
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Issue 16: Darkon Agrees To Fight

Darkon concluded the story and there was a few minutes of silence.

"Not a bad story…Mico." Agatha spoke admiringly. "There are still cool powers I haven't discovered in my magic, that is awesome, I will particularly like to learn portation and energy lance." Dim spoke like a baby and saw Agatha having a terrifying look on her face, he gulped. "Seriously Dim, will you ever grow, you still behave like a kid. You are now the Sorcerer Supremus." Darkon chuckled at the exchange of the duo. "Anyway, Mico will you help us fight the Drogs. Very soon they will appear in the royal city and Dim's energy barrier might not be able to hold them all off. The barrier might crack once their king comes with them." Agatha said in a concerned tone. "Your king did not allow it. He threatened to behead Dim if I am still around by tomorrow." Darkon replied in a tone suggesting he was helpless in the matter. Agatha stood from her chair and sighed sadly. "That fool will rather eat lead than allow help from us. He thinks he is so powerful to rule. If not for the Sorcerer Supremus who is the most respected person in the kingdom, does he think he has a chance on the throne.

Agatha sensed an evil aura outside, Dim and Darkon sensed it too. "I will fight the Drogs with you since my foolishness brought them. But before then let's go crush some menacing weaklings.

Agatha opened the door and the trio came out to a gathering of about one hundred individuals. There was a red x mark on each of their foreheads. "Their energy is weak except for that one, he must be the leader."

"My name is Zera and I am here for the dark dragon. Give him to us, he belongs to us, if not you lot will be destroyed, besides you are only three. We were asked not to fight but we can't promise anything." Agatha smirked evilly.

"You think you can just barge into enemy territory and claim what is not yours. On that note I will show you the hospitality of a host. Let me cook you up. Flame Manipulation Magic: Incendio bolt!"

A bolt of fire went straight and struck majority of the men and they fell down dead. The leader was shocked. He muttered a command and fifty of them surrounded Darkon creating a dome to trap him. He chuckled and activated his aura. His speed and strength doubled than it was. He increased it to half dragon state and he blitzed the fifty men without they even knowing what had happened. Twenty remained and still dashed to him. "You should have run when you had the chance but your luck has run out. Shadowmen." The men got to him but he warped space and the men found themselves surrounded with a dark liquid pulling them in. Hands were pulling them down amid yells, it cleared after taking the men. "Pathetic, if not that I felt like showing mercy y'all would have died a long time before the fight started." Darkon mocked.

The leader was shocked to the marrow of his bones as he saw his men beaten terribly. "Fine I will confess."

He was bound by Dim to prevent escape and he told them everything about the demon guild. He was put into prison alongside the others. "We have to watch out for them also, this would not be easy. But first we have to handle the Drogs before we focus on demons.