
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Issue 19: Epilogue

Dim awoke in his subconscious. In there he was in a city. He saw himself fighting a dragon, strange because it was like he was an observer watching himself do something. "Where am I?" He wondered. His other self transformed into a tiger and fought the dragon.

"All beings shall bow before me, I am the one, the supreme one, the dark lord, I am…the dark dragon!" The dragon muttered and sent dark flames towards Dim's other. He evaded and pierced his claws coated with energy into the dragon ripping off his heart. The view changed and he found himself in the battle, he saw himself fighting the Drogs and later killing Darkon.

''That is what should have happened. The dragon should have been killed. Why didn't you kill him?" A voice bellowed and Dim found himself in a throne room. It was a neat place and the tiger was on a throne. It transformed into human form and went to meet Dim. Dim clenched his hands refusing to be intimidated by the massive aura coming off the tiger.

"Spirit of energy, please return my body to me." Dim said politely.

"And why should I do that? You misused the power I lent you. You had the chance to kill that foul beast. You are as foolish as Azrael."

The tiger spoke angrily. "Azrael, the first sorcerer supremus. You knew him." "Of course I did. I was within him after all like I am within you."

Dim sighed. "He is different from the past, he is not a bad person, getting to know him, I found out he is good. Besides you are within me you should have heard his story, his name is Mico." "Yes I know everything you know but most times I shut out your thoughts, I also don't let you hear mine. I know he isn't bad now but can you trust him. I can't and in that case I will have to beat some sense into you. If you can defeat me, I will help you. If not, I will possess you and make you kill him." The tiger morphed into Dim's father. "Tch!" Dim growled. "Take this, Energy blasts!" Uncountable blasts of energy moved towards the tiger who phased through them. "I am the spirit of energy, do you think something that weak will stop me. Let me show you true power. Energy Lance…Track!" A large spear like weapon appeared and flew towards Dim. Dim boosting his body with energy jumped up but the lance reversed like it was elastic and dug into Dim.

"I will have you know if you die here, you die in reality." "Wouldn't you die also?" Dim asked weakly. "No, I am a spirit, I can exist without an host for a long time before fading but you will die immediately." "I have to tame him and make sure I do it with a power strong enough to best him. Right now he can't hear my thoughts. The new spells I learnt should do the trick. I will use the one that can absorb a person. That way he will lose." Dim ran towards the tiger, who sent a big ball of energy, Dim grabbed it and absorbed it, he calmed his energy down as he leaped above the tiger. "Energy Manipulation Magic: Absorbent Blasts." The tiger looked shock as the blasts tore into him. "You are a good one kid, you learn fast, do not worry you win. Go back to your friends." The tiger exploded in a bright light and Dim closed his eyes. Opening them he found himself in the real world. He saw the tiger near him. "You went easy on me tiger." "I wanted to know just how strong your will was. You will make sure the dragon doesn't become a threat to the world." "I promise." "Good, now for the rites, you defeated me and you are now capable of owning me. Give me a name and I shall serve you forever. My master." The tiger kneeled before Dim. "Master, I can't let you call me that, you are like a brother to me. And besides you were only afraid of what Darkon could do if he lost control. I won't let him, anyway you are a friend to me now and I shall name you Diva." The tiger glowed. "You gave me your father's name, you must really miss him." "Yes and please let's not talk about him. I want him to be in my mind as inspiration not as something to make me weep."

"The rites are concluded, I accept you as my master.'' An inverted U mark appeared on both foreheads, their eyes glowed green. "We are bonded forever." The tiger spoke up looking at Dim. Dim nodded. The tiger vanished, back into Dim's soul. Dim raised his hands and moved them in a clockwise direction, massive energy surrounded him as he created a new spell. He controlled the surplus energy. He dispersed it around the entire world and then put his hands together. With a more deep voice he chanted the spell. "Be Devoid Of Your Powers. Energy Spirit Magic: World Absorber!" The Drogs remaining in the kingdom and in the world found themselves sucked into a giant whirlpool of energy. Dim made it so only the Drogs could enter the pool. And so the world was rid of Drogs. Darkon was grinning as he lands down towards Dim. "You are a special one kid." "Don't call me kid when we are of the same age.'' He replied with a smile on his face. Agatha, Taneera and Gariel joined them. "We did it brother, we beat the Drogs, Dad got his revenge right." Dim hugged his sister. "Yes sister we avenged dad." Suddenly clapping sounds were heard and the heroes turned back to see the people of the kingdom clapping and cheering.

"All hail the sorcerer supremus."

Conrad came out of the crowd. "Lord Dim, I really used a lot of mana to bring everyone back."

"You did well Conrad. Now let's celebrate on today's victory."

Dim, Agatha and Darkon waved to everyone and promised to always protect the kingdom.

A being with white horns can be seen faraway munching on a heart, his sea blue eyes told of experience, his flattened ears could hear all what was being said far from his front, his black hair danced to the breeze. He has a smirk on his face. "Darkon eh, a dark one siding with light. Do not worry it is only a matter of time for we of the original dark guild to take over.

To be continued…..

Darkon will return….