
Dark Desires of the Whitebeard[ONE PIECE]

After the God Valley Incident, our protagonist assumes the mantle of Whitebeard with a sinister twist—he is driven by dark desires and a lewd nature that knows no bounds. With the power of Whitebeard at his command and a twisted Lust System fueling his ambitions, he embarks on a path of darkness and debauchery across the One Piece world. As he schemes and manipulates his way to dominance, his lustful whims become a force to be reckoned with, leaving a trail of destruction and desire in his wake.

FanficPhantom · Cómic
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7 Chs

Killing Oden

As Whitebeard stirred from his slumber, he found himself surrounded by the peaceful stillness of the morning. Gently shifting his gaze, he beheld the serene forms of Toki, Rika, Riya, and Siya, their bodies entwined in the aftermath of their passionate encounter.

Whitebeard smiled tenderly and watched them sleep, their breathing rhythmic and gentle as they savored the peace of the moment. In the hushed embrace of dawn, he felt a profound sense of contentment wash over him, a quiet warmth settling in his chest as he reflected on their bond.

As the days passed, Whitebeard's routine remained unchanged, revolving around the primal pleasures shared with his harem. Each day brought new moments of intimacy and passion as they surrendered themselves to the ecstasy of their union.

With each embrace, Whitebeard felt their connection deepen, their desires merging into a singular, harmonious rhythm. In the intimate moments they shared, he found solace and fulfillment, his heart swelling with a profound sense of belonging.

A week later,

As the ship neared the roaring cascade of Wano Island's waterfall, Whitebeard devised a clever strategy to overcome the daunting obstacle. Commanding two colossal fish from the depths below, he swiftly manipulated their memories, instilling in them a singular purpose: to aid in the ship's ascent.

With practiced skill, Whitebeard secured sturdy ropes around the massive creatures, their sleek forms brimming with newfound determination. With a nod of assurance, he directed the fish to position themselves at the ship's bow, ready to harness their immense strength.

As the mighty fish heeded his command, Whitebeard felt a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins. With a steady hand on the helm, he urged the creatures forward, their powerful strokes propelling the vessel against the relentless current.

With each powerful thrust, the ship surged ever closer to the towering crest of the waterfall, the thunderous roar of cascading water growing louder with each passing moment. Yet, guided by Whitebeard's unwavering resolve, the vessel continued its steady ascent, inching ever closer to the summit.

As the ship breached the tumultuous veil of water, a triumphant cheer erupted from the crew, their spirits buoyed by the exhilarating triumph.

With Toki perched eagerly on his shoulder, Whitebeard wasted no time as he made his way through the bustling streets of Wano's capital. The anticipation in Toki's eyes mirrored his excitement as they approached the imposing castle that would soon become their new stronghold.

With a determined stride, Whitebeard ascended the steps of the grand fortress, his presence commanding attention as he surveyed the surrounding landscape. With a glance at Toki, he could sense her anticipation and her eagerness to explore the mysteries of Wano alongside him.

As the guards stepped forward to block Whitebeard's path, their voices were tinged with suspicion, and he felt a surge of irritation coursing through him. With a swift and decisive motion, he dispatched them without hesitation, their bodies falling to the ground in a crumpled heap.

As the other guards rushed forward to defend their fallen comrades, Whitebeard unleashed his king's haki with a mighty roar. The sheer force of his willpower swept through the air like a tidal wave, overwhelming his adversaries with its raw power.

One by one, the guards fell to their knees, their minds clouded by the overwhelming pressure of Whitebeard's Haki. Unable to withstand the onslaught, they lay incapacitated on the ground, their wills broken by the sheer force of his presence.

As Oden's sudden attack caught Whitebeard off guard, his instincts kicked in, and he swiftly responded with a ferocious counterattack. With a primal roar, he unleashed the full might of his Devil Fruit abilities, combining the devastating power of his Hormone Fruit and Quake Fruit to overwhelm his opponent.

Despite Oden's formidable strength and skill, he was no match for the sheer force and relentless aggression of Whitebeard's onslaught. With each bone-crushing blow, Whitebeard pressed the advantage, his movements fueled by a primal instinct to kill at any cost.

Oden launched all of his killer attacks, but they were all blocked by Whitebeard.

Oden was still not in his strongest state, as he hadn't left Wano and had only fought weaker opponents than him.

As the battle raged on, the clash of titans echoed through the halls of the castle, the sound of metal against flesh reverberating with each strike. With a final, decisive blow, Whitebeard delivered a devastating blow that sent Oden reeling, his defenses shattered, and his fate sealed.

Oden: Damn it!!! Why is this beast so powerful? I am no match for him

With a grim determination, Whitebeard raised his weapon high, ready to deliver the final blow. In one swift motion, he brought it down with all his might, severing Oden's head from his body with a sickening crunch.

As the lifeless body of his opponent fell to the ground, Whitebeard stood victorious, his chest heaving with adrenaline coursing through his veins.

