
The Vampire Appears

Roy is now 100% sure that Lucius's soul is indeed transforming towards a higher quality, so much so that even if Lucius is still alive, Roy, the devil, can smell his soul through his body. The fragrance.

Smelling this fragrance, Roy couldn't help but feel that his mouth was full of saliva, and his body's instinct was telling him: Hurry! Take this soul quickly!

However, reason told Roy, no! It's not time yet! I still need Lucius as a contractor, and his soul has not yet reached its most mellow stage!

It was precisely because he was attracted by the smell of soul that Roy looked at Lucius and became very hungry at this moment. When Lucius's eyes came into contact with this gaze, he was almost scared to death. He always felt that It felt like he was being targeted by some ferocious and dangerous beast. It was an instinctive warning from his sixth sense.

So, he subconsciously wanted to step back, but Roy stretched out his big hand and grabbed him, pulling him closer to his eyes.

"What are you afraid of?" Roy asked him with narrowed eyes.

"No... nothing!" Lucius denied, but he had to say that he did regret it a little now, because he found that making a deal with the devil was more terrifying than he imagined!

However, now Roy perfectly performed and interpreted what a devil is. He laughed loudly, and in a low tone, as if he had read Lucius's psychology, he said to him: "Do you think you can still do it now?" Are you looking back? It's useless. After signing the contract, your body is already filled with the devil's aura. In the eyes of those in the church, you are as dazzling as a firefly in the dark night!"

Lucius's psychological defense was immediately defeated.

In fact, he didn't know that Roy was simply fooling him. The devil's aura might be real, but he didn't know if the people in the church were that powerful.

Seeing Lucius becoming sluggish, Roy snorted coldly and said, "Don't worry, maybe the devil is really evil, but in fact, the devil has a more contractual spirit than you think. Since you summoned me I have come out and made a contract, so I will definitely execute it!"

After saying that, he let go of Lucius, and kindly stretched out his paw to tidy up Lucius's collar. It's just that the gleaming claws may have given Lucius a poor user experience. This guy Her eyes always moved with Roy's fingernails in fear...

"You did a great job in giving me four souls so quickly!" Roy said with a smile on his face, "Then I won't be stingy with giving you a reward!"

While talking, Roy opened the system interface.

Roy didn't know how other demons fulfilled the wishes of their contractors, but presumably those lower-level demons who didn't know how to use magic would usually solve their problems with violence, but Roy was different. He had a more alternative approach. solution.

Roy randomly drew a test tube in the system interface, drew the liquid level, and then began to define the medicine in the test tube.

He defined it this way: [Lose Weight Pill], [Burn Ten Kilograms of Fat Quickly]!

The definition of such a tube of potion is very simple, and it does not require much soul power to be exchanged and manifested. Therefore, under Lucius's gaze, Roy just used his fingers to outline and point at random in the air. After a while, a test tube appeared in his hand.

And the test tube seemed to contain a water-like liquid... Yes, Roy didn't even bother to color it, and it had no taste, so he handed it to Lucius.

"Drink it!" Roy said, "This thing can make you live longer!"

Lucius held the test tube and hesitated whether to believe it, but seeing Roy staring at him closely, he could only raise his head and drink the liquid.

Smacking his lips, Lucius couldn't taste anything. He was wondering, but the next second he suddenly felt a strong burning sensation in his body. Not knowing what happened, he screamed in panic.

In fact, it's just that his calories are burning...

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After screaming for a while, Lucius found that he didn't feel any pain at all, but that his whole body was soaked with sweat. When the burning sensation disappeared, he suddenly found that his body had become much lighter. , a feeling of relief came, as if the whole person became younger!

Lucius was immediately excited. He touched his body here and there in disbelief, and said in surprise, "Oh my God! Did... did my life increase?"

"That's right!" Roy said condescendingly: "You offer your soul, and I give you life. It's a fair deal, isn't it?"

"Yes! Yes!" Lucius nodded excitedly: "It's really fair!"

Roy had an expression on his face that said the trivial matter was not worth mentioning, but in his heart he sighed, it was so good to fool him!

The historical background of this world was around the end of the 19th century, when science was just beginning to sprout, so Lucius didn't understand what human medicine was at all, let alone that obesity was the biggest enemy of his health. Roy took care of it After taking the weight-loss medicine, he quickly burned ten kilograms of fat, and he lost weight immediately. This reduced the burden on his heart, blood vessels and even the entire body a lot, which made him have "the whole person". "Relaxed" feeling, and even mistook this feeling as that one's life span has increased.

Hmm... I can't say that I mistakenly believe that losing weight can indeed add a few more years to his life...

It gave Lucius a little sweetness and made him more determined to make a deal with the devil. The reason why Roy wanted to do this was naturally because of Lucius's soul. This was the first soul that Roy encountered and was about to become a high-ranking person. How could a quality soul be let go so easily? Since he guessed that corruption was the reason for the evolution of Lucius's soul, Roy naturally wanted to let his degradation process continue.

And because after gaining benefits from sacrificing souls, Lucius will become even more enthusiastic about collecting souls... As for how to collect them? Humph, of course he killed someone. Roy had already thought about it for him. Anyway, there are vampires in this town. Can't we just leave the blame to the vampires?

Alas, I am getting worse and worse! Roy just sighed and suddenly came back to his senses, no, I am a devil now. Judging from the devil's behavioral standards, I should be getting better and better!

At this moment, Roy suddenly heard a shrill cry from the distance. Looking back, he saw a bat-like flying creature in the distant sky, breaking through the gloomy fog and flying out. .

As a demon, Roy has dark vision and can see things clearly in a lightless environment. When the bat-like flying creature broke through the fog, Roy saw that there seemed to be a dark castle behind it. Same shade.

Although Lucius couldn't see it, he heard the roar. He immediately trembled like chaff and said in panic: "Vampires! They are vampires! They are out looking for food!"

No, I have to hide home quickly! Lucius thought this, but Roy held him down and said, "Why are you panicking? You are under the protection of the devil now. How can a vampire touch you?"

"Yes...that's right!" Lucius also reacted and suddenly became more courageous.

In fact, it's not his fault. The small town of Transylvania has been under the shadow of vampires for many years. This has long made the people in the town develop a conditioned fear, especially Lu. Hughes, as the mayor of this small town, was unable to lead the townspeople to resist the attacks of vampires. Over time, even the townspeople became very resistant to him, which deepened his sense of powerlessness against vampires. If it wasn't for this, why would he think of such an extreme method as turning to the devil for help?

Roy pointed to the direction where the vampire flew out and asked Lucius: "That direction is the castle where the vampire is?"

"Yes!" Lucius nodded quickly: "Dracula and his bride are entrenched there. Everyone in the town knows about this castle, but except for the people of the Villeless family, no one has ever Dare to get close there..."

"You go back first, I'll go take a look at the castle!" Roy let go of him, and the demon wings behind him suddenly stretched out, fanning a gust of wind and flying into the sky.

Lucius stared blankly at Roy's flying figure. It took him a long time to come to his senses, trembled, and climbed down from the roof...