
Dark Desires of the Whitebeard[ONE PIECE]

After the God Valley Incident, our protagonist assumes the mantle of Whitebeard with a sinister twist—he is driven by dark desires and a lewd nature that knows no bounds. With the power of Whitebeard at his command and a twisted Lust System fueling his ambitions, he embarks on a path of darkness and debauchery across the One Piece world. As he schemes and manipulates his way to dominance, his lustful whims become a force to be reckoned with, leaving a trail of destruction and desire in his wake.

FanficPhantom · Cómic
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7 Chs

Filling Devil Fruit Slots

As news of Whitebeard's survival spread across the world, a sense of despair gripped the hearts of many. The mere mention of his name struck fear into the hearts of both pirates and civilians alike. At the naval headquarters, Garp, Sengoku, and Zephyr stood resolute, facing the daunting task ahead.

Kong, the commander of the Marines, addressed them with a grim expression, acknowledging the immense challenge they faced in confronting Whitebeard. With his unparalleled strength and the potential alliance with Big Mom, the prospect of taking him down seemed insurmountable.

Meanwhile, at Mary Geoise, the Five Elders bowed before the enigmatic figure seated upon the throne—Imu, the king of the world. Despite the looming threat posed by Whitebeard's resurgence, Imu remained unperturbed. He reassured the elders that Whitebeard's power did not stem from the coveted "D" bloodline, alleviating their fears to some extent.

However, even as they sought solace in Imu's words, the looming presence of Whitebeard cast a shadow over the world, leaving uncertainty and unease in its wake. With the balance of power shifting and alliances forming, the stage was set for a clash of titans that would shape the course of history.

As Whitebeard and Charlotte continued their passionate union on Whole Cake Island, the intensity of their encounter grew with each passing moment. Charlotte, once a formidable figure in her own right, now finds herself yielding to the overwhelming power and charisma of Whitebeard.

With each thrust, their bodies moved in perfect harmony, the heat of their passion igniting a fire that consumed them both. As they explored the depths of ecstasy together, Charlotte found herself surrendering to the raw power of Whitebeard, her form melding and shaping to his desires.

Under the relentless assault of his passion, Charlotte's very being seemed to warp and twist, taking on the form of the legendary pirate before her. In the throes of their intimacy, she became a reflection of his strength and dominance, her identity merging with his in a symphony of desire and pleasure.

With a satisfied smile, Whitebeard accepted the devil fruit chest from Charlotte, listening intently as she explained its contents. As she revealed that the mythical beast species had already been claimed by Shiki and John, leaving only the memory fruit for her to obtain, Whitebeard's grin widened.

The memory fruit held immense potential, offering the ability to manipulate and alter memories—a power that could prove invaluable in his quest for dominance over the seas. With a swift motion, he tucked the devil fruit into his pocket, knowing that its abilities would serve him well in the battles to come.

With his newfound prize secured, Whitebeard turned his attention to the future, his mind already racing with plans and strategies. With the memory fruit in his possession, he knew that he held a powerful weapon—one that would tip the scales of power in his favor and solidify his status as the strongest pirate in the world.

As Whitebeard retreated to the privacy of the bathroom, he wasted no time in consuming the memory fruit he had obtained from Charlotte. With a determined resolve, he bit into the fruit, savoring its unique taste as its powers surged through his veins.

As he swallowed the last morsel, a surge of energy coursed through him, filling him with newfound strength and clarity of mind. With the memory fruit now a part of him, Whitebeard felt the surge of its abilities awakening within him, ready to be unleashed upon the world.

Devil Fruit Name: Memory-Memory Fruit (Kioku Kioku no Mi)

Type: Paramecia

Description: The Memory-Memory Fruit grants the user the ability to manipulate memories, both their own and those of others.


Memory Alteration: The user can alter memories, either by erasing specific memories or implanting false ones. This ability allows them to manipulate others' perceptions and beliefs, potentially influencing their actions and decisions.

Memory Extraction: The user can extract memories from individuals, allowing them to access and view past events as if they were reliving them. This ability can be used for information gathering or to uncover hidden truths.

Memory Projection: The user can project memories onto surfaces or into the minds of others, allowing them to share memories or experiences with others.

