

"We can't work Ann." I said to Anna as she leaned in towards me "We are family." I would continue, but the hidden truth is that- I have developed feelings for my cousin as much as she but trying so hard not to believe it. ____________________________________________________________ What happens when Henry Jamike goes to Florida to further his education but coincidentally falls in love with his irresistible cousin? Read on to discover the, suspense, romance, action and adventure in this book as Henry and Anna's love struggle to thrive in a world full of sentiments.

Heis_Browne · Fantasía
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9 Chs



"Maybe you should call Henry down for breakfast." My mother said to me.

"I won't, he needs his sleep." I said, pouring sauce over my warm pancake.

My mother heaved a deep sigh.

"James go call Henry down would you?"

James rolled his eyes and hurried out of the kitchen.

"So, Anna how was school yesterday?"

"Don't wanna talk about it." I said, casting my eyes on the pancakes.

"Why? What happened baby?"

"Mom!" I yelled, "Can you stop?"

"Woah red pumpkin, calm down, just making inquires" She said, biting a pancake.

There was a lull in the kitchen till James ran in.

"He won't wake." James said, sitting back on his seat.

Fear gripped me immediately, what's wrong with him? I asked myself, dropping my pancake and racing upstairs, I noticed his door was slightly open, his legs lying almost in the same position last I saw him yesterday- arms and legs spread, but now slightly.

I opened the door widely, walking on my toes to where Henry sprawled on the bed.

"Henry," I whispered, walking nearer "are you okay?" I asked, placing my ear on his bare chest to feel his pulse and I felt it but also I noticed he smelt of alcohol, a lot of it.

Most importantly I knew he was fine, alive at least so I walked back downstairs.

"He's fine, just needs more than the usual sleep." I said.

"No! he needs to prepare for school." My mother said, cleaning her hands and mouth before stomping upstairs.

I hastily ate my pancakes and hurriedly drank my milkshake, but my backpack! It was upstairs!

I climbed the stairs heading towards my room but I walked past my room, stopping in front of Henry's room.

"You'd be late Henry, get up." My mother said.

"What time is it?" I heard Henry's weary voice.

"I don't know, your breakfast is ready, hurry Henry." She said.

She walked out of the room, startling me from where I eavesdropped on their conversation by the door.

"Here for my backpack." I said, grinning nervously.

She chuckled and shook her head, sauntering away, deeply I sighed, trying to peep on Henry, he bumped unto me.

"Hey, Anna." Henry said, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey." I walked to my room


I hastily ate my breakfast and freshened up, assumed the denim on denim outfit and hurried off to school.


Mrs. Juliana (Geography professor) was standing in front of the interactive white board when I walked in.

"Sorry I'm late, sorry" I said, hurrying to my seat.

"Henry, what happened? you are so late for class." Mrs. Juliana had grown such affection towards me since I registered into Rolls College, probably because she thinks I'm brilliant and well behaved but I really don't know.

"I got delayed, sorry" I responded, turning towards Anna I said, "You should have woken me up" I whispered to Anna.

Her lips were glued together.

"Are you okay babe?" I continued

"Didn't I say you shouldn't refer me with the English hypocrisies?" Anna asked

"What d'you mean English hypocrisy?"

"Honey, love, dear and all the fallacious phrases."

"Why not?" I asked.

No response.


"Henry" Evie called, walking up to me.

Evie is a girl with a whitish skin and dark, lustre, long hair, her balmy cute face coupled with the hollow surface on her cheek when she smiled enhanced her prettiness, her curvaceous physique was enough to enchant the generic male.

"Hi." I said, zipping my backpack.


"Nothing, you?"

"I'm cool, you didn't call me yesterday, what happened?" I asked.

"Yeah, I forgot."

"Oh, that's fine" Evie said, digging her hand in her pocket, "Can I have your number now?" She asked.

"No." I replied, curtly"

"Why not, what's going on?" Evie asked.

"I simply don't wanna give you my number." I hung my bag on my back.

"So you won't call me?" She asked.

"Don't intend to." I smiled.

"That's great Henry, making me believe we were friends."

"I never implied we were friends though." I said, walking towards the door "See you tomorrow Evie" I said walking out of the class.

