
Dancer Behind The Camera

Bonnie Mitchell gets accepted into the Maryland's School of the Arts because of her exceptional photography skills and experience on the violin. She carries a camera wherever she goes looking for anything that catches her eye. Most of the pictures and videos are of dancers she runs into. She loves watching the yeah they glide around on the floor with no care in the world. Secretly when nobody is around she will dance till her heart's content and just let herself be free. Nobody knows about that not even her own father. What happens when she runs into a cute curly haired dancer and a girl named Andie at this new school? Will she finally dancer in front of people? Is she going to fall in love? Read to find out.

Enchanted_Bunny333 · Película
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3 Chs

Chapter One

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder. It was a light shake, but still noticeable. Slowly opening my eyes I saw it was my dad.

   "Hey kiddo! Are you ready for your first day at your new school? You might want to get up or you will be late." He said. Hearing this I shot out of bed running over to my closet.

    "Thanks for waking me up dad, I forgot to set my alarm before I fell asleep yesterday." I answered as he walked over to my opened door while I just picked out my school clothes for the day.

    "Its no problem. Im going to go back to bed while I still can. Please don't be late, oh and I noticed you didn't eat anything yesterday so there is fresh waffles in the microwave." Just as he said that my stomach growled making me laugh. He walked away closing my door just as I picked out a cute green dress and white converse. Once I was done getting ready I ran down the stairs with my bag and camera in hand. I looked at the time to see it was 7:36am and school starts at 8:30. I quickly grabbed a waffle out of the microwave and scarfed it down. I know I technically have an hour still, but I need to get there early so the front office can give me my schedule. Apparently you don't need to sign up for classes in this school because the staff decides what you will take based on your audition. Once I put my plate in the sink I walked out the door and smiled feeling the slight wind blowing on my face, hearing the birds chirp as the early morning sun shined brightly a crossed the land. Today was going to be a good day

  I entered school campus to find so many different friend groups talking, dancing, singing, hanging out. Everyone looked like they were having a great time. I couldn't help, but snap a few pictures. Walking up the steps to the front door I hadn't been watching where I was going and crashed into someone. I squeaked and closed my eyes waiting to feel myself collide against the hard ground, but instead I felt a hand grab my arm and hold onto my waist. I slowly opened my eyes to see a boy with adorable curly hair and big brown eyes. He looked kind of nerdy, but it was cute in a way. I was still trying to process what happened that I had yet to notice the stares we were getting. Snapping out of my daze I blushed and cleared my throat. He helped me stand up straight before laughing slightly.

"Hi. My name is Robert Alexander the third, but you can call me Moose." He said in a bubbly mood. Wow thats a long name, I can see why he goes by a nickname.

"Well I'm Bonnie Annaline Mitchell, but my friends call me Bon or Mimi." I introduced myself before he held his hand out to fist bump. I smiled and first bumped only for him to say.

"Now blow it up and pull it back like this." He then proceeded to make a noise with his mouth, open his hand and pull it back before shaking it by his side. I smiled and then copied what he did. He seems like an strange, but interesting person.

"I'll be sure to remember that next time." I said before laughing slightly.

"I think I'll call you Bunny, if thats okay with you?" I tilted my head in confusion before speaking. "Why bunny?"

"Because it rhymes. Bonnie, bunny. Also because bunnies are cute like you." He whispered the last part under his breath probably hoping I didn't hear, but I did which caused more of a blush to grow on my face.

"O-okay." I looked around anywhere that wasn't him. I heard his laugh again which made my stomach fill up with butterflies. He has such a nice laugh.

"By the way, I don't think I've seen you here before are you new?" He asked. I was about to say something, but then a girl with black hair pushed me out of the way. Whats her problem? I don't even know who this girl is.

"Oh my god, Moose. Is that you? I haven't seen you in so long. You've gotten so handsome." She said hugging him and secretly glaring at me. Is she his girlfriend or something?

"Sophie, I've been here all year. We have the same math class together. Why did you push Bunny? She was trying to tell me something something." Moose said defending me while getting out of Sophie's grip and standing next to me. I blushed at his nickname for me. She glared at me again before storming off. I looked at Moose in confusion.

"Well that was... Interesting." I mumbled. Moose nodded his head in agreement before speaking again.

"That was Sophie Donnavan. She is a triple threat because she dance, sings, and acts. She is known as the MSA machine." A triple threat huh? I wonder if I'd be considered one. I looked at Moose to see him looking in the direction Sophie once was. The look on his face made me a little sad. Do they like each other? 

"Yes." He looked at me confused  I am new, I was actually heading to the front office to get my schedule when we crashed into each other." I answered his question before that Sophie girl shoved me.

"Then why don't I give you a tour?" He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me inside. I didn't seem like he was giving me any choice in the matter. 

"Alright. That would be nice. Thank you Moosie." I added my own twist to his nickname as well as trying not to trip over my own feet. 

"Moosie?" He questions while laughing. I was about to apologize, but then he said. "Cute."  I blushed slightly. He is the cute one. Wait what!? I barely even know him, why would I think that. Moose led me to the front office where a lady sat handling papers and typing on a computer in front of her.

"Um... Excuse me Miss. I was told by Mr. Collins that I should come here to get my schedule." The lady looked up at me and Moose before smiling.

"Oh yes, of course! Are you Andie West or Bonnie Mitchell?" She asked grabbing two different papers.

"Bonnie." I answered simply. She handed me the paper in her left hand and I gave her a give thank you before Moose excitedly pulled me away. He seems happy to show me around. He grabbed my schedule out of my hands and started reading it before I could.

"Hey! Thats mine, give it back!" I said trying to take it from him, but he held it higher than I can reach. Damn, I just got here and people I already using my height against me.

"Looks like we got the same writing, history, art, and free period togeth- Wait you play an instrument!? Its says here you got orchestra as a class." I finally jumped up and snatched it out of his hand. The movement made my hair go in my face once I touched the ground again.

"Yes." I then move my hair out of my face and look at my schedule. "I just so happen to be a very good violinist and have been since as long as I remember. I play other instruments too, but not as good."

~~~~~~~~~ School Schedule~~~~~~~~

1st:          History        8:30am-9:30am        room 247

2nd:  Photography  9:35am-10:35am      room 153

3rd:   Mathematics  10:40am-11:40am    room 172

4th:         Lunch          11:45am-12:05pm 

5th:            Art              12:10pm-1:15pm      room 319

6th:      Orchestra      1:20pm-2:10pm        room 283

7th:    Free Period     2:14pm-2:55pm      

8th:        Writing         3:00pm-4:00pm        room 355 

"Wow thats amazing. I see that you are in photography too, judging by the camera neckless you have going on." Moose said jokingly. I giggled as he continued to lead us to our first period and looked down at my camera.

"Oh yes. I feel like every moment even the bad ones should be remembered because you never know how important someone is until they are gone...." I answered not realizing what I said until it was too late.

"Did that happen to you? lose someone important I mean." He questioned. My breath hitched and I stopped moving. I looked away from him, not wanting to get into that conversation. I haven't even talked to my father about my mother's death, why would I tell someone I barely knew? I noticed the '247' hanging by the door and just in time too because the bell for class rang. I cleared my throat.

"Well... Looks like this is our class, come on lets go sit." I said avoiding the question he asked him. He seemed to take the hint because he didn't pressure me into answering.