

a man from our world is reincarnated in ancient Greece where gods are all too real

freakofntur · Derivados de obras
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I open my eyes to the sunlight as the air I breath itself tries to burn me. how long has it been since I last saw the sun. and why is everything blurry. I shout at top of my lung as I remember choking on G-fule powder on a twitch stream after having been challanged/dared to chug a shot of just it. Yes, just the powder without mixing it in water. dayum am I stupid, all that just to please my viewers, whome I'm never gonna see. must have gone viral though, hehe.

I woke up next day in arms of a beautyful lady, who was trying to feed me. who am i to say no to such nectar. I gobble everything I can get. she speaks a language i didn't know as she tries to play with me. guess I'll have to learn a new language. surprisingly though, I can understand vaguely what she is saying, even though I'm not familiar with the language. I guess this is what they call a mother son bond.

growing up I soon realised that I'm in ancient Greece as I learnt of the gods and heros. I even taught my mom some simple dice games saying I invented them, making her think of me as a creative genius, which she very much appritiated considering she used to be an actress herself. she used to be part of a group called the cult of Dionysus, which means she was a party girl, who did musicals for the ultra rich in their parties.

that's actually how she earned our current dwelling. we live in a hillside Vineyard isolated from most civilisation. the closest town is a fishing village that relies on the cheap ale and rum that we make as water source. they can't afford our vine after all. the ale and rum are just side hustle, made from either honey we collect from our land or by products of our produce, although it taste worse, it will not go bad or stale like water so they can actually store it.

i wonder why even set up a village without access to fresh water. you can feed yourself from fish in the sea, but how will you get water. well from us for now but it still seems unsustainable.

when I was old enough to help my mom and our staff in field work. while working the fields I saw my mom get a small cut. everything was normal until I saw her expose that cut to sunlight and the cut vanished. I realised then that I/we may be related to Apollo, probably my mother's father, that would explain her angelic voice and singing as well I guess. I didn't confront her about it because we have a good thing going here, no need to disturb it. she'll tell me if I need to know.

another time while working the fields I tripped over my own feet but was caught by one of the vines that moved in such manner as to break my fall. I then realised that my absentee father might be a nature God, probably Dionysus himself considering my mom was a part of his cult. not knowing my grandfather was fine, that was my mother's secret to tell, but not telling me about my father, all this time I just assumed that with my mom being a party girl, I was conceived in some orgy party for the rich.

I finally confront her about both our lineage and she admits that I'm right in my suspicions. she tells me that it was best if I didn't know because that would have protected me a bit if I ever went out of this Vineyard, as monsters can smell Demi-gods more easily of they know their heritage. the Vineyard is not only protected by my father himself, but it's smell is too much like my own smells for monsters to distinguish a demo gods presence , so atleast I'm safe inside the Vineyard.

I tell my mom that I'm scared of monsters and how should I deal with them should I ever encounter one. she smiles at me and tells me that she will teach me everything a Demi-god need to know to survive in this world. next day she starts my archery lessons as that is the weapon she excels most in. unsurprising, being grandson of Apollo, I have great talent in the it. I always turn our training into a game or competition, which made my mother finally give me a name, Paichtos. (paíchtis means player in Greek)

my mother teaches me about various monsters and how to deal with them as well as how to use my Devine power. it's mostly got to do with will and intent, but was limited my an arbitrary quantity of Devine energy. once these lessons start I realise what my Devine gifts are. from my mother and hence grandfather, I inherited advanced healing as long as I'm under the sun. while the gift I got from my dad is a protection from madness.

now madness is not just your run of the mill insanity, it includes anger, love and every other emotion that is considered madness in excess. this doesn't mean that I don't get angry or feel those emotions, only that I realise it and that I have full control to choose to not feel those emotions. afterall intoxication after a drink is also madness, it would be heresy if son of God of vine couldn't get drunk. now being able to choose to not feel drunk is just my grandfather Apollo's side of me recognising it as a poison to be treated medically while my father's side asking me to embrace it. the result is me having compleat control over my feelings and emotions.i couldn't function otherwise.

what I concluded is that I have gamer's mind as passive and a lower tired gamer's body so long as I'm in sunlight. I'm pretty sure I can work on my Devine power to upgrade my gamer's body as well.

with such skills, I started looking into drugs around here that would let me have hellucionaton to experiment my control over them. I found my answer in the old fishing village that we supply rum and ale to. apparently the fish they catch is unique in that it is almost exclusively found near the village and that it is a Hallucinogen. the fish is dried into a jerky which is then consumed as a drug in parties.

no wonder they are close to my mother with them being drug suppliers and my mother being a worshipper and lover of Dionysus. they themselves worship my father and that's probably why they could develope system to survive on alcohol as substitute for water. specially the alcohol brewed here in a place sanctified by Dionysus himself.

once I got my hands on this fish, I started trying to manipulate my own hellucionaton using my power to control emotions . this combined with my lessons with mother about diagnostics using Devine power she knew as a healer and daughter of Apollo allowed me to actually develope a gamer system that I made myself.

it actually can use diagnostics spell to calculate my phisical attributes of strength, agility and vitality, such that I can control my hellucionaton to visualise those numbers. it's not perfect in that it can't really calculate my mental attributes other than sanity, which is always at max due to my lineage.

hehe , so what if I didn't get a system , I'll make one myself.

currently I can only evaluate these stats against my own due to lack of data on other people's stats. still what if I can't evaluate myself against other beings, I can still evaluate myself of today against myself of yesterday. I am in what is basically a training montage, and it's great to be able to see marginal changes to my phisical attributes as I exercise and train. it even helped me figure out which exercises work best, from a strictly stat increase prospective.

the system was even helpful in evaluating some skills. I couldn't evaluate things like archery or my spear training more than calculating the speed of my draw and thrust or even accuracy over multiple shots. things i could evaluate though were things like my regeneration. I could easily use my diagnostics to evaluate my regeneration in Sun and I have been dedicating a lot of my Devine energy while training under the sun to accelerate that regeneration. I've yet to have much of an increase to the passive healing of Sun, but my active healing is becoming more and more optimized.i need less Devine energy to heal more.