"That was fast." Anna uttered from where she stood, by the door.

"Anna? hey, what you... what was fast?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You and Evie" She said, walking away.

"What d'you mean?" I grabbed her wrist.

Immediately her eyes lit up, no, they flared.

"Let go of my hand Henry" She said, withdrawing her hand from my grip.

"Anna what's wrong with you? Why you wanna break up so badly?" I asked.

"Break up so badly?" Anna stopped and turned to me "Henry you're the best thing I have, at least had till you dumped me for Evie."

"I dumped you for Evie? What are you saying Anna? You really are misunderstanding stuff between Evie and I, we don't have any relationship Ann."

"Doesn't sound like what she said, or you said."

I gasped slightly.

"Okay, this is weird, really weird, what did she say?"

Anna hurled me an awful glare and stormed away.

"Anna! what's going on?"

But she kept walking.

I ran back to class, and saw Evie staring at a book, in annoyance, I knocked it from her hand, glaring at her.

"What did you say to Anna you scumbag?" I asked, furiously.

"Chill dude, who's Anna?"

"Anna, the girl that sits beside me, what did you say to her?"

Evie laughed shortly.

"Well, I told her the truth about us."

"The truth about us?" I yelled "There is no fucking truth about us Evie and you know that."

"But Anna doesn't know that."

"What did you say to her?" I asked, sternly.

"We are boyfriend and girlfriend." Evie smirked.

"You did what?" I ran my fingers through my hair, trying not to hit Evie.

"Oh!" Evie exclaimed. "So she's the girl?"

"Hell no!" I said, running out from the class, searching for Anna.

For what seemed like fifteen minutes I was frantically looking for Anna till I found her in the Library.

I heaved of relief when I met her quietly and peacefully sitting in the Library, bending her face to a book.

"Believe me when I say Evie is one psychotic person." I said, walking closely to Anna.

"I really don't care." Anna replied with a blank expression, her head still facing the book.

"Evie lied to you Anna, everything she said were all lies." I said, sitting closely to her.

"Oh, am I supposed to feel better? Anna smiled satirically.

"You just have to know the truth." I whispered.

"What other truth?" Anna briefly glanced at me, "You told me everything already, why you tryna change the whole story?" Anna sighed.

"Change the whole story?" I iterated, "What d'you mean change the whole story?"

"Exactly what pisses me off." Anna said, placing the book back in its shelf and hurried away from the library.

"Anna listen to me." I said, running after her.

"There's nothing to listen to Henry." Anna responded, pelting away.

"Anna please, just hear me out."

Anna kept walking, hurriedly.

"I love you Anna," I shouted, "Or maybe it doesn't matter to you, but it wouldn't change anything, Evie, or anybody including you can't change it Anna, I paused shortly, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Anna. I heaved. I cant lose you Anna. I shakily concluded.

Now Anna stopped, I turned away, walking slowly away.

Henry, She called, gently. I love you, a lot, but I cant bear you being with other girls and confessing love I dont even know exists Henry.

I turned towards her.

You hurt me Henry, you really did. Anna added.

Frankly, I dont know how. I proceeded closer to her.

Tell me the truth would you?

I dropped my face to the ground.

Yes. I whispered.

Did you ask Evie out? Anna asked, covering my hand in hers.

Of course not, she made everything up, believe me.

I'm confused Henry, you attested to asking her to be your girlfriend.

Thats the whole problem, I dont remember any of that.

So what dyou remember? Anna asked, slightly squeezing my hand.

Hmm, I sighed, During recess when I was looking for you, everywhere, but later found you with some white dude, apparently I misunderstood everything, for some reason I thought you were seeing the dude, so I went back to class and met Evie, we talked over the situation but I promise I never asked her out or anything, she only stroked my hair and thats it.

Thats it? Anna asked, rolling her eyeballs. I swear I saw your hand on her.

On her hair. I quickly prompted, But thats it, nothing more. I whispered. Ahem! I went to the bar after that, had a few shots, and a few more, and a few more, a little more, some more, after that, I promise I remember nothing else. I said, chuckling.

You got drunk? Anna asked, laughing quietly.