Memory Enhancement: The user can enhance their memory capacity, allowing them to retain vast amounts of information and recall details with perfect clarity.

As Whitebeard prepared to depart, he turned to Charlotte, seeking assistance in bolstering his crew. Recognizing the opportunity to keep a close watch on him, Charlotte readily agreed, offering some members of the Big Mom Pirates to accompany him on his journey.

Whitebeard's journey was interrupted by a surge of memories flooding his mind, thanks to the enhanced abilities granted by the memory fruit he had consumed. Among the life cards he possessed, notably that of John, the most cunning one on the Rock's ship, this realization fueled his determination as he sailed towards his destination.

Upon reaching an island, Whitebeard was met with a troubling sight—John's ship, along with several others, was anchored at the shore. Urgency gripped him as he swiftly made his way onto the island, guided by his keen observation haki to John's location. There, he found his former comrade on the verge of death, betrayed by his crew.

Delving into John's memories using his newfound abilities, Whitebeard uncovered a shocking truth. John had not only stolen a devil fruit but had also made off with the treasures belonging to the Rocks Pirates, as well as those hidden on a nearby island.

With a cold determination, Whitebeard swiftly brought an end to John's suffering, his actions fueled by a deep-seated hatred stemming from past betrayals. Without a hint of hesitation or remorse, he dispatched his former comrade and turned his attention to the task at hand: retrieving the stolen treasures hidden on the nearby island.


[The host is rewarded with a coin.]

With a determined resolve, Whitebeard crushed the lottery coin and claimed a pair of extraordinary clothing and shoes. These garments were not only durable but also possessed the remarkable ability to change according to the wearer's will. Donning his new attire, Whitebeard prepared himself for the task ahead.

Guided by his enhanced memories, Whitebeard swiftly located the hidden treasure. As he approached, his eyes widened in awe at the sight before him—a vast hoard of rare metals, stacks of gold, and a mountain of diamonds. Among the dazzling gems lay eight chests, each containing a devil fruit.

With a sense of anticipation, Whitebeard seized upon one of the chests, knowing it contained the mythical beast species phoenix fruit—the very prize he sought. Without hesitation, he consumed the fruit, feeling its power surge through his veins.

With the phoenix fruit's abilities now his own, Whitebeard turned his attention to the remaining treasures. Using his system's storage capabilities, he meticulously stored away every last piece of wealth, ensuring that none would go to waste.

surge of strength and confidence. The flames of the mythical beast species enveloped him, instilling him with a sense of invincibility. As he stood amidst the riches he had claimed, a newfound aura of power radiated from him, exuding an undeniable presence that commanded respect and fear.

With each beat of his phoenix-fueled heart, Whitebeard felt as though he could challenge even the mightiest of foes. The thought of facing the Five Elders, once daunting, now seemed like a trivial obstacle in his path. With his enhanced abilities and unwavering determination, he believed he could stand toe-to-toe with them and emerge victorious.

At this moment, Whitebeard realized that he had transcended his former self. With the strength of the phoenix at his command, he was no longer bound by the limitations of mortality. He had ascended to a level of power that rivaled even the legendary Rocks at his peak.

Devil Fruit: Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix (Bird-Bird Fruit, Mythical Model: Phoenix)

Type: Mythical Zoan


Flight: The user gains the ability to transform into a majestic phoenix, granting them the power of flight. They can soar through the skies with incredible speed and agility, making them difficult to track and allowing them to traverse great distances effortlessly.

Regeneration: One of the most iconic abilities of the phoenix is its ability to regenerate from injury and even death. The user of the Phoenix Fruit would possess enhanced regenerative capabilities, allowing them to heal from wounds at an accelerated rate. In extreme cases, they may even be able to resurrect themselves from the ashes if killed.

Fire Manipulation: The user can generate and control flames, harnessing the power of fire in combat. They can unleash devastating fire-based attacks, such as fireballs, streams of flame, or engulfing opponents in fiery infernos. This ability could also be used for utility purposes, such as providing warmth or igniting objects.

Enhanced Strength and Durability: In their phoenix form, the user gains enhanced physical strength and durability, allowing them to deliver powerful strikes and withstand attacks with ease. Their talons and beaks become formidable weapons in close combat, capable of tearing through even the toughest opponents.

