
Chapter 137

Explosive Strength was a vastly superior form of Berserk. No side effects, only draining Stamina while giving significant boosts. If put into potion form, it would certainly shake the entire market! 

Well, this at least explained why Adept fighters were just as feared as Adept mages. That wasn't even accounting for the fact that Adept fighters could have their three physical stats cross over the 50 point threshold. 

Since the basic ability for reaching Adept-stage Strength was a free and overpowered Berserk ability, what about the ones for Agility and Endurance? 

Darius guessed that Agility would either grant one something like Rapid Movement or maybe Sleight of Hand. 

He was willing to bet that for Endurance it would result in an elementless shield or possibly increased regeneration. Whatever the case, Darius would find out in due time.