Yes, I think so. I exhaled deeply.

So the other reasonable explanation is that you were intoxicated with alcohol right? Anna asked, peering closely at me.

Yes, the only explanation. I shrugged.

Henry, Anna whispered.

I raised my eyebrows.

I love you, and sorry for not trusting you.

Ive really missed you. I said, grabbing her waist.

I missed you more. Anna dug her lips in mine.


The house was utterly destitute of human presence aside Anna and I, Mr. Mark was still at work, Mrs. Kendra, a typical house wife was probably at the grocery store, at a friends and definitely not at work, well for James, he would be back soon.

I walked back to my room, with a sense of triumph and an icky body, it was from the sweat, the strenuous experiments from Mrs. Olivias theories had generated such perspirations that glued to my white singlet.

I undressed hurriedly and walked to the bathroom, turned on the shower when I heard a knock.

Whos there? I asked, startled, jerking from where I stood in the shower cubicle.

Can I come in? Anna asked.

Id be out soon, I said with somewhat relief, having a bath. I added.

I know, can I come in? Anna asked again.

Here? I asked, averagely with confusion.

Yeah, any problem? Anna asked.

No, no, no, come in. I walked out from the cubicle to open the door.

Swinging the door open, Anna was standing absolutely naked, she held a sponge in her left hand and a bubble bath in the other, her hair was scattered all over and her breasts- they ruled perfectly, unobtrusively.

She smiled and walked inside the en-suite bathroom, climbing inside the bathtub and turning on the tap.

This is weird, weird I tell you. I said, staring at Anna.

Is it? Anna asked, amid laughter.

Yeah it is. I responded still gazing at Annas erotic, well endowed body.

Well, I came to bath. Anna turned off the tap as the bath was filled with water. Come to the tub Henry. She smirked.

Capriciously I walked out from the cubicle to the bath noticing how my shrunk penis began to erect and fatten as I climbed inside the tub gazing at Anna lecherously.


We were seated on the floor.

Our legs were crossed atop each other.

We were playing Truth or Dare!

Your first kiss? Anna asked.

Fourth grade, ages ago. I quickly responded.


Truth or Dare? I asked.


Erm, your first crush?

Anna laughed briefly.

Toughie, probably you I'm not sure.

Dare. I gasped.

Oops! Careless.

I laughed.

I dare you to French kiss me Henry. Anna said, dragging closer to me.

Thats easy.

I moved to her, smiling, opened my lips slightly, closed my eyes and stuck my tongue in her mouth- twisting and turning my tongue with hers and nuzzling my nose to hers for nearly thirty seconds before I withdrew.

Damn! Superb. Anna exclaimed, panting.

I smiled amidst heavy breaths.

Truth or Dare? I asked.

Truth. Anna giggled in somewhat hysteria.

Youre scared aint you? I laughed.

Not really, Id pick dare next okay. Anna smiled.

I mocked a cough.

Whats one thing youd want to change in your life?

Hmm, nothing for now.

I nodded slowly.

Truth or Dare? Anna asked.


Do you want kids, sometime in the future?

We stared at ourselves for what seemed like ten seconds.

Odd question. I turned my face away.

Hows it odd? Answer the question Hen.

I stood from the floor and climbed to the bed, chagrined.

Its a complicated question, I'm sorry. I plaintively said.

Id give you kids if thats what you want. Anna said with a leer expression .

Really, you would? I jarred from the bed, grinning.

If thats want you want.

Of course its what I want. I fleetingly embraced Anna tightly but withdrew, About our families? I moved away from her.

What about them? Anna carelessly asked.

Theyd never approve of it? I whispered.

Who cares?

My mom, my dad, my entire family would be disappointed.

Anna drew nearer to me.

We dont need their approval darling. Anna wrapped me in her arms.

Well I just want to have kids, I heaved. and we cant hide this from them forever wed be exposed someday, thats definite. I intoned.

Till then. Anna whispered.

Hell! You never got dared. I exclaimed, laughing quietly.

I know. Anna nibbled my ear.

Ouch! I shouted, pushing Anna to the bed and running out from the room.

Oh! You're so dead. Anna said, struggling to stand.