
Neferet vs. Shane (1)

Shane started walking with his chest puffed out and his feet lifted while he stepped firmly, and he said that he was taking a deep breath while he was doing so. He walked with this posture for a while, "I'm not here to perpetrate bad ideas and wrong concepts."

Although he appeared to be in a good mood, Alister gave a slight nod and shook his head. 

Alister spoke while he was looking at Shane and said, "I'm going to steal Kojiro's phrase." 

As Alister was walking out of the office, he pulled out a cigar and lit it with a match. He then said, "I'm going to give you three chances to surrender when those three times pass, and I consider you worthy. I'm going to talk to you about what pride is."

When Shane was leaving the office and beginning his ascent to the bridge, he briefly glanced in Alister's direction before continuing his ascent.

He was able to see Neferet moving around in circles and punching the air in a methodical and deliberate manner.