
Day Dreaming

Wendy comes to have a crush on a man called Jung Hoseok when he saved her from an abusive man who is hitting his wife ....when they were all on vacation in Jeju. It is her first time to like a man. Later she learns that their fathers are friends and would like them to marry. The problem is Wendy finds out that Jung Hoseok is a gay (although it is a not true). Wendy would like to refuse to the marriage even how much she is fond of him, but the fathers insist they work together at his family's hotel to get to know each other. Wendy and Hoseok gets to near each other more and become friends. Wendy also meets another man who seems to interests in her, one of the most important man in hotel management team, Mr Lee Min Hong. Her appearance with Lee Min Hong makes Hoseok realises his feeling for Wendy is more than a friend and he doesn't want to lose her. Especially when Lee Min Hong is known to be a womaniser very unlike him, who he considers himself a boring normal guy and a loser in first love. How will he try to tell his feelings to Wendy? ......... (Chapter 19) Wendy: "Hope...you behave so badly today .. especially how you appear in here. it's so  rude.." Hoseok: "I know. .I can't help it...!" Wendy: "Why!" Hoseok: "Do you like him ...do you like Lee Min Hong?" Wendy: "Well I'm getting to know him.. what's wrong if I like him!" At that... Hoseok just couldn't control himself more..he just grab Wendy's face and kisses her on the lips. .... Wendy: "What does this mean Hope ...you like both women and men? but you should never cheat Jimin. ." In this, Hoseok remembers she has mistaken him as gay man...and somehow an idea just come to him. Hoseok: "Er....I'm very sorry Wendy.. I just want to know how it feels like to kiss a woman." Wendy: " it's just that?" ...... Hoseok continues,  "Will you marry me? Wendy" Wendy: "Are you crazy.... whatever is happening to you ??" Wendy looks up at Hoseok..His face is very serious. ........ Wendy: "I will need to think about it!!" ..... The story has completed.

WinnieAye · Integral
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34 Chs

Chapter 17: What is the meaning of Rose Bouquet?

It has been a time since Hoseok and Wendy are getting closer since Wendy has accidentally went into his room when they are visiting Bali. It seems like Wendy is very comfortable around Hoseok. She often tease him too.

"Hoseokie... why wouldn't you like to wear like some dresses and make up...you would look so pretty...!" Wendy would say it whenever they passed women wear selling at the market or mall...but when Hoseok is looking at her with those red eyes and cheeks ....she continues .."Nah...I'm just kidding!!"

These days..it happens that they sort hang out together sometimes. which makes the fathers from both sides seem to be satisfied. But Si Hyuk is still willing to test Hoseok's gender for confirmation although he is somewhat sure that the man is the man 100%.

Moreover, these days...there is also another man starts showing interest in Wendy. He is no other than Lee Min Hong.

One day, Wendy finds a bouquet of red roses on her desk with a message that has Lee Min Hong's name tag. It is such a surprise to her.

She is also invited to dinner date by him too through Line. Nevertheless, Wendy is feeling strange and rejects the invitation.

Joy seems very happy that Wendy receives such a gift.

"Wow!! Girl...it's so beautiful!!." She continues to tease..."Well...on your wedding.. invite me as your bridesmaid... Hehehe"

But after a while ...Joy becomes a little more serious.

"Wendy...I think it's ok that you give chances to dating relationships!"

Wendy sighs. She is not sure about Mr Lee Min Hong and his actions for the day at all. But she is still looking at the bouquet even when the evening is coming and the work for the day will be done soon.

She and Lee Min Hong don't speak at all for the day. But there are blushing moments.

Hoseok learns about Wendy's getting roses. For some reason, he doesn't feel good about it. What is the meaning of these red roses at all from that guy.? And why he feels so annoyed by Wendy's getting those and further to get even request for date. If Wendy is actually getting into a good relationship, Hoseok should happy for her. But he is quite annoyed by this incident. He hadn't felt like this for a long time. The last time was when his ex girlfriend go out with another guy who she would left him for.


"What is happening to me?"

and why Lee Min Hong would give Wendy red roses...what is he doing...? Why the colour must be red?.Is it really that Lee Min Hong likes Wendy?