
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Cómic
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199 Chs

Chapter 194

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Azure Tower. 

The luxurious penthouse suite. 

Yorinobu's face was extremely grim. He had just received intelligence from Adam Smasher, sent back from the suburban base frontline, and it was devastating. At the critical final moment, the planned assault had failed. Everyone involved in the operation had perished, their bodies mutilated, and even their brains had been burned. 

Yorinobu's cyber-optic eye rotated as he dialed the encrypted communication line. The call connected. 

Apologetically, Yorinobu said, "I'm sorry, Kenji-kun, the brothers of Tetsu Renge..." If it weren't for his insistence on carrying out this operation and arranging his men to ensure security, instead of choosing Night City's local gang factions, he wouldn't be feeling this guilty about the deaths. 

The person on the other end of the line seemed already aware of the intelligence and merely sighed, saying, "Their deaths aren't your fault. Who would have thought there would be such strong opponents ambushing us? Have you found out who did it?" 

Yorinobu muttered, "It was Tang Yu. He arranged for two informants to hide in the base, and everyone else died on the spot." 

Kenji, the founder of the Tetsu Renge Brotherhood, was equally surprised. He had been secretly training a high-end armed force under his command. The team that attacked the Arasaka base was his doing. 

This team not only had strong capabilities but also successfully completed numerous assigned tasks. They were fiercely loyal to Tetsu Renge. 

The Brotherhood had invested great effort into this team, selecting individuals willing to sacrifice themselves from the start, brainwashing and transforming them over a long time to align with the Brotherhood's principles. They were each equipped with advanced combat cyberware, enhancing their physical capabilities and comprehensive strength. 

This team was the backbone of Tetsu Renge Brotherhood, and now Tang Yu's informants had decimated them, leaving Yorinobu shocked and guilt-ridden. He couldn't understand how Tang Yu's two informants could annihilate a force strong enough to counter a military unit. 

Kenji coldly said, "It seems that this person must be eliminated, or the consequences will be severe. He can anticipate our actions and has such powerful subordinates, indicating that his tactics are far from simple." 

Yorinobu agreed but still harbored some doubts, "The memory implants in the fallen brothers' brains were destroyed. No one can trace their past or origins. It can be confirmed that it was Tang Yu's doing." 

Then he added, "Perhaps we should talk to him." 

Instead of destroying the memory chips, Yorinobu believed Tang Yu could have extracted and decrypted them, gaining more information which could be handed over to the company or Saburo Arasaka for greater benefits. Tang Yu had chosen not to do so and had even helped eliminate potential threats. 

Kenji coldly replied, "Don't be fooled by his behavior. Such a person, always seeking power, likely wants to survive this struggle more than anyone. His actions are simply to keep options open on both sides. A power-hungry person like him will never be on our side, nor can he be used by us." 

Yorinobu fell silent. Tang Yu's actions had failed their plan to escalate the conflict between Arasaka and Militech. It made it even harder for Yorinobu to seize control of the Arasaka Tower in Night City.

Kenji advised, "Yorinobu, to achieve great things, you must be willing to sacrifice. Her refusal to submit to you is a strong stance in itself. Remember, without absolute determination, success is unattainable." 

"We've already paid too much. This path is one of rivers of blood; wake up, Yorinobu-kun!" 

Yorinobu felt conflicted and torn. Originally, Kenji had planned for Yorinobu to have Tetsu Renge's ninjas assassinate Michiko Arasaka upon his arrival in Night City. Her death would be blamed on Militech, allowing him to seize control of the Arasaka Tower in Night City and force a new round of large-scale conflict with Militech.

Saburo Arasaka in Kyoto would find himself in a tight spot. If he chose to apologize and negotiate with Militech to maintain peace, his reputation globally and within Arasaka would suffer, bringing him close to stepping down. If he escalated the conflict, it would align with the Brotherhood's intentions, triggering corporate warfare and dragging everyone into the quagmire of conflict.

