
Danmachi: The Blade-Bound

Awakening with a mind as blank as a freshly forged blade, a nameless boy finds himself thrust into the labyrinth world of Orario. With no recollection of his past, his only anchor is an inexplicable affinity for swords. In a realm ruled by gods and where strength is paramount, the amnesiac swordsman must forge a new identity. Surrounded by the allure of adventure and the shadow of danger, he embarks on a perilous journey of self-discovery, his blade the only constant in a world teeming with both opportunity and deadly challenges. Can he uncover the secrets of his past while carving out a future in the treacherous depths of the dungeon?

Leip0t · Cómic
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28 Chs

Birthday Quest <2>

The chase stretched into an eternity, or at least that's what it felt like to Zephyr. The cavern, once a dazzling spectacle, now blurred into a monotonous backdrop of shimmering crystals and frantic movement. His lungs burned, legs ached, but a flicker of determination kept him pushing forward. He could hear the wyvern close behind, its enraged screeches echoing through the cavern.

Finally, a surge of relief flooded him. There it was, the treacherous ledge he'd spotted earlier! A jagged outcropping slick with moisture, overlooking a yawning chasm that seemed to swallow the light itself. This was it. His gamble.

He skidded to a halt just before the ledge, the wyvern screeching in frustration as it overshot him slightly. Turning on his heels, Zephyr faced the enraged beast, a manic glint in his eyes. "Come on, you oversized lizard!" he yelled, his voice surprisingly steady despite the tremor in his legs. "Let's see who has the better view!"

The wyvern, momentarily confused by the sudden shift in tactics, hesitated. But the primal urge to hunt overwhelmed its momentary curiosity. With a thunderous roar, it launched itself towards Zephyr, its massive wings churning the air.

A desperate grin split Zephyr's face. This was it. Now! He darted towards the edge of the ledge, the wyvern hot on his tail. Just as the beast's snapping jaws threatened to engulf him, Zephyr leaped. He didn't jump for the opposite ledge – that would be suicide. Instead, he flung himself sideways, clinging precariously to a jutting rock face just beside the chasm.

The wyvern, its momentum carrying it forward, couldn't adjust its trajectory in time. With a deafening bellow, it overshot the ledge entirely, its massive body hurtling towards the abyss below. Zephyr, hanging precariously from the rock face, watched in a mixture of terror and awe as the wyvern disappeared into the endless darkness, its enraged screeches swallowed by the cavern's silence.

For a long moment, Zephyr clung to the rock, his heart hammering against his ribs. Only then did he allow himself to sag against the rough surface, his breath coming out in ragged gasps. He had survived. He had outsmarted the monstrous beast.

The silence that descended upon the cavern felt heavy, broken only by Zephyr's ragged breaths. Relief washed over him, a wave that threatened to drown him. He had cheated death, outsmarted a creature of myth. But the euphoria was short-lived. This wasn't over.

His gaze darted towards the chasm, where the wyvern had vanished. A tremor of fear ran down his spine. He knew, with a chilling certainty, that the beast wouldn't stay vanquished forever. It was smart, that much was clear from the way it had followed his taunts. It would return, its rage intensified by its humiliation.

He needed a new plan, and fast. His eyes flickered towards the shimmering vein of diamonds, a breathtaking sight even in the aftermath of his harrowing escape. Bell's birthday gift was within reach, but greed seemed petty now, dwarfed by the need for survival.

He scrambled back onto the ledge, ignoring the screaming protest of his muscles. Every second counted. He wouldn't take a cartload of gems, just enough to fill his pockets and maybe a pouch he could fashion from his shirt. Speed was paramount.

With trembling hands, he pried loose a handful of the largest diamonds, their brilliance a stark contrast to the sweat beading on his forehead. The pouch, hastily ripped from his shirt, bulged with the precious stones. It wasn't much, but it would have to do.

A guttural roar echoed from the distance, sending shivers down his spine. The wyvern was back. It had found another route, its fury undimmed. There was no time for hesitation. He shoved the pouch into his makeshift bag and with a final glance at the glistening treasure trove, turned and sprinted.

The chase would resume, but this time, Zephyr wouldn't be running aimlessly. He had a plan, a desperate gamble born from necessity. He needed to find an escape route, a way out of this subterranean prison before the wyvern's vengeance claimed him. The adrenaline surged anew, fueling his desperate sprint. He was Zephyr Bladehart, and he wouldn't give up. The fate of his birthday gift, and maybe even his own life, hung in the balance.

