
Darkest Salvation [BL]

If you're into yandere psychopaths, hero x villain, forbidden love, taboo, enemies (to friends) to lovers with good banter, then this book is for you. ∞ "You won't be able to escape the darkness hero." "I never tried to, villain." ∞ Past childhood sweethearts turned to enemies had met again. Realizing that both of them had changed, they lost connection with each other and the strong finally broke. Will they be able to mend their relationship? Will they be able to love each other which is consider taboo between heroes and villains? Will they be able to save each other? Or, will they be the death to one another? [‼️TW‼️: Violence, Explicit Smut] [Synopsis may be updated throughout the course of the novel.]

rose_empresss · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: A Prince's Remembrance

Visha's eyes trailed upon the dark, starry sky. The window frame seat was not comfortable but it was a convenient place for stargazing.

A gust of wind blew some of Visha's hair as he ran his finger through his left ear to his dagger earring. A drop of blood fell to the floor.

A shadow figure tackled the villain, almost falling down from the window frame.

Looking at his dog which was made with his own dark powers was whimpering, waiting to be petted.

"Hey, Shadow. It's a good night, tonight, isn't it?" Visha asked in a hoarse voice.

He stood up from window frame, walking to his door, twisting the knob as if it was fragile, not wanting to awaken his father.

As he strolled to the kitchen to drink some water, loud footsteps told him that he was not alone.

"Visha." A man's cold but deep voice called, chills ran to his spine.

A tall, slender man with black hair and silver eyes appeared.

"... father. I see that you're still awake." He managed to utter out.

"As you are, as well." The man said, brewing some coffee.

Visha breathed in. "Umm..."

"Is there something you wish to tell me?" His father consulted.

"Well, I, uh, chose a rival, earlier this morning." He stuttered,

"Good." The Dark Emperor nodded with a smile. "Don't get attached to this said rival. Kill him during the Red Moon, and we'll be at peace." He told his son.

Visha kept quiet for a second before responding. "Yes, father."

"Don't get yourself killed, like your brother." Visha's breath hitched at the mention of his older brother. "He was foolish. Falling in love, with a hero, no less." The emperor clicked his tongue. "You must not give up your life for someone who never even tried to reach the hearts of helpless victims." He uttered, grinding his teeth.

"Yes, father. I understand." Visha responded, not wanting to see the hatred in his father's eyes.

"Good. Don't stay up too late. Those bags under your eyes don't look good. Be at your best at the Rival Selection Ceremony." The Dark Emperor instructed. "I won't be attending." He informed before disappearing to the shadows.

Visha already knew that he wouldn't attend, although, he had given him the benefit of the doubt.

Visha turned to dark hallway, thuds getting closer and closer.

"...Boris...?" A woman's voice uttered.

"Sister, are you having nightmares, again?" Visha called once his sister was visible. Her black wavy hair fell on her shoulders and her silver eyes had tricked her.

The woman gasped when he saw Visha's bittersweet smile. "Visha...?!"

"Stella." The Dark Crown Prince greeted.

Stella's face scrunched up, covering her mouth with her trembling hand. She couldn't muster the courage to answer her younger brother's question.

"I—I... I didn't mean to call you that." She stammered, her eyes stinging as water formed in them.

"It's okay, I understand." Visha's smile never faltered, reassuring his sister.

The woman walked towards him, resting her head on her brother's shoulder. "It's not. It's not okay, at all. I'm so fucking sorry, Visha." She blabbered.

Visha sighed when he felt cold on his shoulder. She patted his sister's head, not paying attention to his soaking wet cloth due to his sister's weeping.

"I'm sorry..." She repeated.

"I told you, it's okay. We all miss that goofy, ball of sunshine." Visha grinned as his sister's let out a tiny chuckle. "You don't need to apologize, Stella. You did nothing wrong." He assured.

"I hurt your feelings." Stella pointed out.

Visha snorted. "I don't have feelings." He retorted.

"That doesn't make anything better..." She let her brother oat her head a few more times before pulling away, wiping her tears with her bare hands. "Do you—Have you picked a rival, yet?" She changed the subject.

"Yes, I have." Visha affirmed.

Stella smiled. "Oh, who is the lucky hero?"

"Valdemar." Visha said and Stella's smile disappeared, without any trace left.

"Valdemar?!" Stella exclaimed, eyes widening.

"Ssh." Visha covered her mouth. "Father might hear you. I didn't tell him who it is, yet." He told her.

"You don't mean Valdemar Regulus, do you!? Your childhood sweetheart?! The one you kissed in highschool?!" Stella grumbled.

"Yes, I do mean him." Visha answered in a flash.

"Visha, brother. You're in deep trouble." Stella commented. "How would you even fight him?" She inquired.

"I was not planning to." His sister groaned at his certain answer.

"What? Father won't be happy about this!" Stella aggressively ran her finger through her hair.

"Please... Just for now, don't utter a single word about Valdemar. I'll tell him soon, just... Just not tonight, okay?" Visha pleaded.

"You better tell him, it'll be worse if he hears it from outsiders." Stella patted her brother's shoulder.

"Yes, sister." Visha affirmed then the woman disappeared carrying the darkness with her.

Visha had returned to his room, Shadow lying on the bed, beside him. The dog took the initiative to cover Visha with the warm and thick blanket.

The villain laughed at the minimal effort his pet was using.

He had helped him cover themselves with the fabric.

"Shadow, what should I do to make them remember me?" Visha asked, brushing the dog's wavy substance as fur.

The dog understood the question, however, it did not have to power to speak, so it snuggled up to its owner, instead.

"You're the only one who sees me, Shadow." He bit his lip as a tear escaped his left eye.

"You cold, lonely prince." An ominous, deep voice asserted, its darkness surrounding Visha.

"Why are you back?" Visha wiped his face, composing himself.

"Because you, my child, are being skeptical. A great villain should never lose sight from their goal." The darkness reminded.

"I know. I never forget to return favors." Visha told the darkness, who was playing with his hair.

"And, what was the favor, I ask?" The voice asked.

"To slay the gods." The prince answered with such certainty.

"That's right. The gods will descend during the rise of the Red Moon. We must take our chances." The darkness reminded him, over and over again.

"I know." The villain reassured.

"You'll be free, by then." The voice uttered our and Visha's breath hitched.


He had long forgotten what it felt like that he doesn't even know if it truly exists.

"I know!" Visha yelled the dark man and he disappeared, leaving the prince and his loyal pet alone.

"What gifts should I bring Val tomorrow?" He asked himself aloud.

"Arf!!" The dog twirled around, almost falling to the cold, hard floor.

"Oh? You want me to bring you as one?" Visha inquired, giggling. The dog barked, again.

The prince closed his eyes, holding his chin. "Hm, should I?" He opened his eyes to see the dog's reaction.

"Grr..." Shadow growled, play—biting with Visha's fingers.

"Alright, alright. You don't need to bite me." Visha told Shadow, causing the dog to howl. Then, it kept on running around the room. "I didn't know you wanted to see Val that much." He commented.

The villain shook his head knowing that his dog will be snoring loudly, tonight.

"You did that to yourself. Don't go on complaining to me, now." Visha told Shadow who was panting, then, collapsed on the cold bed.

"Hm...!" The dog whined causing its owner to let out a good laugh.

"Maybe Val will soften up his heart to you." The villain ran his hand on the shadow dog.

"Arf!!" The dog agreed.

"You know him so well, don't you?" The dog licked its owner's face. "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll treat you the same. Just like old times." Visha muttered, hugging the dog.

"I'm sure he will." He mumbled before his sight blurred, eyes closing.

Published: July 25, 2022

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