However, Yorinobu couldn't bring himself to kill Michiko Arasaka, who had always stayed away from the family's affairs and had nothing to do with Saburo's actions. As his older brother's only surviving kin, Yorinobu found it impossible to harm her. 

Yorinobu was not a bloodthirsty person. He desired to inspire a greater force to overthrow Saburo's rule. While outwardly complying with Saburo in Kyoto, he secretly communicated with Netwatch, utilizing forces beyond the Blackwall to sabotage Saburo's immortality plan.

Meanwhile, in Night City, he aimed to push the relic biological chip technology to the market, exposing Saburo's ambitions to the world. This would involve prominent figures in the crazy experiment. The incomplete relic chip technology would inevitably cause frequent accidents, leading to strong skepticism of Arasaka's intentions.

Projects like Soulkiller, Mikoshi, and the relic biological chip would face unprecedented public opposition. Yorinobu believed his father couldn't hold on for much longer. Only by sabotaging his immortality plan would Yorinobu have enough time to prepare.

"Kenji, let's wait a bit longer. No matter what, we've come this far already." 

Kenji's tone was somewhat helpless and said, "Then so be it. Contact me when you've made up your mind." The call ended. 

Yorinobu fell into deep thought. "Tang Yu, it seems we indeed need to have a talk." He looked back at the electronic image on the shoji screen, showing the Samurai Band nostalgic concert at the company's plaza, where Kerry was singing passionately alone. 


Arasaka Tower. 

Jungle Meeting Room. 

Michiko Arasaka looked at the board members around the conference table who had gone silent and snorted. They had just been aggressively accusing her of inaction, but upon seeing the frontline evidence provided by Tang Yu, everyone fell silent. 

The attackers of the Arasaka base were not Militech but another unidentified force. If they had rashly torn into Militech, the consequences would have been unbearable. 

Although Tang Yu had found evidence proving that Militech wasn't behind the attack, he still hadn't uncovered the attackers' identities. The matter wasn't handled perfectly. 

Having gained the upper hand, Michiko didn't press further, merely instructing the relevant departments to continue their investigations. She believed that with Tang Yu's investigation, the opposition would be somewhat more restrained. 

After announcing the adjournment of the meeting, Michiko turned and returned to her private office.

She had already learned the specific details of the scene: the attackers' bodies were severed in half, and their brain storage chips were destroyed. The Arasaka tech team couldn't find any useful clues.

Michiko Arasaka had some doubts. Were these attackers programmed for self-destruction, or was there someone else involved? 

If Tang Yu was behind this, there must be more secrets he was hiding.

Michiko was perplexed. Tang Yu had always worked for her, yet she always felt she couldn't fully control him. 

He was indeed very capable, always able to help her stabilize things at critical moments, but his loyalty was hard to gauge.

Michiko couldn't imagine what kind of betrayal she would face if Tang Yu ever turned against her.

She had placed Sasha by Tang Yu's side for this very reason.

After some thought, she pulled up her contacts and sent Tang Yu a message:

"The board meeting is finally settled. Thanks for the timely materials. Once things calm down, let's go to the new hot spring in Sakura Street, opened by the Tiger Claws."

Not long after, she received a reply.

"Got it. Let's meet up when there's time."

Michiko: "..."

She put away her phone and laughed helplessly, seemingly used to his audacious behavior, always slipping away like an eel.

Michiko sat back at her desk, opening the office system to continue handling some unfinished business.

The unknown force that attacked the Arasaka outpost was just a small part of her work. More important projects involved billions of dollars, requiring her careful consideration and timely feedback to Kyoto.

She believed that her efforts would be noticed by the honorable Saburo Arasaka in the faraway Kyoto Arasaka Estate.

No matter the merits, the hardships she faced would hopefully grant her a place within the organization, ensuring she wouldn't end up with nothing.

Just as she brought up the office system, a formal internal notice from the Kyoto Arasaka Tower arrived.

Michiko hurriedly opened it, her eyes widening in shock. 

