠️…"

The Grand priest in all mights body immediately appeared behind Judo with his arm stretched out but Judo had got immediately caught by his arm that slammed into his stomach. The attack was so fast that there wasn't enough time to move as that attack transcended time itself.

Judo hit the floor paralyzed and falling unconscious as the Grand priest gave all might his body back.

{Willpower: 67%}

-Inside of Judo personal dimension-

He punched a punching in anger yelling "FUCK!" as he thought about what happened. The Grand Priest stole all his strength and he felt pain even from just punching the bag. All his stats were 0, it was so shameful he didn't even want to look anymore.

He sat on a bench and thought about everything and all of his training and actions. He knew there was a few things he needed to do and that he also had to escape from the dragon ball reality but he didn't know if there was a legit way to do such a thing but he knew as long as he was under the Grand Priests watch, all of his actions were limited. He was living like a test animal!

"System is there a way I can escape this place?" He asked with hope, finally wanting to receive help from it.

[Yes there is only one way but to do that I must contact HIM first]


{Yoo. I see you got yourself in quite the situation. The only way to escape from here in a legal way would be to transfer your spirit to another world and put this world that your other body remains in on pause. Your 10 wishes from there will be exchanged to your new location and there you can choose to study how to unseal yourself or live a new life and start over?}

"Im going to unseal myself and beat the shit out of that priest. I still have so much planning ahead but this is even greater because basically what you're saying is I can return here with my new powers from another world right?" Judo analyzed as he listened to the entity.

{Correct, Now your already know how the process goes so have fun young traveler…peace}

[You are quite cruel but admirable host…I've never experienced a person with as much sheer tenacity as you. Always want to do things on your own. I hope you treat me better when you return, good luck]

The system said giving its last goodbyes. It made Judo feel heartfelt and he responded. "But im going to need you to see my stats in the next world, why do you think your being left behind?" Judo questioned



Next world should be extremely obvious @_@

DemonSosacreators' thoughts