
Dancer Behind The Camera

Bonnie Mitchell gets accepted into the Maryland's School of the Arts because of her exceptional photography skills and experience on the violin. She carries a camera wherever she goes looking for anything that catches her eye. Most of the pictures and videos are of dancers she runs into. She loves watching the yeah they glide around on the floor with no care in the world. Secretly when nobody is around she will dance till her heart's content and just let herself be free. Nobody knows about that not even her own father. What happens when she runs into a cute curly haired dancer and a girl named Andie at this new school? Will she finally dancer in front of people? Is she going to fall in love? Read to find out.

Enchanted_Bunny333 · Película
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

It was now lunch time and I kind of felt bad about. This morning I barely spoke to Moose after what happened in the hallway. Its not that I'm mad about him asking its just i'm worried if I say anything I will start crying and thats not a very good impression.

   After grabbing some food I looked around for somewhere to eat. The only place was by a girl in a red tank top. I saw her in my last class. I wonder if she will allow me to sit next to her. I took a deep breath and walked over.

"Hello, I'm Bonnie Mitchell. I'm new here. Do you mind if I sit by you?" I asked giving her a nervous smile feeling her heavy gaze. She flashed me a small smile. It wasn't the happiest one, but it showed some kindness.

"Sup I'm Andie. I'm new too. Uh... Whats with the camera getup?" She replied scooting over so I can sit next to her and pointing to my Camera. I sat down thanking her.

"I take photography, its one of my talents. Oh! I just remembered. The front desk said something about an Andie West. That was you right?" I took a bite of the food and made a disgusted look before pushing it away. Andie started laughing and nodded.

"Yeah, thats me." She said throwing my food away for me. I thanked her, but then a sudden voice spoke up from behind us.

"Hey, you guys are in my seat." I swear I jumped six feet in the air. Why was that voice familiar though? I turned and saw that it was Moose who was now laughing at me scared face. I glared at him as he walked to the other side of the table.

"I'm kidding... You guys are sitting in my seat, but its okay. How did you like your classes so far Bunny?" He said making me blush. He is seriously going to continue to call me that? 

"Um.. They were alright, Photography was fun though. I have an assignment to take pictures of something that really inspires me. Its due in a month and we are going to talk more about it tomorrow." I said actually pretty excited about this assignment. Moose nodded and turned to Andie and spoke once more.

"I'm Robert Alexander The Third, but you can call me Moose." Andie first bumped him and introduced herself as well.

"No, no. It's like this. fist bump. Blow it up." He instructed her like he did to me this morning. She gave him a judging look but did it anyways. "Now pull it back like that. Ahh." He said making Andie give an almost annoyed tone.

"Yep. Okay." She said as Moose opened his drinking. 

"Thats mine so, shh." He answered as he put a finger to his lips and a strange girl came over dumping her soda in the trashcan that was near us. We all looked at her in silence until she walked away.

"You guys are not going to eat?" Moose asked pointing the empty table space in front of us. I made another disgusted face at just the thought of eating that.

"You call this food!?" Me and Andie replied at the same time. Moose just laughed and grabbed his hotdog before saying.

"Tofu dogs! Are both nutritious and delicious!" He shouted kind of loud before bitting into it and getting mustard all over his mouth. He didn't seem to notice either because then he started singing. 

"Tastes like candy canes at christmaasss~." I burst out laughing and grabbed my camera to take a picture of the scene in front of me. Andie laughed a bit too making Moose super confused and look at my camera.

"What?" Andie just shook her head chuckling some more before standing up and saying.

"You've got crap on your face." I grabbed a napkin and wiped his face leaning a crossed the table. 

"Oh. Thanks." He said blushing and smiling before taking the napkin out of my hand and throwing it away. I realized what I had just done and stood up quickly with my face turning a light shade of pink like his did. Andie was just smirking at me before she walked off. Moose and I followed after her.

"I told you we could help each other out." Moose said stopping Andie from walking any further. She then spoke.

"What makes you think I need help?" Moose took Andie's schedule and flipped it around to where it was no longer upside down before giving it back to her then threw an arm around our shoulders.

"See you do. I'm already supposed to give Bunny a tour of the school, I can give you one too. I know everything that goes on around here. Who's dating, who's hating. What's up Dan? What's up Gator?" Moose asked two boys that walked past us. They just looked at him in confusion while one of them said.

"Who's that?" He probably didn't really know anyone and just says he does to look cool. "See you later guys." Moose told them while walking off. I rolled my eyes and giggled at his antics. 

   We walked further into the school with Moose explaining every room and talking about the high school drama that goes on. I noticed Andie slip through the crowd to get away and decided to follow her. I lost her after being pushed into a locker and dropping all of my stuff. I heard a male laugh and looked up to see a boy with black hair and blue eyes. He had a smug look on his face before saying.

"Watch where you are going next time, Newbie! otherwise next time, it wont be just a shove!!" Moose came out of nowhere. Literally. Where did he come from?

"Say sorry to her now, Alex." Moose said as I started picking up my stuff. I was shocked by his tone. He didn't seem like the type to stand up to bullies. Seeing Moose mad was shocking since he was so cheerful all day. Alex just glared at him and walked over to me.