The notice explicitly stated that the primary responsibility for the Arasaka Tower in Night City would be transferred to Yorinobu Arasaka, while Michiko Arasaka would act as an assistant director, aiding Yorinobu in his duties.

Approved by: Saburo Arasaka.

Michiko stared blankly at the message, her eyes filled with disbelief.

It was like a bolt from the blue, numbing her mind and leaving it blank.


She didn't know what to say or understand why Saburo Arasaka would approve such a decision.

Soon, however, Michiko came to terms with it. 

As the legitimate heir to the Arasaka Corporation, it made sense for Yorinobu to gain experience by managing the Night City Tower before taking full control.

Perhaps Saburo Arasaka's time was nearing an end, and he wanted Yorinobu to adapt quickly and become the true head of Arasaka.

At this moment, Michiko felt that Tang Yu was absolutely right: Arasaka Corporation was not a battleground but Saburo Arasaka's dictatorship.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't change the fact that she was Michiko Arasaka and an 'outsider' to the Arasaka Family.

And as Saburo's only surviving son, Yorinobu was destined to inherit everything, no matter how many times he had rebelled or erred.

Yorinobu Arasaka. Those four words held so much weight.

Michiko thought she would feel wronged, but she couldn't shed a tear. 

She had long anticipated this outcome. She could fight anyone or anything, but she could never fight against the name Yorinobu.

Michiko felt a deep aversion to this family; even her name was inherited from Yorinobu's mother. 

As a crucial symbol of the Arasaka Family, second only to Saburo Arasaka, her treatment had always been starkly different. She had been hidden away in America by her father and had no real contact with the Kyoto family.

Moreover, her appearance differed from other family members, which was why she loathed returning to Kyoto, doing everything to stay in New America.

To achieve her current status, she had paid an effort thousands of times greater than Yorinobu. 

Today, with just one word from Saburo Arasaka, she was forced to hand over everything.

Michiko took a few deep breaths and confirmed the receipt of the message.

Being the assistant director, she could still carry out her duties until Yorinobu personally started working at the Arasaka Tower.

The only difference now was her state of mind.


Tang Yu sat on the balcony with his guitar, casually strumming some Samurai band rock tunes.

It had been a while since he played his electric guitar, and his fingers felt a bit rusty.

After the board meeting today, explaining things to Yorinobu might be a bit difficult.

He had already found clues suggesting that the attackers were from the Iron Lotus Brotherhood. 

And the mastermind behind them was likely the mysterious figure in the Crystal Palace braindance. Tang Yu suspected it was Iron Lotus Brotherhood's founder, Ye Baixian.

Tang Yu supported the Iron Lotus Brotherhood in principle. He knew that its members were like the wealthy scions of Yorinobu's ilk, hoping to overthrow corporate tyranny by banding together, but their efforts had yielded little success over the years.

Perhaps Yorinobu had realized earlier than others that without the company and the Arasaka name, nothing could be achieved.

Trying to use company resources to overthrow the company itself was like planting a tree without roots, lacking real power.

If Yorinobu truly wanted to complete his plan, he would first need to eliminate his most cherished Fuchi, find Saburo's backup hidden in some divine chariot, and delete all data about him.

Finally, he would take the stage formally, seize full control of the entire Arasaka Tower, and ignite a world-class war of destruction.

But would destruction truly lead to a better rebirth?

Tang Yu had a conservative outlook on this.

The Fifth Corporate War would bring far more devastation than the mere destruction of gigantic corporations. 

Countless lives would be innocently lost in the ensuing chaos, leading the world into a new dark age.

Rebuilding order in a world torn by blood and fire would predictably not lessen the suffering and tears of the populace. 

They had tried executing this grand and romantic plan before, ultimately losing everything.

Tang Yu couldn't accept such an outcome anymore.

He couldn't be like Johnny Silverhand, willing to burn everything for his inner fire, no matter the sacrifices.

Maybe he really needed to have a proper talk with Yorinobu.