
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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199 Chs

Chapter 195

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North Oak, along the coast.

A villa stands tall on the cliffside.

Within the lavish golden estate, security guards in black suits are stationed around the yard with high alert eyes, preventing any unexpected incidents.

Inside, however, the luxurious space is in disarray, with waves of electronic music occasionally rising.

In the music corner of the living room, two men sit on a sofa, each holding an electronic guitar, playing casually.

They take turns, one playing a segment before passing it to the other, as if competing to see whose rhythm and technique are superior.

"Years of no contact, and your skills have deteriorated, Kerry," Yorinobu Arasaka releases the pick from the guitar strings, seemingly not fully satisfied.

In addition to staying in the Konpeki Plaza, he takes time to meet old friends whenever he returns to Night City.

Kerry is one of his few friends who shares a common interest in rock music. They occasionally gather to play rock and mess around in the recording studio.

Despite Yorinobu's unique status, Kerry's demeanor remains relaxed and unreserved, waving his hand and complaining, "I've been suffocated these past years, lacking inspiration for new songs and drinking a lot. These ten fingers are barely obedient now."

"Heh, even you experience a lack of inspiration? From the look on your face while playing that new song, it seems like you've had a breakthrough," Yorinobu Arasaka knows Kerry's life is indulgent, and with age, his physical condition must also be worsening.

Sometimes it's not just the creative process that declines; physical condition can greatly impact as well.

Speaking of his recent inspiration breakthrough, Kerry's eyes light up, the deep dark circles unable to hide the brightness.

Enthusiastically, he says, "Exactly. Lately, I've been absorbing my inner emotions and feelings, and that urge to express through music has returned to me."

"Honestly, this feeling takes me back to when I was young, not understanding anything but loving that 'I'm going to make my own sound' attitude."

Yorinobu nods, hearing Kerry's new song full of rock's craziness and passion, yet mixed with new feelings, even a touch of nostalgia.

It reminds him of his youthful days, leading the Steel Dragons against Arasaka with just pure passion, attempting to show the world that Arasaka is not invincible through rock and action.

Now, to fully realize his ambitions, he had to disband the Steel Dragons, and those friends who once followed him have since scattered far and wide.

"Congratulations to you, but I'm curious, how did you regain such abundant inspiration? Was it the company's concert that gave you a new insight?"

Yorinobu Arasaka laughs again, "I watched the recording of that concert. It indeed had a Johnny Silverhand vibe, but you've broken free from his shadow and found your own style."

Kerry shrugs nonchalantly, "Honestly, I don't care anymore, or maybe I've made peace with myself, spending half my life tangled with an invisible shadow. Thinking back, it was utterly foolish, haha."

After a few dry laughs, Kerry's expression gradually becomes serious, with a somber look in his eyes, he mumbles, "But you guessed it right, the company plaza did give me a new insight, but all the inspiration actually came from one person."

Yorinobu stays silent, waiting for Kerry's next words.

He wants to know if the name Kerry is about to say matches the person he's thinking of.

Kerry sighs lightly, "I've already invited him over. You'll see him soon, but let me warn you, when it comes to electric guitar techniques, you might not be his match. That kid plays almost identically to Silverhand, scared the hell out of me that day, I thought I was hallucinating and had Silverhand in my head."

Yorinobu smiles helplessly, not asking any more.

They start talking about the future of rock music, mocking that they can only see its decline.

After their generation of rock maniacs retreated, no new blood continued the legacy.

As they chat, a security guard in a suit enters the villa, bows beside Yorinobu, and reports.

Kerry curses, "What is there to report? This huge villa is usually devoid of any soul, hurry up and let him in."

He opens the door and sees a familiar figure standing by the gate, blocked by several black-suited bodyguards.


"Damn it, let him through, can't you see he's with Arasaka?"

With Kerry's loud instructions, the bodyguards allow the figure to approach.

Tang Yu greets Kerry, who pushes him by the shoulders into the villa with a smug look, saying, "Come, I'll introduce you to someone; you won't believe who it is."

Tang Yu, having guessed already, asks, "Yorinobu Arasaka?"

Kerry's expression turns dull instantly, "Tang, when will you stop being so smart, guessing everything right?"

