
Darkness Human in MHA

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) An assassin that was the best of his world died but was given the chance to become the villain with a modified Yami Yami no Mi. How will the world of My Hero Academia will handle the heartless assassin with the power to absorb and nullify quirks?

Jovami6729 · Cómic
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35 Chs

Chapter 32: Awakening

~Yami POV~


Now that was a really enjoyable morning and night of passion and stress relief as I banged 4 women at once.

Opening my eyes, I see that Bubble Girl and Burnin are far from me as Fuyumi and Rei are closer to my arms after some extreme sense of brainwashing and revealing the truth that I killed their family Shoto and Endeavor for good they both seem to broke at that.

After destroying their family I proceed to have fun with their bodies as Burnin and Bubble Girl joined in the fun as the three of us enjoyed Fuyumi and Rei's bodies as they tried to resist only for them to be pinned down getting gangbang.

It was enjoyable then I brainwash them to the extreme after destroying their spirits and wills to live.

Man talk about a good time right now.

Why do people need a reason to be evil and why need a reason to do what you want?

The simple answer is because they can that is how most criminals are born really.

All criminals have reasons for what they do or because they can form their own selfish reason no matter how outrageous they are.

Why I want to change this world is because I want it to fit under my image, I never implied that I did it for others I did it for myself.

Like seriously this world is no cartoon or anime anymore because this became the reality not fiction in this world.

What is a true definition of a villain is really?

A character in a story or play who opposes the hero?

A deliberate scoundrel or criminal?

Or one blamed for a particular evil or difficulty?

Does a villain really define a hero and who they are as a character or a villain's purpose is to get into the hero's head by making him or her think 1 of 3 things: They aren't strong enough to put an end to them, convincing them that what they're doing is right, or that they're gonna ruin their personal lives.

I think I clearly follow the third one for sure I mean I basically fucked the plot to basically nothing left to rely on my future knowledge is basically shit except for that cult of the humanizing group of extremists.

But that is for another time what I want to do now is simply do some chaos for fun it at this point and rule this country under my rule even going as far as the world.

After that, I used my <Warping Gate> as I return to the scene as I see a fallen Midnight wearing a dog collar as she was barking at me," Bark! Bark! Bark!"

Seeing that Midnight was now acting like a dog with Rumi with a leash on her while I am raising my eyebrow at the scene.

Momo was next to Midnight as she responds to me with a respectful tone, "Sorry for the wait Yami-sama but we had to teach this bitch here a lesson. So, I had her with drugs to break down her will in pleasure as each of us took care of her."

"Arf! Arf! Arf!"


Note to self I make these girls really too good at torturing and teaching them how to break the will of their targets maybe I should down low it for them…

While I was sweating at their handy work I used my <Dark> to give her the same abilities as ours since she basically cracked under the pressure and fell unconscious.


I have a long day to do today.

After that, a <Warping Gate> was used as we enter back inside the bar as Kurogiri was standing there playing with Eri as Jiro took care of her after our absence.


Once Eri took her eyes on me she quickly goes over and hugs my leg as she says to me in a fearful tone, "Mister… Yami did you make the heroes and bad man go away… sniff…"


I really don't like dealing with kids like this but for now, though I guess I should play along for now as I patted her on the head as I gave her affection in a kind tone, "Yes my little girl I took care of all the problems I just need to take care of a few things first."

As if my answer came as Kurogiri then spoke as he replies to me, "Yami-sama All for One is requesting your appearance immediately he wished to know what happened in the attack. I think he might be on to you sir."

Glaring my eyes at this I guess it was only a matter of time before I was found out I made a lot of moves that would get his attention I guess the time is now.

Calming myself down I already have all that I need now it's just going to be a matter of dealing with All for One once and for all.

Nodding my head understanding I told everyone an order before I go take care of the old demon in his final rest, "Everyone makes sure to keep Eri safe if something were to happen to me. I'll take care of this as soon as possible."

They all nodded their heads at me while I enter inside the <Warping Gate> as I enter inside I see everything is pitch black…

I can already feel my nerves getting to me but…





Quickly avoiding the surprised attack out of nowhere I see the room lit up as I used the <Black Hole> quirk to destroy the Nomu that attacked me…

I guess he's no longer going to let me play by his finger anymore with how much he considers me a threat considering the vast number of Nomus in here all directed towards me.


That was when I see the big bad boss himself as he mockingly asked me in a knowing tone as if I was a child that got caught, "Now then mister Yami I can see you have done a lot while I was away. And I truly mean that in the greatest sense in my heart, but I'm afraid that you have become too much of a threat for me to leave unnoticed."

Hearing this I see about what I can assume to be hundreds of Nomu's in the area of this building as All for One continues, "You would go so far to brainwash your subordinates and rape any girl you see. Quite the ordeal and true way to be a true villain I must admit. But you child are in a bigger pond than the small one you are in even having multiple quirks as well without my aide? Splendid even."

Just like that he descends as if some kind of god judging me to the ground as he spoke in what I can assume a respectful tone, "You my child are like me in ever since of the word, you aren't afraid to do what is needed to be done. Force others to your will and be manipulative when needed to. Also, forceful getting of what you want you using any tactic suiting your needs in that sense you are just like me in my younger years brash arrogant and powerful…"


Hearing the words coming from him I used the <Black Hole> quirk on all the Nomu's as they began to charge at me while I slaughter them all but a shameful waste of my opinion.

All for One continues his words as he finally grins his teeth bearing down on me as he finally got to the topic he wanted as I killed off all the Nomu's, "Someone like you is something worthy as I can transfer my will into your body… I WILL MAKE YOUR BODY MY OWN YAMI!!"