As Oden's trusted subordinates and Kozuki Sukiyaki launched their furious assault on Whitebeard, he stood his ground with a steely resolve. With a swift and calculated motion, he met their onslaught head-on, his movements fluid and precise as he effortlessly countered their every attack.

With a combination of raw strength and strategic prowess, Whitebeard swiftly turned the tide of battle in his favor. Despite their best efforts, Oden's loyal followers were no match for the overwhelming power and skill of the legendary pirate.

One by one, Whitebeard systematically defeated each of his adversaries, his blows landing with deadly accuracy as he incapacitated them with ruthless efficiency. With a single stroke of his blade, he dispatched them with a swift and decisive motion, their heads rolling to the ground in a grim testament to his dominance.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, only Kiku remained kneeling, looking at the monster standing in front of her.

Kiku trembled as she kneeled before the imposing figure of Whitebeard, her heart heavy with despair. "You monster," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the din of battle. "Kill me also. There is no point for me to live now."

Whitebeard's smile remained inscrutable as he lifted Kiku by her head, his actions swift and decisive. With a deft touch, he delved into the recesses of her mind, weaving his power through the intricate pathways of her memories.

In a matter of moments, Kiku's demeanor shifted, her trembling form now imbued with a sense of unwavering loyalty to Whitebeard. Her eyes, once filled with fear and despair, now sparkled with fervent devotion to her new master.

Though Whitebeard longed to alter Oden's memories as well, he knew the limits of his power. The Memory Fruit had yet to reach its full potential, leaving the memories of Oden and his legacy untouched by Whitebeard's influence.

Whitebeard's hand struck his own face with a resounding slap, and his expression contorted with frustration. "Damn it," he muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with regret. "I should have taken the memories of the ancient language from Kozuki Sukiyaki."

The realization hit him like a thunderbolt, the implications of his oversight sinking in with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. The ancient language held the key to unlocking the secrets of Wano and its storied history, and Whitebeard's failure to acquire it could prove to be a critical misstep in his quest for power and knowledge.

Whitebeard's frustration deepened as he grappled with the realization that Kozuki Sukiyaki's memories were now forever beyond his reach. Despite his formidable abilities, even Whitebeard was powerless to peer into the mind of a deceased individual.

A sly smile played across Whitebeard's lips as he contemplated the possibilities afforded to him by his hormone fruit. With a newfound sense of intrigue, he turned his gaze towards Kiku, his mind whirling with potential applications for his unique abilities.

"Kiku," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of mischief, "take me to the treasury of the castle."

Kiku blinked in surprise at the sudden request, but her newfound loyalty to Whitebeard compelled her to comply without question. With a nod of affirmation, she led the way through the labyrinthine halls of the castle, her steps guided by the unwavering command of her master.

As they approached the Treasury, Whitebeard's mind buzzed with excitement. With a mere thought, he could manipulate the hormones of those within, bending them to his will and shaping their desires to suit his ends with the help of hormone fruit.

Whitebeard's eyes narrowed as he caught sight of Orochi and his bodyguard in the act of pilfering the treasury. The audacity of their theft sparked a flicker of anger within him, but he remained calm and composed, his mind already devising a plan to deal with the situation.

Without a word, Whitebeard approached the duo, his presence towering and imposing. Orochi, sensing the threat, cowered behind his loyal bodyguard, a look of fear etched across his face.

"You dare to steal from me?" Whitebeard's voice rumbled with quiet authority, his gaze piercing through Orochi's feeble attempts to hide. "You have made a grave mistake."

Semimaru: Leave it, you intruder!! You can't break my barrier, no matter how much strength you apply.

Whitebeard's brow furrowed slightly as he regarded the bodyguard's smug demeanor. The mention of a barrier gave him pause, but he remained undeterred, his confidence unshaken by the bodyguard's taunts.

"Is that so?" Whitebeard replied, his voice calm and measured. "We'll see about that."

Whitebeard's eyes gleamed with determination as he unleashed the full force of his Devil Fruit abilities upon the barrier. With each mighty quake, cracks spiderwebbed across Semimaru's once-impenetrable defense, the strain of maintaining it evident in the beads of sweat that formed upon his brow.

As the barrier weakened under the relentless assault, Orochi's facade of confidence began to crumble. Fear flickered in his eyes, his bravado evaporating in the face of Whitebeard's overwhelming power.

"Impossible..." Orochi muttered, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "This... this can't be happening!"

But Whitebeard paid no heed to Orochi's protests, his focus unwavering as he continued to bombard the barrier with wave after wave of seismic force. With each successive strike, the cracks deepened, inching ever closer to the point of collapse.

And then, with a final, thunderous roar, the barrier shattered into a thousand fragments, crumbling away like sand beneath the relentless tide. Semimaru stumbled backward, his strength drained, while Orochi stared in disbelief at the scene before him.

Whitebeard chopped off the heads of both of them with his naginata.