"Okay I'll say sorry." He said before knocking my things out of my hands and onto the floor again. I gasped and had the urge to smack this boy, but thought against it. "Not! I wouldn't listen to a nerd like you! Why don't you go back to your lights behind the stage." Alex replied before shoving his way through the crowd. I frowned as Moose started picking up my things.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked handing me, my stuff. I gave him a smile before taking my stuff from him.

"I'm okay, nothing I can't handle. Thank you for standing up for me." I said putting my books and writing journals into my bag so they wouldn't drop again. 

"It's no problem. I was worried when you and Andie disappeared so I went looking for you two. Only to see that which kind of made me ma-." He stopped talking as soon as I hugged him. He slowly hugged back and I smiled up at him. 

"It's okay. I promise, now lets go find Andie." He smiled and nodded. I was glad his smile was back. 

"Okay." He answered as I just lead the way aimlessly. We stumbled a crossed her talking to a blonde pretty boy.

"Andie!!" Moose and I shouted at the same time while running up to her. He rolled her eyes at the sight of Moose. He really annoys her huh?

"Where have you been?" Moose questioned with a smile right before I spoke. "We've been looking for you everywhere." The blonde boy looked at us.

"Chase." Moose said shocked. So this is his name. Even if nobody knew of Moose he sure as hell new of everyone else.

"Hey." Chase said in a tone I couldn't quite describe.

"How have you been?" Moose asked being his friendly self the only difference is Chase seemed to know him unlike the others.

"Good. So you guys friends?" Chase replied haft-heartedly to Moose and directed the last part to Andie. Jealousy! Thats what is in his tone. Andie seemed to notice too because she smirked a looked at Moose.

"Oh yeah, we go way back." She said warping an arm around him, making me snicker quietly at Chases face. I decided to pitch in.

"Yeah and they are actually late for a little something so...." Andie nodded in agreement while Moose gave a confused look.

"We are?" He asked. He is ruining it, cant he see we are just messing with Chase? Obviously not.

"Yeah, that thing you told me?" Andie said trying to get him to play along, but he still didn't get it.

"I didn't tell you anything." Moose replied making me stop myself from laughing.

"Yes you did, we're going to go now." I told Chase and I linked Andie's free arm with mine.

"Remember that thing?" Andie said walking past Chase. Moose spoke as her tried to think.

"What are you guys talking about?" oh, my god this boy. What are we going to do with him.

"That thing you wanted to do." Andie said just as we got out of earshot distance and into another crowd of kids. We arrived at the main staircase where Moose spoke up again.

"I can't believe you know Chase Collins. Thats extremely vital information to withhold." I just tilted my head in question. What he famous or something? I've never heard of him.

"I don't know him." Andie said smiling. She totally likes him. I wonder how they met, probably not as strange as the way me and Moose met.

"He's Mr. Popular. Like a legacy. His parents, like, this school. And his brother is legendary." Moose said making me assume its Dr. Collins because he is legendary around here.

"Dr. Collins is his brother!?" I exclaimed in complete shock. They didn't have the same hair color, but now that I think about it they do kind of share a face resemblance.

"Yeah. He used to go here, then to London to with the Royal Ballet." He confirmed as he pointed to the poster of some guy wearing a weird feather outfit. That was Dr. Collins?

"Oh, my god. Thats him?" Andie asked as we all tried to hold in our laughter. Yes including Moose.

"Hard to believe right? With all those feathers." He answered making me ask another question.

"Wait. so why did he come back?" Andie seemed to want know that to because we were both now staring at Moose waiting for his response.

" Good question. Sources say he has some deal to make MSA the next Juilliard. Which he's been to do. Maybe he's just out. One thing's for sure. There's a lot of changes going down that likes." Moose said leading us the the mini sculpture of what the New MSA was going to look like. "Here. See?" He asked before continuing on with his story. 

"Anyway, the Collins are like flippin' royalty. Chase, he's a ladies' man." He finished looking over at Chase who was now flirting with a couple of girls.

"So he is a player." Andie stated looking a bit upset by the scene in front of her. Yeah I definitely think she likes him now.

"Like an all-star. He's only recently taken the jersey out of retirement. So be warned." Moose said before he pointed to the girl from this morning who was watching Chase in jealousy. What was her name again? As if Moose could read my mind her spoke.

"Thats Cyborg Sophie. She is an MSA machine and the Collins' crowing achievement. She acts, sings, and dances. She won every competition out there, but she just lost the biggest one of them all. The one for Chase's heart." Wait. If she likes Chase then why did she glare at me this morning and then try flirting with Moose?

"Its like I've landed in an episode of The Hills." Andie said in a not so assumed tone. I laughed at her joke and couldn't help but agree.

"He broke up with her a few weeks ago, but they'll end up together." Moose stated looking in Sophies direction where she was inside a glass class room working out.

"Just in time for the season finale, huh?" Andie asked just as the bell rang making everyone start going to their classes. Moose gave a big smile before saying.

"See! I knew you'd come around." I gave Andie and Moose a hug before walking backwards to my Orchestra class.

"Bye guys! I'll see you later!!" I shouted as I tuned forward and ran off. I like my new friends. Moose is very interesting and Andie is very snarky which is amusing.