
Dawn Of The Freak

Two bodies one soul, live together, die together. Follow cute Adrian and handsome Elijah on their craziest, funniest, and humor filled love experience. Elijah: 'Puppy eyes' Just one kiss, please. Adrian: 1 Million. Elijah: How about just touching your body all over? Adrian: 5 Million. Elijah: And what about sucking your dick? Adrian: 'Thinking' 10 Million. Elijah: What about fucking? Adrian: 100 Million. Elijah: 'Gulp' Then let's start with fucking? Adrian: 'Nod nod' 100 Million. (You can also read my other novel: Ten Faced Boyfriend) (The credit of the wallpaper on the cover photo goes to it's original maker.)

Kandpalbhaskar010 · LGBT+
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581 Chs

The Battle Begins...

The black tiger was injured with such injuries that it could feel pain all over its body.

Soon by its side, three more monsters came, all the same, injured with so many injuries that it made them angry all over.

After becoming Tier-4, this was the first time they got injured.

They had so much strength in their bodies, yet nowhere to vent.

The person that came to destroy them, it was deader than dead.

What were they supposed to do now?

But before they could think much more, they saw a purple light shining in the sky, and then there stood humans.

The same humans they hated to their guts.

And now all they wanted to do was rip them apart.

"Awwwwwww.... did my brother hurt you guys? Don't worry, soon all the pain will be gone." Adrian smiled as he looked at the four monsters beneath, but in truth, his domain was searching for the fifth monster which could not be seen or felt anywhere.