But quickly regaining his confident smile, he says, "See, I'm good to you, right? Yorinobu is now the head of the Arasaka Tower in Night City. Connecting with him means a bright future for you."

"But just so you know, Yorinobu doesn't like discussing business in private. Arasaka Tower stuff isn't worth mentioning. First, impress him with your guitar skills, like that day when you shocked me."

"Remember, build a connection first, then talk business, the order matters!"

Faced with Kerry's 'earnest guidance,' Tang Yu can only helplessly follow.

They head to the music corner.

Tang Yu sees an old friend, Yorinobu Arasaka, and Yorinobu also reunites with Tang Yu, whom he had wanted to see.

Last time at the Arasaka estate, Yorinobu only glimpsed briefly, not taking him seriously nor expecting Tang Yu to later cause him trouble.

Compared to his domineering attitude at the estate, Yorinobu holding a guitar appears more carefree.

Kerry, as the middleman, formally introduces both parties.

Yorinobu Arasaka: "Hello."

Tang Yu: "Hello."

Kerry tries to lighten the mood, pushing Tang Yu to the sofa and personally selecting a guitar for him, the same one Tang Yu used that day.

"Let's play first, before we talk about anything else, alright?"

Tang Yu takes the guitar handed by Kerry, not opposing.

Kerry also picks up his guitar, choosing a familiar tune that all three of them know, which has to be Samurai's music.

With the pick in hand, he rapidly strums the strings, producing urgent electronic sounds.

Kerry: "We pay the price…"

As Kerry plays and sings, Yorinobu continues the electronic rhythm, completing the melody together.

Tang Yu finds the beat and joins in the rock music.

Their fingers move swiftly, immersed in the music, with intense electronic sounds echoing throughout the spacious villa.

As the tune reaches its peak, the tempo quickens, and the three continuously switch chords, striving to match each other's fastest rhythm.

It's like a kite string stretched to the limit; they must maintain the playing speed.

Finally, Kerry was the first to give up, releasing the guitar strings and covering them with his hand, stopping all sound. He looked at the two still engrossed in their competition, heads down, constantly switching chords and finger techniques, trying to surpass each other's limits. Such a thrilling challenge, Kerry hadn't experienced in a long time.

The two moved their fingers quickly but without error, the electronic sound they produced still maintained its rhythm and melody. This ultimate test required the player not only to be familiar with the music but also to have solid finger technique. Kerry thought to himself that these guys must practice their finger techniques a lot in private.

The notes continued for a while longer until the last chord was strummed. Tang Yu and Yorinobu almost stopped simultaneously, ending their performance, leaving only the lingering sound. Yorinobu let out a long breath, he was so focused on playing that sweat had formed on his forehead. He wiped his face and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. "It seems Kerry was right before; your finger technique is indeed identical to his."

He was amazed at Tang Yu's extraordinary finger technique. Among the younger generation, it was rare to find anyone who played rock music, let alone someone who played as brilliantly as Tang Yu.

Tang Yu put away his guitar and smiled, "These days, those who still like Samurai band rock can be considered hardcore fans. It's normal to know a bit about playing."

Kerry had already determined the winner of the competition. Although their completion levels were not much different, Tang Yu's technique was evidently superior. Not only did he reproduce Johnny Silverhand's style, but he also perfectly hit every beat and rhythm. Even Johnny Silverhand himself might not have been able to play so fast and accurately.

After the tune concluded, the atmosphere between the three of them became much more relaxed. Kerry put the guitar back and invited the two upstairs for a drink. Following Kerry's invitation, Tang Yu and Yorinobu sat on the sofa in the second-floor lounge area.

While Kerry was getting the drinks, Yorinobu turned to Tang Yu and asked, "I heard from Kerry that you played a significant role in organizing the company plaza Samurai band nostalgia concert. He was full of praise for you, saying you helped him regain his rock inspiration and that he was planning to release a new album."

Tang Yu was well aware of what Yorinobu was trying to probe: whether he was truly loyal to Arasaka and if there was still any room for cooperation between them. But some things couldn't be said directly. In the past, they might have collaborated smoothly, but with Saburo Arasaka around, any move could lead to disaster.

