
Cunning General Si Ning

As a troublesome Idol with a bad personality who was confident of his pretty look. All Si Ning ever wanted was to gamble and become rich overnight so he could finally buy a mansion and lots of sports car for him to finally be able to drive the latest sports car to his hometown to see his mother and sister Then he would not feel guilty for dropping out of school and using his school expenses to gamble and lost, it was the plan he was working on and he never expected to be transmigrated to another world and turns out to be the General commanding a large army to war. "I cannot do this." Si Ning rolled on the bed knowing this was nothing more than a nightmare as he stared at his callused hands he woke up to. Being General Si Ning of the great Xiu imperial army was nothing more than a nightmare to him. In order to survive in a world of war, Si Ning had to choose the perfect partner and rise to be a powerful person in Xiu nation. *This is BL Means Boys love. *The cover is not mine* *I do not own the cover* If the owner tells me to remove it, I will and if you know the artist, leave me a msg in the comment box.

RainhaAsha · LGBT+
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299 Chs

Xilie Enemy Of Xiu

Lan Zhang and Lan Wan led them to a small area deep in the woods, a total of nine men were sitting on a trunk of a tree that was laid on the ground facing each other, five men sitting on one and four men sitting on the other, a small fire that was almost dying out in the middle and a pot of soup hanging over it with the support of sticks. All the men were dressed in amour and all stood up at once when they saw them approaching.

The moment they got closer Si Ning noticed some were now eyeing him like some prey that just fell into their laps while some wore a confused expression because the way they appeared it seemed they were escorted rather than captured while others wore an indifferent look like they couldn't care less about why Lan Zhang and Lan Wan appeared with two unknown people. It was only one of them that seemed to choke on his spit as he stepped forward, his eyes on Si Ning and he wore a perplexed expression.