
CHAPTER ONE (1) What a beautiful morning ❤ ❤

"Gbrr gbrr gbrr"the alarm on the table of vivian sounded which woke her up She mumbled some words,stretched her two hands up and yawned "what a beautiful day"she said.She stood up from her bed,said some prayers and went to greet her parents which her daily morning ritual as an African girl.After greetings her parents+Me and Mrs Giwa),she went to the bathroom,brushed her teeth and took her bath.

After dressing up,she ate her breakfast which was prepared by her number."off to school,I am" she said to her mum and dad.She prayed in her mind that school won't be boring and her friends (Sola,Tope and Julie) would come to school since they were known not to resume school every first week.

she got to school 6:30am because she was so excited resuming school after the 3rd term holiday.Ss2 third term promotion was very strict as the coordinator expected at least 3A1's in all the subjects offered by students else no promotion.She was thankful to God because she was promoted to Ss3 not on trial but on a merited promotion and SS3 being the last class in a secondary school.

She cleaned and swept her class because it was dusty.After some mins,some students came who were Eddie and her friends (Favour,Joke and Enny).Eddie and her friends were known to be one of the classy girls in school.They were also known for their latest fashion bags,earrings and wristwatch.They always knew the latest product from designed and the latest music in town but academically,they were not really good.Vivian was surprised that they were also promoted despite their care free attitude towards their academic.

"Good morning"Vivian said and Eddie and her friends replied her"good morning".Vivian asked them how their holiday went and they started discussing their holiday trips to different beaches and the latest hotels in town,how they met handsome and rich guys and how they were dating and putting ends to relationships blah blah blah...

Not long after,some students also came in,including Aishat who vu in had some beef with concerning physical appearance.Aishat was bragging that she had a future 8 figure (curvy body) while vivian mocked her and told her that though she heard does not have a curvy body shape but she should just stop say dreaming that she can never have a curvy body shape and that maybe she was under the influence of butt enlargement pill that she should stop it else,she won't like how her body was going to look like in the next 2 years.

Vivian and Aishat eyes met but instead of them greeting each other,they hissed.Vivian remembered Aishat calling her "an ugly creature","bitch","flat plate"....

After some mins,other students came in,hugging each other and saying"I've missed you","how was your holiday","you've grown bigger,taller and beautiful".

When it was 7:40Am on dot,Precious a tall and light skinned boy who was the time keeper rang the bell.Hiolliness,the school chapel perfect conducted the morning assembly.