Whitebeard's gaze hardened as he beheld the fallen form of Orochi, his adversary defeated but not yet eradicated. The knowledge of Orochi's multiple lives lingered in Whitebeard's mind, a reminder of the tenacity of his foe. But Whitebeard was not one to falter in the face of such challenges.

With a determined resolve, Whitebeard unleashed a barrage of devastating blows upon Orochi, each strike aimed at ensuring the complete annihilation of his enemy. Again and again, he rained down upon Orochi, the force of his attacks echoing through the chamber.

As Orochi lay motionless, his form battered and broken, Whitebeard knew that he could not leave anything to chance. With a heavy heart but a steely determination, he pressed on, delivering blow after blow until Orochi's eight lives were extinguished, one by one.


[Congratulations to the host for killing so many important characters.]

[The host receives 10 lottery coins.]

[7 from Oden's subordinates]

[1 from Sukiyaki]

[2 from Orochi and Semimaru]

Whitebeard's laughter echoed throughout the chamber as he crushed the ten lottery coins, each one representing a new opportunity to bolster his already formidable arsenal. With a sense of anticipation coursing through his veins, he eagerly reached for the lottery items, eager to see what fortune had bestowed upon him.

As he examined his prizes, a triumphant grin spread across Whitebeard's face. The Haki promotion card promised to elevate his mastery of observation, while the Devil Fruit slot offered the tantalizing possibility of acquiring yet another powerful ability. With two bloodline enhancement potions at his disposal, Whitebeard knew he could further augment his already formidable lineage.

The Fishmen bloodline potion intrigued him, offering the potential to unlock the hidden strengths of his aquatic ancestry. And with the devil fruit max potion, Whitebeard could push his existing abilities to their absolute limit, unlocking their full potential.

The pocket weather dial and bamboo copter provided invaluable tools for navigation and transportation, while the boxing skills max promised to refine his combat prowess to its peak. And with the pocket ship in his possession, Whitebeard knew he could traverse the seas with unparalleled speed and efficiency.

With his newfound treasures in hand, Whitebeard's determination burned brighter than ever.

With a decisive command, Whitebeard directed the system to utilize his newfound treasures to their fullest potential. The Fishmen bloodline potion and the two bloodline enhancement potions were swiftly employed, their energies merging to unlock the latent powers of both his buccaneer and Fishmen lineage. As the potent elixirs coursed through his veins, Whitebeard could feel his connection to the ocean deepening, his strength and resilience growing with each passing moment.

Next, the haki promotion card was invoked, its energies converging to elevate Whitebeard's mastery of observation haki to unparalleled heights. With a newfound clarity of perception, he could sense the subtlest movements of his surroundings, anticipating his enemies' every move before they even made them.

Finally, the Devil Fruit max card was activated, its power channeling into Whitebeard's phoenix fruit, pushing its abilities to their absolute limit. As the potent elixir took effect, Whitebeard could feel the flames of rebirth burning within him with an intensity he had never before experienced. His control over fire and regeneration reached new heights, rendering him truly unstoppable.

With his newfound enhancements in place, Whitebeard stood as a paragon of power, his might unmatched and his will unbreakable. With each passing moment, he grew stronger, more formidable, and more indomitable. He was Whitebeard, and nothing could stand in his way.

Whitebeard said, " System, show me the status."

As Whitebeard commanded, the system obediently presented his current status:


[Name: Edward Newgate]

[Bloodline: Giants, Ancient Fishmen]

[Special Physique: Blackbeard's, Steel Body, Mink Physique.]

[Devil Fruits: Quake Fruit [Max], Hormone Fruit [Awakened], Memory Fruit [85%], Phoenix Fruit [Max],_______.]

[Talent: Incredible Fertility, Super Digestion, Leader Aura, Fear Aura, Tremendous Strength, Super Haki Mastery, Underwater Breathing, Beauty Aura.]

[Skills: Boxing[Max],Cooking[Good].]


Armament: Max

Observation: Max

King's: Max]

[Storage: Pocket submarine, Murakumogiri, 9 Devil fruit boxes, Pocket ship, Bamboo copter, Weather dial, Famous Swords, Money, and Rare metals.]

Whitebeard chuckled at the thought, realizing the simplicity of his missed opportunity. Indeed, the notion of acquiring the buccaneer bloodline through an intimate encounter with a giant seemed much more straightforward than relying on potions. With a shake of his head, he made a mental note to keep such alternatives in mind for future enhancements.

Whitebeard nodded to himself, mentally cataloging the origins of his newfound enhancements. The two additional devil fruits likely stemmed from Oden's treasury, a fitting reward for his conquest of Wano. The enhanced mink physique, derived from his intimate encounters with Riya and Siya, offered a testament to the pleasures and benefits of his harem. The captivating beauty aura, courtesy of Toki, and the refined cooking skills, imparted by Rika, were further reminders of the unique talents and contributions each member of his harem brought to the table. With each enhancement, Whitebeard's power and influence only grew, solidifying his position as the absolute force to be reckoned with on the high seas.