
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Issue 17: War Arc Part 1 Meeting Fire With Fire... Darkon's Duplicate

A month later, the Drogs broke through the energy force field made by Dim. The king of Afsha kingdom rallied his army and sent them to face off with the Dogs. The warlocks were already prepared. The people had been evacuated from the kingdom to another kingdom where the Drogs hadn't attacked. The Drogs poured into the kingdom searching for people to kill but seeing no one became angry and started destroying buildings and other lower ranked warlocks. Dim appeared in the battlefield. He put out his hands to the sky and chanted a barrier spell.

"I call on the power of the esoteric energies, let the energy pulse and break out. Energy pulsation. Let the spirit of energy lend me strength to defeat my foes." Three whiskers appeared on both his cheeks making them six in total. He was in half spirit state.

"Energy Spirit Magic: Veil Of Balance." He put his hands into each other and a green veil appeared and covered the entire kingdom. "Go! Everyone, while I am in this state. Finish off the Drogs." He locked his hands together tightly while a little energy barrier covered him.

The veil technique is a special form of magic where an element could be used to create a veil barring entry and exit of everyone and everything. The caster was not to lose concentration or unlock his hands from each other.

Drakon, the king of the Drogs saw the veil and got angry. He flew to the sky and Darkon met him up there with an evil smirk on his face.

"This didn't play out as you expected eh, Drakon. Why did you twist my name?" Darkon mocked.

"The Drogs will find and kill the veil caster, but for now I have to release all my power against you. I can't hold back, I am fighting the dark dragon." "Come then, and I will delete the foolish notion from you, you can't defeat me Drakon."

The duo dashed at each other sending great punches and kicks which caused shockwaves to appear all over. Darkon grabbed Drakon's tail and threw him up. He crashed into the veil and he became disoriented. "Even at my full power, I can't seem to defeat you. Then take this. Dark Flame Manipulation Magic: Dark Blasts!"

Darkon skillfully evaded all the blasts coming at him. He put out his hand and swat a ball of flame away. "That's not even hot. Let me give you something hot that will blow your mind." Drakon gaurded his face, Darkon sped and kicked Drakon who lost his guard. Darkon was too strong. "Slash and Burn!" Darkon chanted and a huge x mark appeared on Drakon's chest, black fire came out of the slash. He howled in pain and agony. "How? You didn't chant." "My dear duplicate, I have mastered the "Call" technique meaning I don't have to chant to say my spells." Darkon raised his hands up and mana energy concentrated around them. The energy enlarged and condensed. "Pool Of Solid Nightmares!" He sent it to Drakon who hastily dodged. It was a narrow escape and the spell touched the ground and exploded clearing a lot of buildings with it.

"Oops!" That was too much even if I dare to say so. "Truly bad, if that had touched me, I would have been left with nothing. This is really the original of us. My dark flame Manipulation Magic can't meet up with his dark magic.