Despair threatened to engulf Zephyr. He had pushed himself to the limit, his lungs burning, legs threatening to give way. Yet, there it was – the exit, a beacon of hope framed by the welcome sunlight. But that sliver of hope curdled in his stomach as he saw the wyvern perched regally at the cave entrance.

The monstrous beast wasn't merely blocking the exit; it seemed to be toying with him. A guttural sound, somewhere between a cackle and a roar, erupted from its throat, a sound that sent shivers down Zephyr's spine. It was a sound of mocking amusement, of a predator savoring the final moments of its prey.

Zephyr gritted his teeth, a surge of defiance battling the rising tide of fear. He wouldn't go down without a fight. He wouldn't let this overgrown lizard ruin Bell's birthday, or claim his own life within sight of freedom. His gaze darted around the cavern entrance, searching for anything, anything that could give him an edge.

His eyes landed on the discarded pouch, lying forgotten on the cave floor. The pouch filled with diamonds, a symbol of his greed moments ago, now held a glimmer of possibility. An idea, desperate and risky, flickered in his mind. This wouldn't be a fight of brute strength, but of cunning and maybe, just maybe, a little bit of luck. A slow, dangerous smile crept across Zephyr's face. The wyvern might have the upper hand, but Zephyr Bladehart wasn't done yet. The game was on.

Tension crackled in the air, thick enough to choke on. Zephyr and the wyvern, predator and prey in a twisted reversal of roles, locked eyes. In that shared gaze burned a primal understanding – this was a fight for survival.

The wyvern wasn't known for its patience. With a thunderous bellow, it launched itself towards Zephyr, its massive claws extended. Zephyr, however, wasn't about to be a sitting duck. He sidestepped the attack with surprising agility, his body momentarily cloaked in the same ethereal blue light that formed his sword. It was a fleeting glimpse, a hint of a power he barely understood.

The wyvern screeched in frustration, its momentum carrying it past Zephyr and slamming it against the cave wall. Dust rained down, momentarily obscuring the beast's form.

Zephyr seized the opportunity. He lunged for the pouch lying forgotten on the ground, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs.

Scooping it up, he ripped open the makeshift bag, showering the cavern entrance with a dazzling cascade of diamonds. The gems, once a symbol of greed, now became his weapon. The wyvern, momentarily blinded by the glittering rain, roared in fury. Disoriented and enraged, it thrashed its head, its massive wings whipping the air.

A desperate plan clawed its way to the forefront of Zephyr's mind. With the last dregs of his aura, the ethereal blue energy that pulsed within him, he focused. In his hand materialized not a sword, but a shimmering bow, crafted from the same energy. This wasn't the time for close combat. He needed distance, a distraction.

He aimed the bow not at the wyvern, but at the cavern roof, directly above the enraged beast. With a deep breath, he poured every ounce of remaining energy into the shot. A blinding beam of azure light erupted from the bowstring, striking the cavern ceiling with a deafening crack.

The wyvern, momentarily distracted by the sudden burst of light, didn't react in time. A cascade of rocks and debris rained down from the fractured ceiling, a deadly shower aimed straight at the beast. A thunderous roar, filled with a mixture of pain and rage, erupted from the wyvern as it tried to evade the onslaught. But it was too late.

The debris crashed down, burying the monstrous creature beneath a mountain of rock. Silence descended upon the cavern, broken only by Zephyr's ragged breaths. Slowly, he lowered the shimmering bow, his entire body trembling with exhaustion. He had done it. He had outsmarted the wyvern, defeated it with his cunning and a desperate gamble.

Relief washed over him, a wave so powerful it threatened to sweep him off his feet. He had a few diamonds left, he managed to keep the colossal diamond safe, a testament to his near-death experience, but more importantly, he had survived. He had emerged from the cave a victor, battered but unbroken.

As the last rays of sunlight streamed through the cave entrance, casting long shadows upon the cavern walls, Zephyr knew this was just the beginning. The mystery of his past, the reason for his strange abilities, remained shrouded in darkness. But one thing was certain – Zephyr Bladehart, the boy with the mysterious past and the unwavering spirit, had taken his first step onto the path of a hero. His journey, filled with danger and wonder, had just begun.

———[Chapter End]———

A/N: Was the showdown good? In my opinion I did a pretty good job.

Also, double chapters, revenge against Cliffhanger-kun

Drop some stones along the way~