Soon enough he charged at me while I had my quirk up only to see an illusion!

Where the fuck is wait <Foresight> NOW!!

Quickly seeing into the future I quickly moved away from my earlier spot as sharp tendrils of red lines and black color popped out from the ground as they were going after me!

Shit, I guess All for One came prepared but so did I for him.

Quickly snapping my fingers I used all my <DM Creation: Armored Knights> out and rush towards All for One hiding on the ground as used <One for All: 100%> at the ready when I rush towards him!




Like that, I was shining brightly as I had dark purple lighting running around from me as I managed to land a physical blow to him only to be surprised as he captured me, "What the hell!! No, you let yourself be hit on purpose!"



All for One was laughing like a kid in a candy store smiles widely at this as he stabs me with his sharp fingers trying to use his <All for One> on me stealing my original quirk <Dark>, "Hahaha!!! Now, Yami don't you know that sharing is caring? Why don't you share your wonderful body with me!!!"

Damn, it looks like it's the battle of the minds… what!

When I enter my mindscape, I see that All for One managed to beat everyone I have as he holds the previous users in his hand while complimenting me, "Hmm… now this is interesting you have your own mindscape in here quite interesting Yami…. If that is even your real name now isn't it?"

I froze at that just him being here, he managed to find out who I really was…

He has got to go!

Using the mindscape of my quirk <Dark> I tried to force him to submit to me but I haven't taken into account that All for One HATE was stronger than my own will so much so that he literally managed to push me back to reality!

Seeing the trouble I was in All for One was laughing happily as he was about to win….

Damn it!!




Trying to get rid of him I can feel my power fading and after all the scheming and the work to get where I am at just to let this fucker win?

Ah hell no!

Using my bare hands I try to pry open his head with my bare hands as the darkness surrounding me began to erupt into a big wave as if responding to my call…

Trying to kill All for One while spitting up blood from my mouth I tell him with all the hate I have for him as I spoke, "All for One you god damn fucking pedo I will promise you that I will fucking kill you! You're stealing my hard work of strength for your benefit… YOU HEAR ME I WILL FUCKIN KILL YOU!!!"

But instead of being mocked he merely laughed at me while saying to me in a mocking tone but was more so truthful, "Oh please don't get sentimental with me here. You and I are the same you rob people of their power to make you feel like the big man. After all the damage you have done don't tell me somewhere deep down you wanted to be free out of control free from your restraints because you and I are the same wanting to kick people down making us feel like gods to them! WE ARE THE SAME YOU AND I!!!"

The same as him…

In some ways, yeah his being truthful even in my previous life I never even had the freedom of choice of anything only killing to make myself happy.

All the times I was broken down, raped by my superiors, doing awful things, and causing world war 3 I never once felt that anything was in control till I made the call to end everything…

In some ways his right but…

Gritting my teeth at this while the darkness inside of me was growing stronger as I felt my words through them, "Yeah your right maybe I should take that advice more freely next time…."

~Third POV~


As the words left Yami All for One killed him by stabbing his heart and crushing his head as he cleaned himself off the blood as he examines the body, "Hmph. There was no way I was going to steal your body if you were controlling my doctor and my servants but at least you won't be a threat anymore to me."


However, as All for One tried to collect Yami's corpse an explosion of darkness radiated from the room as it tore up everything consuming it all as All for One avoided the area into the air to get rid of the sudden attack.

Viewing things from above he looked at where the attack originated as he thought to himself surprised, 'No it isn't possible I made sure to kill him off clearly without much resistance I made sure to plan for everything even stealing his <Black Hole> and others from him….'

While All for One tried to confirm that he had all he needed to win he made sure to rob Yami of almost all of the quirks he gained except for one <Dark>…

As the darkness was beginning to form All for One began to use the quirk <Black Hole> that he stole on Yami only for it to not work…

All for One was shocked looking at his hand as he sees that his quirk is not working as he questions to himself in clear rage, "What the fuckin hell! I know I used my quirk on him but why the hell isn't working on the brat!!"

But next, he sees that Yami is right there again alive but this time he has gone through a massive metamorphosis as his body was now well built and massive but the distinct feature would be that his body can only be seen with black and white coloring only as Yami pierces through All for One with his white void less eyes…

(Image Here)

All for One seeing this didn't know why but he felt a shiver ran down his spine looking at Yami in his <Awakened State> as he lifts his arms in his direction but that was all he needed to do…


A scream from All for One could be heard as all the souls and wills of the quirks were forcibly expel from his body as if his body was forced quirks were forced to be absorbed by a strong unstoppable force into Yami body instead.

All for One became Quirkless in an instant even his soul was taken away without any thought he died in an instant from Yami awakened quirk as he returns to normal again naked unconscious as his he destroyed a large portion of the building and others when he awakens leaving others to be dead being near his awakening…


Quirk: Dark

User: Yami D. Black

Abilities: Allows the user to absorb quirks into the body, controls darkness gravity how the user wishes, limitless storage of darkness in his body dark space, can nullify the power of quirks only by contact, is intangible to physical attacks elemental attacks can harm, can infect others with his quirk to force them to be slaves under his will and be able to connect with his mindscape with his captives he forces his will to.


Quirk: Dark (Awakened)

User: Yami D. Black

Abilities: Can now have the additional ability to mess with the concepts, true nullification of powers by being near the user no contact is need, true absorption ability to absorb anything the user wishes to absorb being someone time, space, distortions or souls, and the ability to create different abilities that are born from nothing like darkness is the beginning of everything.

Hey I made another fanfic and here's the new one called Reborn as Inasa another MHA fic wondering if you wanted to read it.

Jovami6729creators' thoughts