"Actually, it was just Kerry wanting to have some fun. After all, that terrorist had a significant impact on Kerry. I was also deeply influenced by him, both musically and in actions."

Back then, one of the reasons Tang Yu was adamant about fighting Arasaka was due to his personal grudge with the company, and partly because of Johnny.

Yorinobu fell silent, knowing the terrorist Tang Yu referred to was none other than Johnny Silverhand, who had nuked the Arasaka Tower. "That is quite interesting. That terrorist had an enormous impact on me as well."

It was after witnessing that nuclear explosion that he realized even something as powerful as a nuclear bomb couldn't shake Arasaka's dominance. In order to completely destroy Arasaka, one would need to disrupt it from both inside and outside, weakening its foundation. This was why he chose to return to the Arasaka Family, going against his will to take on the role of heir. For him, even if he one day truly ruled the Arasaka Corporation, his sole aim would be to destroy it.

Tang Yu said calmly, "But as it seems now, the path he chose was incorrect. Like a firework, it blossomed brilliantly for an instant, then vanished without a trace, leaving nothing behind."

Yorinobu nodded in agreement. "Maybe he needed a bomb more powerful than a nuclear one, don't you think?"

"A bomb with greater power can overturn everything, but the risks and costs are equally high. More importantly, that bomb is now under close watch. Whether it's cutting the fuse or swapping it, in this day and age, there are experts who know a thousand ways to disarm a bomb and even use its gunpowder to do more."

The two fell silent, staring at each other. Yorinobu, as a high-level official in the Arasaka Corporation, had made his intentions clear. He wanted to use himself as a bomb even more powerful than a nuclear one, unleashing its fullest potential to destroy all the corporate giants. And Tang Yu's intentions were equally explicit. For the bomb to explode, a price had to be paid, and they had to be prepared for Saburo Arasaka's retaliation.

It was evident that Yorinobu at this point did not have the capability to go head-to-head with Saburo Arasaka. Yorinobu smiled, his tone containing hidden anger, "Bombs aren't ordinary things; those who dare to disarm them should beware of the consequence of being blown to bits."

Tang Yu never intended to stand on the opposite side of Yorinobu. He hoped Yorinobu could grow strong enough to topple his wicked father, Saburo Arasaka. But he believed Yorinobu, despite his words about being willing to pay any price to dismantle the Arasaka Corporation, didn't have the ruthlessness to take action against his own blood.

When they arrived at Arasaka Tower, Yorinobu couldn't bring himself to kill Michiko to seize power. In Kyoto, he couldn't kill Hanako Arasaka, the informant, and even gave her space and time to plot secretly. If Yorinobu had been ruthless enough back then to agree with Tang Yu and burn Hanako's brain instead of merely confining her, perhaps there could have been some hope. But Tang Yu understood well that even if Saburo Arasaka hadn't occupied Yorinobu's vessel, he would most likely have taken over Hanako's.

Poor Yorinobu, to his dying breath, thought his beloved sister was on his side, unaware that she had become an extension of Saburo Arasaka's will. Facing Yorinobu's growing anger, Tang Yu decided to stop, knowing further discussion would only provoke Yorinobu more. Yorinobu's enmity with his Iron Lotus Brothers also had an immense impact on him.

Tang Yu was now merely an employee of Arasaka Corporation, with limited influence, insufficient to persuade the obstinate Yorinobu. Seeing that Tang Yu had fallen silent, Yorinobu said sternly, "Since that's the case, we'll naturally walk our own paths in the future. Not every bomb disposal ends successfully..."

At that moment, Kerry came up with two bottles of vintage champagne. Seeing the cold faces and the change in atmosphere, he asked curiously.

"What happened? Is it a work-related issue? Ah, forget about that, let's have a drink."

Yorinobu decisively stood up and thanked Kerry.

"No need, I have some matters to attend to today."

With that, Yorinobu glanced at Tang Yu, then turned and headed downstairs, ignoring Kerry's persuasion.

Kerry was puzzled, "What's with him? Throwing a tantrum all of a sudden, did he eat something bad?"

Tang Yu watched Yorinobu's departing figure and said calmly, "It's nothing, even men have their days of emotional instability."