

Anne is gonna be the villain in this story her jealousy and love for Luke will ruin her family and her life . The fact that she's always been starved for love all her life will only build her resentment. Everything's fair in love and war right? Even killing your elder step-sister who plans on stealing the man of your dreams ...again!

SuvCestLaVie · Ciudad
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10 Chs


Sandra walked tiredly into her hotel room. She had had a long day. The summit was filled this year with so many young people, young men too so she smiled to herself. She had noticed men staring at her so she stood in front of the long mirror in her suite and her smile broadened. At fifty-five, she was hot and sexy,

"All those years of healthy eating and exercising had paid off, at least Deon's hard work had paid off." Sandra sighed as she remembered Anne's father. That man had always insisted she watched her weight and eat right, at first she thought he was a horrible man but right now, seeing how she had turned out, she blessed his soul then she snickered, bless? Did blessings get to those in hell?

Because he was probably in hell where she left him. Demons belonged in hell anyway and Deon, Deon was a full fledged one. She twirled around like a little girl and giggled. She still had it, she shook her ass at the mirror, took her navy blue jacket leaving her sky blue armless dress on then she kicked her three inches heel into a corner and flopped down on the bed. She was exhausted. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep but she had another meeting in two hours and she slept almost immediately. She dreamt of Deon, Anne's father.


She was walking towards an altar where Deon stood. He was wearing a white suit smiling at her and people were gathered clapping and cheering. She was dressed in a white dress, flowers in her hair and smiling. Suddenly, a dark cloud came from nowhere, her dress turned black and the people and the altar disappeared. Sandra then turned around in shock. In the place of the altar was a wooden table and Deon was at the table holding a large butcher's knife looking at her in a petrifying manner.

Sandra tried to stop walking but some force pulled her forward and when she got close to the table Deon walked towards her carrying her princess style and laid her on the table. He tied her to the edges using a rope. Immediately, she tried to scream but no sound came out of her mouth. Soon, tears began to roll down her cheeks and she shivered in fear, Deon raised the knife up and plunged down.

"Nooooooooooo! " Immediately, Sandra woke up in a pool of sweat even though the suite was cool. She was panting incessantly, she was scared and angry. So she questioned herself, "Why was Deon still appearing in her dreams?" Deon is dead! Why was he still troubling her? She pulled her hands through her hair extensions . She needed rest that was all, she'd be fine soon. Sandra checked the time and she had only 30 minutes left before the meeting would begin

So she thought that she needed to freshen up at least so she walked towards the bathroom, disrobing on the way. Maybe a bath would make her feel better. She needed a man in her life again, she'd gone too long without one. She must be really lonely and horny to dream of Deon.

Sandra wasn't herself throughout the meeting, she was jittery and she had seen Deon's face in the mirror while dressing up. His face had been covered in blood and he was wearing that darn purple robe! He had been standing there and she was sure of it. She could even smell his cologne that he had worn that day when he had died. What was going on? Could the shaman be right? Was she really cursed? She stood up because she couldn't stay there anymore, she couldn't concentrate and she wasn't even listening in the first place.

Sandra bumped into someone at the door. Angrily she looked up at the idiot who had bumped into her.

"I'm so sorry ma'am, I didn't see.... Mrs Sandra?" Femi couldn't believe his eyes, he was standing in front of Anne's mother. Sandra was as shocked as he was, she never imagined she'd meet him at a place like this.

"Femi, how are doing?" Sandra sized him up with her eyes. Was it her eyes or was Femi just looking good? Femi smiled, showing his dimples in both cheeks. He was wearing a black suit and it was a perfect fit.

"I'm very fine Mrs Sandra how are you?"

" Well, you know,"

"Anne? How is she?" He had the good grace to sound a little embarrassed. Sandra didn't wanna exchange small talk, she just wanted to leave.

"She's fine, please do excuse me," she walked past him, moving towards the elevator. It was when she got to her suite that she realized she had left her bag in the hall. She was in so much of a hurry that she left her bag. She thought she'd ask for it later because she needed a bath. It was the only way she could relax.

Sandra was toweling her body when she heard the hotel phone ring so she immediately hurried to pick it up.

"Good evening ma'am, am I talking to Mrs Sandra Seo?"

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"I'm calling from the front desk ma'am, a guest found your purse and your ID was in it."

"Oh, yes. I eft it earlier in the hall. Do I have to come down to get it?"

" Oh no ma'am, I'll send someone in a bit."

"Ok, thank you."

Sandra was still in her robe when a knock came from the door.

"Well, that was fast." She opened the door and her eyes dilated. Femi was standing in front of her with her purse, smiling.

** Sandra's POV**

I kept looking at his face, what was he doing here? I grabbed my purse from him and tried to shut the door but he used his right leg to block the door.

"Get out," I said to him sternly. I didn't want anything to do with someone who broke my daughter's heart.

"Ma'am, hear me out please. I just wanted to ask about your daughter."

"Which one? The one you dated? Or the one you wanted?"

He scoffed as though he found what I said funny. I couldn't believe the nerve of this guy.

"You think this is funny? You made a joke of my kids and you want to what? Please go away!" My voice had risen a little, Femi then looked at me right in the eyes and pushed his way in. My hands were on my waist now. I was seeing red, was this man mad?.

It was as though he read my mind when he said, "Mrs Sandra, you might think that I've gone mad but no, I haven't."

I looked sharply at him and he just laughed, he laughs? Is this a game to him?

"How did you get to know my room number?"

"I own this hotel". He sat comfortably on one of the cushioned chair whilst looking at me. Does he realize that I'm older than he is? For God's sake I almost became his mother-in-law, there was supposed to be some respect here. So yeah, he owned the hotel, he was rich, very fine too but what the hell did he want?