
CHAPTER TWO(2) Are you okay?

Every first day of resumption morning assembly in Excellent High school was always known to be a very long time on the assembly ground;the heafboy wiulv say his speech and the principal also.

Morning assembly took place in an open field that stood in the center of the school and students lined up according to their classes.Punctuality effects and some other prefects were waiting beside the school gate,ready to punish latecomers by asking them to kneel down .

After Holiness had conducted the praise and worship section,the Head boy who was Shadrach stood up on the stage.He was fat and smooth-cheeked from the holidays.'The National Anthem" he said.

All the students of Excellent High school were excited to back after the long holiday.The school was well known for their excellent performances in both academic competition and sports.After the National Anthem & pledge and the speech rendered by the Head boy,the principal Mr Shalom gave a brief talk welcoming everyone and reminding them it's a new session and term.He expected everyone not to repent in their academic performance.

After the assembly was over,the students-boys in white shirts,blue turds and blue customized trousers and girls in Blue pinafores over white shirts for Junior girls;Blue shirts,blue berets,white shirts and white customized socks crowded into the corridors of the school,chatting.

Some people greeted Vivian but many more crowded around Shadrach(the head boy)

"Shadrach how have you been?""wow you're looking more beautiful"Eddie said opening her teeth wide.Shadrach chatted and laughed.Shadrach was a good looking handsome guy of 17 years old.He was the best student in Chemistry,Physics and Further maths which some students complained to be too hard for them to solve/read.

"Back to further maths and physics" Vivian mumbled and placed her hard in her locker.

"Are you okay?" Shadrach asked her and Vivian replied him saying "yes" smiling which showed her dimples Vivian had been crushing in Shadrach since SS1 but she had never talked to him talk less if saying "hi" but today was different,her crush asking her if she was okay,She smiled and blushed but her smile faded immediately she noticed Aishat was staring at her mischeiviously.

A plump girl with shirt plaits framming her round gentle face came over.It was caring.She lived in the same street and Shadrach and Vivian.She had the sweetest smile.

"Hi caro" Vivian said in her light pretty voice."Glad to see you".