
The skies the limit(2)

The requirement to unlock this trait was downright irritating for Alex however as he needed to consume the wings of twenty different things. So far Alex had only come across ten different things with wings and half that number was insects alone. It was not that odd how this world had a severe shortage of birds considering the skies were dominated by huge flying reptiles with bad attitudes. Any bird species that was still around was either domesticated by people or reproduced faster than they got killed like the revoltures or even the crestbills.

Those two were the most common birds found around astera while Alex had only seen a type of chicken besides that. The other winged things Alex had seen were the wing drakes and a small wyvern the size of a cat called spark tails. these wyverns had been domesticated for their useful ability to produce small amounts of flame from their tails and small size. These things had become household pets for the majority of the populace followed closely by mans best friend , dogs. Unlike earth however the dogs of this world hadn't been bred down from wolves into a bunch of useless breeds that couldn't survive on their own.

No the dogs of this world had been bred from wild canines such as wolves with three traits in mind , size , loyalty and cleverness. Even the smallest breed of dog was large enough to be physically ridden by hunters in full gear. There wasn't any dogs in astera but Alex had seen a few records of the monstrous things. Still the lack of birds was only an irritation for Alex at most as there definitely was plenty of flying insects form him to chow down on , mostly beetles to honest.

It took Alex a whole week to fulfil the requirements for this trait as well as reach the halfway mark for the [armored scales] trait. For the first time since his initial gift from the system Alex was actually allowed to design his own wings. The reason for this was because unlike the other traits he had gotten that either enhanced one of his preexisting feature or were internal , this trait made him grow an entirely new part. The design Alex went with was a double jointed one so he could still swim without being dragged down as his wings would lay flat against his body.

What Alex didn't know was that after he confirmed his design he would be extremely uncomfortable for the next two weeks. The sensation of your body literally growing new bones , muscles and especially nerves was very off putting. Alex simply couldn't find anyway to describe the feeling he got during the process. This change was noticed by the people of astera however as the developing wings were covered by two huge lumps on Alex's back that stuck out greatly. Eliza and the other scholars bothered Alex for the entire two weeks he was stuck growing his new wings much to his irritation.

It was during one such occasion that the two lumps split open allowing the wings to unfurl fully. Neither Alex or eliza had expected this which led to eliza getting knocked over since she was in the way of the right wing. "Large streamlined wings , likely to allow smooth swimming , with a unique double joint at the shoulder to allow flattening against the back" she said after getting up from the ground and eagerly examining every inch of Alex's wing. Much like the rest of Alex's body the wings were also a black color though in the exact center of each of them a large deep red star shaped mark was located.

It honestly looked like someone had taken the birthmark from his forehead and expanded it before placing it in the center of both his wings. 'I didn't put that there' Alex thought seriously as he also observed his wings. Interestingly enough the marks were only on the top of his wings as the bottom was a solid black canvas instead. Alex quickly found out something irritating however when he tried to move his wings , the new muscles were too weak to fly with.


NAME: Alex/Obsidian


AGE: 1 month , 3 weeks

Generated traits: Armored scales

Unlocked traits: Herbivore level 1 , Enhanced scales level 1 , Water breathing(salt) level 1 , Heat resistance level 3 ,Compact stomach level 2 , Swimming muscles level 1 , Amphibious eyes level 1 , Bone eater level 1 , poison eater level 1 , poison resistance level 1 , Additional limbs: wings level 1

Fused traits: Omnivore level 2

Discovered traits: Carnivore level 1 , Ridged feet level max , Weaponized tail level 1 , night vision level 1 , Sharp claws level 1 , Enhanced brain , Shadow camouflaging


Happy holidays people i apologize for not posting yesterday but it was christmas and i was busy. that said i will also not be posting on the twenty ninth due to the fact it is my birthday , i again apologize for that but it is what it is.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

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