
Dark If Hell

Kickplay and a player of an online RPG Kickplay online game that being the best player in the game he will get as much power points as he could to be the most powerful player in the game or rather a legend.

Huguel · Fantasía
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14 Chs


Kuroo could sense that his boyfriend wasn't happy and thought it was because he couldn't meet his friend again.

"Hey love, why are you sad?" Kuroo asked worriedly.

"I'm not in a bad mood! I'm just tired of having to spend all my time in class reading stupid books." Katsuki replied looking annoyed.

Kuroo shrugged, guessing it was because of what his brother had told him, and he knew for sure that the two boys were hiding something from each other, even if they hadn't discussed that particular matter yet. "Okay then, whatever makes you happy baby" replied Kuroo giving his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. "You're an idiot, Kuroo!"

Kuroo smiled, "and you love it, remember that time we kissed at the party and I called you pretty boy?"

"Fuck you bastard" said Katsuki giving Kuroo a light punch on the arm.

"Alright then, you are forgiven" replied Kuroo sarcastically. "I'm going to sleep if you're going to keep complaining about this" Katsuki huffed crossing his arms, "Good night" said Kuroo picking up his things and leaving the dorm, closing the door behind him as well.

Chapter 9: The Fight

(Friday night.)

Kenma POV.

A few days had passed since Tetsurou had asked Katsuki to join them in training Kickplay, and after a week of intense training and learning on both sides, Kenma finally decided to make the switch. As afternoon began to approach, Katsuki and Kuroo left early to head back to campus to study for their upcoming exams, leaving Kickplay alone with Tetsurou in the living room. After a minute or so, Kenma noticed that neither he nor Kuroo were moving, so Kenma just continued watching the television screen while he waited for the two friends to return. When they got back Kenma noticed that Tetsurou's clothes were a little wrinkled and smelled a bit like sweat, he wondered if there was something between Tetsurou and his boyfriend that the older one smelled like that, or if they took a shower together.. No, wait, that's not likely because it takes two people to shower... Maybe Kuroo accidentally made him sweaty during training and took him to the shower and that's why the smell wasn't so strong... Yeah, that must be it . But Kenma still couldn't get rid of the idea of Kuroo taking another guy to his room, especially when the other guy was Tetsurou... It didn't seem very possible to Kenma that someone would willingly share his bathroom with that guy. However, he was sure that Kuroo liked sleeping next to Tetsurou, so why didn't he sleep next to him while they were making out? Why did he insist on studying? Was he stressed about finals or something?

Kuroo and Tetsurou finally arrived at the apartment after five hours of practicing their technique and hitting everything that came close to them. Once the two arrived home, they quickly changed into different clothes for dinner before heading to the dining room and grabbing a slice of pizza each before heading to the couch and sitting down. "So where were you?" asked Tetsurou as he chewed on the crust of his slice of pizza. "We were practicing our techniques at the gym," explained Kuroo. "Well, let's watch a movie, shall we?" suggested Tetsurou, changing the subject.

The two spent the rest of the night watching movies together, and by the end of the movie, both boys were fast asleep. Kuroo woke up when Tetsurou was lying on top of him and his head was resting in the crook of his neck. Kenma came over and gently woke them up, "it's time to eat" he informed them. Tetsurou slowly got off Kuroo and stood up stretching, "yes, good time Kenma", he thanked the younger boy.

"Let's get some drinks before we go to the restaurant" suggested Tetsurou going back to the kitchen. "Okay" Kenma simply replied before getting up and following his boyfriend back to the kitchen.

After a few minutes Tetsurou was putting away the groceries while Kenma waited at the sink to wash the dishes. "So how was work today?" he asked suddenly looking at Kenma. "It was good, it didn't happen very interesting, why?" Kenma replied, drying his hands before turning to look at his boyfriend.

Tetsurou turned around and wrapped his arms around his waist, "well, I had an idea..." he stopped, looking deeply into Kenma's eyes. Kenma just looked back not knowing exactly what was going to happen, "we should celebrate our birthday properly, and maybe invite the whole team, you know we don't celebrate birthdays here at the university, we usually do something simple to show how much we love each other to others." Tetsurou said.

"Sounds like fun, what should we have?" asked Kenma curiously. "I don't know, something casual is fine" replied Tetsurou, Kenma frowned, "how about something special? Like going to one of those boIn restaurants where you have to sit next to a stranger?" questioned Kenma raising his eyebrows at his boyfriend. "Hmm... We can always do that, but I think it will be our surprise" replied Tetsurou smiling brig htly.

Kenma nodded, "that sounds good", he replied nodding before going back to the table and sitting down, "do you want some dessert?" asked Tetsurou, Kenma shrugged. "No thanks, I'm full" he replied before looking at Kuroo and realizing that he was already sitting up and looking at him with puppy dog eyes. Kenma sighed in defeat, "okay, you won" he said.

A few weeks later...

Tetsuro POV.

Today was the day Tetsurou had been waiting for, and he really wanted to go to Kenma's house to spend some time with him, since he didn't have time to go to his house last weekend. He couldn't believe that today would actually be his birthday. And Kenma invited everyone to celebrate, which means that all the guys were coming home and, more importantly, all the girls were going to his house. He honestly doesn't really like celebrating birthdays, he didn't celebrate his parents' death when he was little because he was too busy with training, but after that, Kenma insisted that he celebrate his birthday more.