
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Issue 15: Darkon's Story Ends

The boys grew up and became men. Mico was now Darkon the dark dragon while Azrael was the youngest Sorcerer Supremus. Azrael was saddened by the path his best friend had trodden but still had hope for him. Darkon on the other hand was happy being the world's most cruel beast. When both men were twenty-five, the dragon's soul in Darkon went berserk. He became a gold skinned dragon with horns. He flew to the sky, this was at the nation's capital and opened his mouth spurting out dark flames. Buildings were destroyed, people were killed. There was a stampede as people fled for their lives and trampled upon one another. His mouth retracted and opened up and a giant ball of dark energy escaped from his mouth laying waste to the capital. There was only debris, dust and huge craters. The warlocks appeared and used their abilities against him but it was to no avail, they were no match for him. He was too powerful. He destroyed the hundred warlocks who attacked him.


A dark beam of energy concentrated in his mouth and he spat it out and a young man appeared, deflected the beam sending it back to him. The dragon howled in pain.

"You murderer, you killed my family, you murdered the love of my life."

Five days ago before dragon soul eruption….

Darkon went to a kingdom, in his human form. He marveled at the beauty of the kingdom. He encountered a family of three, a man, woman and a young lady who should be in his age bracket moving at his front. Something felt familiar about them. He decided to ignore them. His ears picked up a menacing sound and he turned back and didn't see the family again. He looked around and saw an alley. He edged closer to the alley and began to hear voices.

"Azrael will lose to us. By killing you his love and parents, he won't have reason not to do our biddings."

"No please, don't do this." A yell made Darkon increase his pace and when he got there he saw the man and woman dead, the murder weapon near them. Three men circling the lady. One pinned her down and stabbed her chest. The others looking on with evil smiles on their faces. He transformed into his dragon form and killed the men. "You are Azrael's girl. Am sorry I couldn't protect you, I am his long lost friend. I will find those who plotted this." Some people came to the alley and saw what happened. "Run! The dark dragon killed the Sorcerer Supremus' girl.

He ignored them and went to his kingdom to plan on what to do. In three days he found out what happened and killed all the men responsible for it. Unknown to him one of the men had run away and told Azrael that he killed the family and high officials.

Darkon calmed down and his face changed to that of Mico. "I did no such thing my friend." He explained what truly had happened. "I wanted to tell you but I chose to take the blame. Besides I want to apologize for taking to the dark side. Believe me I am really sorry. Now kill me before I am overtaken by this again."

A tear escaped Azrael's eyes. "Yes my friend, and with all my power, I will free you from it." He pointed his two hands towards Darkon. "Energy Manipulation Magic: Energy Lance." A spear consisting of energy magic tore through Darkon and he yelled in pain as his body began to shrivel and turned night black. "Portation!" Azrael chanted and the duo vanished to a canyon. "Absorbent blasts!" A hollow was formed in the earth by the blasts and the dragon got absorbed in it, chains held it down." "So long dear friend." Azrael died in the canyon.