
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Issue 18: War Arc Part 2 Victory Yes Victory…And Dim You, Better Tame That Spirit.

All the houses were obliterated, the entire place became a levelled field and the warlocks were revealed. Dim was also revealed bleeding as the spell had affected his barrier. Drakon saw Dim and wondered where he had seen him before. "So you are the veil caster, you look like a man I killed years back. Anyway you are a nuisance. Die!" He pointed to Dim's chest. Darkon wasn't quick to notice and a spear ran through Dim's chest making him lose concentration and unlocking his hands. He vomited blood. He refused to give up but he was losing too much blood. He began to sway and finally dizziness defeated him. He smiled and fell down dead. The veil crumbled and broke into pieces. The Drogs poured in their masses both high and low level of them killing every warlocks they came across. Agatha became enraged as tears fell from her face, she flew up with red energy surrounding her and punched Drakon so hard he vomited an intestine. She didn't let up as she threw more heavy punches imbued with energy. It was a one sided attack. Drakon couldn't dodge as Agatha threw punches before he could think of dodging. And her punches were unpredictable. Darkon was awed by that. "You angered a fierce Jaguar." He flew down towards Dim and an invisible barrier kept him out. He saw a green energy surrounding Dim. He flew back towards the duo slugging it out.

"I wasn't able to defeat you before, but now I will kill you." She raised a fist and punched Drakon who moved back in pain. Darkon looked again at Dim. "Yo guys, sorry to disturb your fight but take a look at the kid. He looks strong don't you think?" Agatha looked towards Dim and saw a green tiger on him. Drakon did same and was afraid.

Dim had been possessed by the spirit of energy. "Impossible, that kid had the spirit of energy within him." Dim completely regenerated and he transformed into his spirit state. His eyes became green, the marks on his face became more detailed. He raised a finger and a veil materialised. "He put a barrier with one finger. The king of spirits indeed has a great power." Agatha wowed. "I have to run." Darkon thought and was edging back when dark chains held him tight. Darkon concentrated energy around his right hand and pointed it towards Drakon.

"Energy Spirit Magic: Tiger's Fury!" He released the blast which had a shape of a large spectral tiger. The blast met with Drakon and sapped all his energy. Like they were linked Agatha entered her spirit state and used her spirit's magic spell. "Flame Spirit Magic: Jaguar's Breath!" Drakon yelled as the flames began burning him from within making smoke come from all parts of his body. His outer body also began to burn. "Guess I should clean up." Darkon smirked. "Pool Of Nightmares! All those who you have hurt will hurt you in the pool." Space cracked open as a boiling pool appeared behind Drakon with hands dragging him in, tearing his body apart. Some parts of the pool dropped down burning whatever they touched. Darkon pointed to the pool. "Clear. Begone! Pool Of Nightmares."

The pool vanished. The warlocks seeing this got the courage to fight and gained the upper hand as the Drogs lost all will to fight seeing that their leader was dead.

More powerful warlocks appeared on the battlefield. Taneera, Gariel, Conrad and many other high warlocks. Taneera looked to Dim. She saw green lines all over his body. "What's wrong with my brother?" She flew down to meet him but his aura began to choke her and she felt herself getting weak. "Go away from him kid!" Darkon shouted. "He used his spirit state and he doesn't know anyone. The spirit has possessed him. He can absorb anyone's energy once you get too close." Taneera went to meet Agatha and cried in her chest.

"What do we do? I don't want him to die, he is all I have left since mom and dad are dead." "Don't worry kid, he is strong, he will return more powerful. For now let's prepare for his victory over the spirit and defeat the remaining Drogs." Darkon said soothingly. "Now reincarnation of Azrael, you better defeat that spirit and tame it. We're all waiting for you." Darkon thought.