I've also abused this healing to get away with a much more extensive training than my mom would otherwise allow me. I've even used trees as my punching bags for kicking, punching and colliding, in return breaking my fist, forearm, legs, heels and ribcage. as long as I use one full days worth of Devine energy and a full day of rest under Sun, I can easily overcome these broken bones and even have them be stronger than they were before.

I've noticed that every time I heal from an injury, especially to the bone, I fill them a bit more with Devine energy, almost like giving my bones a baptism in Devine energy. this has in turn given me a much inferior version of saiyan or kryptonion physiology in that I inherently get passively stronger in Sun (very marginally) and I get a little stronger every time I recover from an injury.

when I was 14, I asked my mom to take me monster hunting to help get some experience in field. I was too strong by now for her to be able to teach anything related to fighting anymore so she thought it might be a good idea as long as I didn't do anything stupid. I told her that I mostly just want to observe her as I didn't have any training in stalking or tracking. I'll just have to make sure to stay hidden first few times we hunt and not risk becoming the bait.

my hunting trips with mother were always fun. once I got a understanding of stalking my prey, I could finally be of use in those trips. my archery at this point is on par with my mother, but my melee prowess with spear even surpasses her. we still try to mostly shoot our monster prey from afar whenever we can, but if it every gets close, it's my job to deal with it while my mother makes space between herself and the prey to continue shooting. only monsters that hunt in packs ever get that close though and by the time they do come closer, their numbers would have been heavily reduced.

some times exceptional monsters smell us before we can ambush, at that point we usually retreat if we cannot ambush . we have encountered and saved many demigods on our hunts by this point, mostly children. if we can reunite them with their families than we do that and if we can't, we bring them back to Vineyard.

Most gods mostly choose their mortal lovers who are peek of humanity in either martial prowess, scholarly pursuit, wealth/fortune or nobility of blood. this ensures that mortal parent of their children will be able to protect thier children to adulthood through either their own power or by using power of organisations they belong to. but even the best warriors die, kingdoms fall and merchants go bankrupt. at that point if they don't have the resources to protect their children from monsters then they either die trying or abandon their children.

such were the children we often found. abandoned by both their parents. by choice or death of mortal ones and due to ancient rules from their immortal ones. the vineyard can only hold the children who don't know their immortal parent, if they do, their smell is too strong to risk everyone at Vineyard.

that didn't mean we left those who knew their heritage to die. if we knew ones heritage, we would be able to create an environment for them that mask their smell, just like Vineyard does mine because my father is good of vine. for example, children of God of sky and winds, like those of Zeus and other minor gods under him , would be escorted to a rocky mountain top, home to many eagles. such a place would mask their smell with the environment sufficiently for monsters to get confused.

similarly we have set up different sanctuaries for demigods with parents of different themes. we help them set up some wooden huts and caves and teach them how to hunt animals to feed themselves. if their godly parent made them have an affinity with a particular animal, then we would encourage them to take pets and teach them how to take care of those pets. some children only need little help to get accumulated with their circumstances enough, that they are able to even defend themselves from weaker monsters by themselves and challange stronger ones with some help from weaker demigods with similar powers.

I myself have a familiar,a venomous snake that looks like Egyptian cobra and I even use it's venom as drug to get high and get other people high. a lot of monsters resists non magical venom so it's not much help there in direct offence, but I can use it's venom to make drugs that we can feed monsters with bait. these drugs don't poison them but instead make them less aggressive with euphoria and reduce their balance and make them nauseous. the snake is a symbol of both my father and grandfather(Apollo) , so I have a heightened affinity with them.

we had to commission a library in Vineyard for any children of Athena or other gods of scholarship since no such natural environment exist. similarly, we had to build a beautiful art room with beautiful paintings because we weren't gonna send children of Aphrodite to a brothel to mask their smell, some of them were barely 5-6 years old after all.

we didn't recive any actual blessings or treasures from other gods for rescuing their children or helping them find refuge, but we knew that we were gaining a lot of good will from the gods. both, my mother's and my own father each told us so in our dreams. my mother was already a veteran hero and was generating praise throughout Olympus with our joint mission to make Demi-god lives more bearable.

but we knew that this was not enough. children had to be left at mercy of teenagers, who had to sacrifice their own time to take care of young ones. and not all of our sanctuaries were perfect. our little art room with beautiful painting and sculptures was proving to be insufficient to mask smell of Aphrodite's children. my mom had to call in a favor from an old friend of hers, who was a daughter of Hecate to help with a ritual to get Aphrodite to bless our art room with beauty and passion to help mask the smell of her children.

and so here I stood, face to face with Aphrodite, after participating in the ritual. my virgin dick could barely be contained by my skin at her beauty. she smiles at me and is somehow able to relay many emotions with just one face. it lets me know that she is gratefull to have her beloved children protected and cared for, she is happy to be able to bless the art room to finally be able to help her children more directly and that she is aroused by me helping make both of those things possible


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