
The Smell of Brimstone and Fire

The reason why he wanted to visit the vampire's castle was because Roy was very curious.

He was impressed by the movie "Van Helsing". After all, werewolves, vampires and Frankenstein all appeared. It was quite imaginative. Most importantly, there was Uncle Wolf in it, so the impression was actually quite deep.

But after all, a long time had passed, and he could not remember the content clearly. He only roughly remembered that the vampire Dracula in it was quite pitiful. He suffered from infertility and could not give birth to a child, so he began to seek scientific information. The treatment is a story that unfolds from this.

What Dracula wants to do has nothing to do with Roy, and Roy doesn't intend to interfere. His main purpose now is to focus on Lucius's soul that is about to sublime, but the reason why he is curious is I want to see what kind of species the vampire Dracula is.

Roy came from the Demon Realm of the Abyss. Although the bloodline of lower demons is chaotic, resulting in all kinds of forms, he seems to have never seen lower demons similar to vampires.

Moreover, according to Lucius, Dracula has existed for more than four hundred years. If he is a real demon in the abyss world, it is absolutely impossible to stay in a world for such a long time without a contractor. So Roy was sure that Dracula could never be a demon.

Now what Roy is curious about is, if Dracula is not a demon, then what is he? If he really signed a contract with the devil and became a vampire, then what method did the devil use to turn him into a vampire?

Roy felt it was necessary to understand some of the devil's methods, because he might be summoned to other worlds in the future. Faced with the summoner's various wish requests, Roy would have to use the system every time. It seems a bit of a loss to consume souls to satisfy them...

And if you want to know what the devil did to Dracula, you can only know it by asking Dracula...

When Roy flew through the dark, moonless night sky, the Transylvanian town below was also falling into huge chaos.

One of Dracula's vampire brides came out to look for food at this time. It is said that these vampires have come out from time to time for hundreds of years. The people in the town should have been used to it, but in fact, who They don't want to be one of the people who are kidnapped, which leads to every time a vampire comes out, the people in the town get into a mess. They hide the children first, and then they hide the children. Women, it is the men's turn last, and the attacks are often brief. After hiding the women and children, most of the time the men have no time to escape, so they can only desperately try to hide behind others.

The dead Taoist friend is not dead and the poor Taoist is talking about the situation at this time. People in the town have already experienced that if a vampire forages for food on the spot, then a vampire will be almost full after sucking the blood of one or two people. If it is brought back to the castle to enjoy, a vampire can only capture two people at a time. Therefore, when the vampire bride comes out to look for food alone, the number of victims in the town can only be a few people at most. They All you have to do is not become one of these victims.

It sounds cruel, but this is also the reason why the people in the town have not died because of the vampires. It is precisely because the vampires have kept them in captivity and have not completely exhausted their resources.

The vampire bride who came out to forage this time chose to take it back to enjoy. She hovered over the town, laughing at the chaos of people below. When she had enough fun, she swooped down and grabbed it with her claws. A man who looked like a homeless man flew into the sky again and flew towards the castle.

But what the vampire bride didn't notice was that, higher above her, Roy was looking down at her.

After transforming into a vampire form, the vampire bride looked extremely ugly. Her skin was so pale that it even turned blue, and her nondescript wings made her look neither human nor bat-like.

Roy was flying higher in the sky, leisurely following the vampire bride, and not long after, he arrived at the castle where Dracula was.

The vampire Gu Bride grabbed the prey and landed first, while Roy waited for a while before landing.

This is an ancient castle that looks quite old. There are signs of collapse everywhere. Thick moss grows in the masonry and cracks of the castle. It seems that the owner of the castle has no intention of repairing the castle.

There were no guards outside the castle, so Roy easily entered along the passage.

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However, when he came inside the castle, Roy discovered that the situation inside was completely different from the outside. The lights in the castle were brilliant, a hall was covered with luxurious carpets, and the top was also filled with luxurious European chandeliers. A band was playing the violin and organ, playing melodious music. There were men and women in the hall, and many people in gorgeous costumes were passing through.

There's a dance going on here! ?

Roy climbed up to the dome of the house, hiding his body in the darkness, and then looked at the crowd below. Most of these men and women who were chatting and laughing at the dance held a glass of bright red "wine" in their hands, and so The many wine glasses made Roy smell the pungent smell of blood. He suddenly understood that the people here were actually vampires, and what they were holding was not wine, but blood!

There are so many vampires?

It seems that the number of vampires transformed by Dracula's blood-sucking is quite large...

Roy found the bride who was out looking for food among the crowd. She seemed to prefer fresh blood. The man she captured was not killed after she sucked his blood for a while. He was carried down by other vampires while he was dying. It seemed that he was going to be stored as a blood slave.

There might be many more such blood slaves. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Dracula to support so many vampire minions...

Roy originally thought that Dracula would also attend the dance, so he searched the crowd. However, after observing for a while, he found that Dracula was not among them. Just when he was a little disappointed, he wanted to look for him elsewhere in the castle. At that moment, suddenly, the door of the hall was pushed open with a bang!

The person who came in was the black-haired Count Dracula. However, what was inconsistent with his noble status was that Dracula looked a little embarrassed at this time. His sleeves were messy and his collar was not even buttoned. The way he entered the hall was so rough. He even broke the two doors of the hall. His other two brides followed him and came in together. Just looking at the expressions on their faces, they seemed to be a little bit. Confused.

The vampires who were participating in the dance looked at the intruder Dracula in shock, not understanding what was happening.

Dracula ignored them, but scanned the scene with his eyes. While checking, he twitched his nose and said in a low voice: "I smell the smell of sulfur and fire. This smell... can only come from hell." , the taste that only a real devil can have!"

The vampires looked at each other, you looked at me and I looked at you, no one dared to say a word.

Finally, Dracula raised his head, looked at the top of the hall, and shouted: "Come out, devil! I know you are there!"

Tsk, it was actually discovered?

Roy didn't expect that Dracula's nose would be so sensitive, so he could only crawl out of the shadow at the top, then let go of his paws and jumped down.

With a bang, Roy's landing made the entire hall tremble slightly, and his appearance shocked the vampires present. For these vampires, they had never seen a real demon at all, including The same was true for Dracula's three brides. They retreated in horror, leaving a large open space on the scene, leaving only Dracula standing in front of Roy.

The moment he saw Roy, Dracula's expression also became panicked, and his eyes widened a lot.

Really a devil! This unique demonic aura is exactly the same as the one from back then...