Healing Aura: The user emits a healing aura in their phoenix form, which can rejuvenate and revitalize allies in their vicinity. This aura can accelerate the healing process for injuries and ailments, providing support to allies during battles or emergencies.

Resurrection: As a last resort, the user may possess the ability to undergo a form of resurrection upon death. If killed in their phoenix form, they may be able to rise from their ashes in a renewed state, ready to continue the fight with renewed vigor.

With the aid of his enhanced memory from the memory fruit, Whitebeard swiftly located a place mentioned in Rocks' memories—a hidden ancient library filled with the knowledge of hormones. As he ventured into the depths of the library, he found himself surrounded by centuries of accumulated wisdom.

Drawing upon the vast resources available to him, Whitebeard meticulously studied the intricacies of hormone manipulation, absorbing every detail with unwavering focus. With the memory fruit augmenting his learning capabilities, he quickly mastered the techniques necessary to enhance his hormone fruit to its fullest potential.

Utilizing the advanced facilities within the library's accompanying laboratory, Whitebeard began the process of refining his abilities. With precision and determination, he manipulated the very essence of his devil fruit, unlocking new levels of power previously unattainable.

As he delved deeper into his research, Whitebeard's understanding of his devil fruit expanded exponentially. With each experiment and discovery, he grew more confident in his abilities, knowing that he was on the cusp of unlocking untold potential.

With his hormone fruit now enhanced to its maximum capacity, Whitebeard stood as a formidable force to be reckoned with. Armed with the combined knowledge of centuries past and the power of his enhanced devil fruit, he was prepared to face any challenge that lay ahead, ready to carve his destiny in the annals of history.

Emerging from the lab, Whitebeard's demeanor radiated newfound confidence and power. With the knowledge of the ancient library firmly implanted in his mind, he wasted no time in obliterating the facility and all its contents. After all, he had already absorbed every bit of information it held, making it redundant in his eyes.

As he rejoined his crew, Whitebeard's thoughts turned to the passage of time. It had taken him four years to maximize the potential of his hormone fruit, leaving six years until the scheduled execution of Roger. With this revelation, Whitebeard couldn't help but marvel at the vast opportunities that lay before him.

Turning his attention to his panel, Whitebeard's eyes scanned the information before him. With his enhanced abilities and newfound strength, he was poised to make his mark on the world in ways he had never imagined. With the countdown to Roger's execution ticking away, Whitebeard knew that the time for action was upon him.


[Name: Edward Newgate]

[Bloodline: Buccaneers]

[Special Physique: Blackbeard's]

[Devil Fruit: Quake Fruit [Max], Hormone Fruit [Awakened], Memory Fruit [80%], Phoenix Fruit [20%].]

[Talent: Incredible Fertility, Super Digestion, Steel Body, Leader Aura, Fear Aura, Tremendous Strength, Super Haki Mastery.]


Armament: Max

Observation: Top

King's: Max]

[Storage: Pocket submarine, Murakumogiri, Rare minerals and metals, 7 Devil fruit boxes]

With the flames of the phoenix fruit coursing through his veins, Whitebeard felt an unprecedented surge of power emanating from within him. As he witnessed the manifestation of his enhanced King's Haki, a realization dawned upon him—his consumption of the phoenix fruit had likely maximized his mastery of this legendary ability.

With a sense of certainty, Whitebeard recognized that the potent energy of the phoenix had augmented not only his physical prowess but also his spiritual strength. The flames of the mythical beast species had ignited a blazing inferno within him, fueling the intensity of his king's haki to its peak potential.

With each pulse of his indomitable will, Whitebeard could feel the aura of his king's haki expanding, exerting an overwhelming pressure that commanded the respect and obedience of all those around him. At this moment, he understood that he had ascended to a level of power beyond compare—a force to be reckoned with in the tumultuous seas of the New World.

With his understanding of his abilities clarified, Whitebeard set his sights on further honing his skills. He recognized that while his memory fruit and phoenix fruit could be enhanced through experience and awakening, his observation haki required intense battles to reach its full potential.

With a determined resolve, Whitebeard charted a course towards Wano Island, his next destination. 

As his ship cut through the waves, Whitebeard steeled himself for the trials that awaited him. With each passing moment, he grew more determined to push his limits and unlock the true extent of his abilities.