Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.
A/N: I'm back!
Just like I said I would be.
Sorry it took so long I had issues with my computer. But I am here!
Now without further ado, the chapter
Leaning my on the chair in my office I resisted the urge to use my fingers to rub my temples.
While staring directly at Sasaki.
Who is inadvertently the cause the massive headache I have right now.
To think the new familia member we just accepted had his original familia destroyed by Kaguya's family.
Talk about a messed up coincidence.
What makes it worse is that I understand where Sasaki is coming from.
If I ran into a person from an organization that destroyed what was basically my family I would be angry and want revenge just like him.
But on the other side there is Kaguya. Who has been a close friend and ally to me for years. Not to mention the reason she left the Far East in the first place is because she didn't get along with her family.
So yeah, it's complicated.
Which is why my head is pounding right now.
'This day can't end soon enough.' I thought.
Just as I did so the door to my office opened.
Looking in its direction I saw Athena enter.
Followed by Astraea, Alise, and Neze.
Once they were inside Diluc closed the door behind him.
Since I have him standing guard outside. Along with Millhiore.
After what we are calling the "incident" took place in the living room those of us present moved quickly to separate Sasaki from Kaguya and Rogue.
Since if we left things as they were I'm sure Sasaki would've gotten killed. Either by attacking Kaguya again in anger, or Rogue murdering him for attacking his girlfriend.
Though if someone attacked Ryuu, Shakti, or Rose in front of me I would be ready to kill said individual like I saw Rogue was.
So that's why we handled the matter as quickly as we could.
We then called for the others, and then sent one of them to get Astraea and inform her familia of the situation.
Now here we are.
Astraea directed her gaze to Sasaki.
"So, you are the one who attacked my child." She stated.
"I am." Sasaki admitted without hesitation.
"Although I heard the reasons behind why you did so I must tell you that you are mistaken about Kaguya. Yes, she is a part of the Gojou family. But she has not been affiliated with them for years. She bears no ill will against you. So I ask that you give the same in return." Astraea spoke.
"I am sorry but I cannot. I am honor bound to avenge my comrades and eliminate the Gojou." Sasaki spoke.
As he did so I resisted the urge to facepalm.
Looks like we're doing this the hard way.
"Hey, get this through your thick head. Kaguya's name now is Gojouno, not Gojou. She changed and is not part of that family anymore." Alise spoke.
"Even so, their blood still runs through her veins." Sasaki said. "Even if she has done a few good deeds that won't erase the blood and darkness her family lives in." He said.
"Why you!" Alise shouted.
She then moved over to Sasaki and lifted him into the air by the scruff of his collar, an angry expression on her face.
'Sasaki, what are you doing?' I thought.
You are never ever supposed to make Alise truly angry.
Bad things happen when you do.
I've seen it with my own eyes.
"Alise, release him!" Astraea said.
"I can't. Not when he's sitting here badmouthing Kaguya and blaming her for her families actions for no good reason, other than that they share blood." Alise retorted.
"Oh, do you think your friend is so innocent?" Sasaki questioned. "Well I'm certain she's not. I wonder how many dark things she has done in the name of justice and order?" He spat.
Which only made Alise angrier.
As the situation continued to devolve I got up and prepared to intervene.
Only for my office door to be thrown open and Kaguya to enter, Rogue right behind her.
Which will either make the current situation get even worse, or hopefully get better.
"Alise, let him go." Kaguya spoke.
"I can't. Not when he's sitting her blaming you for things we haven't done." Alise retorted.
Kaguya gave her a gentle smile after she did. "Thank you for sticking up for me. But I need to handle this myself. So please, put him down."
"Fine." Alise said.
She then threw Sasaki onto the couch.
Once Alise did this he turned to look Kaguya directly in the eyes.
As the two stared each other down I looked at Rogue and prepared to move, just in case he tried anything.
Diluc and Millhiore who are observing the situation from outside the room are doing the same thing.
Since again, I don't want a blood bath.
"Sasaki Koujiro. I challenge you to an honor duel." Kaguya spoke.
"Are you messing with me?" He asked her.
"Not a all. I'm serious." Kaguya said.
"She speaks the truth." Astraea said.
"Yes, she is not lying." Athena added.
"I see." Sasaki said. "But how do I know you will abide by the rules?"
"You don't. You'll just have to trust me." Kaguya replied.
"I see." Sasaki said. "Fine then. I accept your challenge."
"The terms." Kaguya said.
"If I win you are tell all of your allies and friends about your deeds during the time wit the Gojou clan before taking your own life." Sasaki explained.
'Oi, that's too dark!' I thought. 'Also, Sasaki, shut up! Rogue is seriously going to kill you!' I thought.
But looking at him I noticed he hasn't move at all. Despite the completely dark look he is giving Sasaki, with a nasty black aura leaking out of his body.
"Fine then. But if I win you will stop trying to kill me." Kaguya spoke.
"Agreed." Sasaki said.
"Agreed." Kaguya said.
"Wait, wait, wait, will someone explain what is happening here?" Alise asked.
"An honor duel. It is a sacred and ancient tradition and our homeland of the Far East." Sasaki said. "It's a mock battle, where the victor is able to demand anything of the loser. So long as the terms were agreed to before the match."
"Kaguya, what are you doing?" Neze asked.
"Yes, you can't be taking things this far." Alise said.
But Kaguya simply gave them a steadfast look.
"I see you won't be backing down from this." Astraea spoke.
"No, I won't. Sorry mother." Kaguya said.
"No need to apologize." Astraea said.
"Yep, no need. This is exactly what needs to happen." Athena spoke up. "On that note, shall we go and get this honor duel over with?"
Kaguya and Sasaki nodded their heads in agreement with Athena's words.
Once they did so we all left my office.
As I closed the door I hoped neither Kaguya or Sasaki died in this honor duel.
Since the former is a good friend, and the latter I feel like would be a great addition to my familia.