
Cultivation of graveyard forest Immortal

Cultivation requires immense energy, but what happens when a talented young boy lacks sufficient resources? Is a graveyard merely a place of desolation and emptiness, or does it hold secrets beyond what meets the eye? This story explores the hidden depths and unexpected sources of power within seemingly desolate spaces, challenging our perceptions and uncovering the potential for growth in the most unlikely places.

sunhell · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Stronger and taller

As he sat up in bed, his sister Mei, who had been quietly observing him, suddenly gasped. "Leon, you've grown so much taller! Just last night you were up to here on me," she gestured to a mark on the wall they had used to measure his height, "and now, look at you!"

Leon stood up, feeling the added height and strength in his frame. He approached the marked wall, and they measured him again. Indeed, he had grown from 121 centimeters to an astonishing 140 centimeters overnight. This rapid physical change was not only surprising but also sparked a hint of concern in both siblings.

"Wow, that's... really a lot," Mei said, her voice a mix of excitement and worry. "How did you grow so much in just one night?"

Leon, aware of the extraordinary experiences he had just encountered in the Graveyard Garden, hesitated. The vivid memories of the mystical garden, the skull named Twig, and the mysterious processes of cultivating and enhancing his physical and spiritual strength were fresh in his mind. Yet, instinctively, he felt a strong urge to keep these revelations to himself. A sense of caution whispered within him, suggesting that revealing these secrets might somehow put Mei in danger or burden her with knowledge that could bring unforeseen consequences.

"I don't know, Mei. I guess I just had a really good sleep?" Leon offered a half-hearted explanation, avoiding her gaze.

Mei looked at him skeptically but decided not to press further. She knew her brother well enough to sense when he was holding something back, but she also respected his privacy. "Well, whatever it is, I'm just glad you're healthy. Just make sure you aren't pushing yourself too hard, okay?"

Leon nodded, appreciating Mei's concern but also relieved that she didn't pursue the topic. He felt a twinge of guilt for not sharing everything with her, but his newfound instinct told him that some paths, particularly those involving the mystic and the unknown, needed to be navigated alone, at least for now.

As Leon went about his morning routine, his thoughts were occupied with both excitement and a slight fear. The physical changes were a clear indication that whatever he had experienced in the Graveyard Garden was not only real but also profoundly impactful. However, the rapidity and intensity of these changes brought with them a sense of foreboding. What did these enhancements mean for his future, and what responsibilities would they entail? His newfound strength was empowering yet daunting.

Despite these internal conflicts, Leon felt a decisive clarity about one thing: his journey into the realms of cultivation and mystical growth had only just begun, and it promised to reshape his understanding of the world and his place within it. This path was his to explore, and while he cherished Mei's companionship and support, he knew that this particular chapter of his story was one he had to navigate on his own. As he looked forward to the night, anticipating his return to the Graveyard Garden, Leon prepared himself for whatever challenges and discoveries lay ahead.

During breakfast, a heavy silence hung over the table as both Leon and Mei were lost in their own thoughts. Leon, still adjusting to his new strength and stature, noticed something different about his appetite. The usual serving of breakfast, which normally left him moderately full, now seemed insufficient. He felt a lingering hunger even after finishing his portion.

"Mei, is it weird that I'm still hungry after eating the same amount as usual?" Leon asked, looking curiously at his empty plate.

Mei chuckled, shaking her head as she passed him another slice of bread. "Silly, you've just shot up like a weed overnight! Of course, you're going to need more food to sustain your bigger body," she teased, her tone light but observant.

Leon paused, considering her words. It made sense. His body had grown significantly, and naturally, his dietary needs would increase to match his new physical requirements. But deeper than the simple explanation of needing more food for a larger body, Leon's thoughts drifted to the mysterious insights he had gained in the Graveyard Garden. His body wasn't just physically larger; it was like a forest, requiring more energy, or "nutrients," to maintain and grow the nascent plants within him—his cells and tissues, now enhanced by his initial foray into cultivation.

"You're right, Mei. I guess I didn't really think about it that way. More me means more food needed," Leon agreed, taking the bread with a grateful smile. He was relieved to have a logical explanation to offer that didn't delve into the mystical experiences of the night before.

As he ate the additional food, Leon felt a bit of the edge come off his hunger. He knew, however, that this was just the beginning. His body was undergoing changes that would require not just more food, but possibly different types of sustenance—something he would need to figure out as he continued to explore his capabilities and the responsibilities of his new powers. Yet, he resolved to keep these revelations to himself, feeling instinctively that sharing them could expose Mei to risks and burdens that she was not prepared to handle.

The breakfast continued quietly, with each sibling pondering the future. Mei was thoughtful, likely considering how to adjust their food budget and meals to accommodate Leon's increased needs. Leon, meanwhile, was already mentally preparing for his next visit to the Graveyard Garden, eager to explore more about his cultivation path and the mysterious life forms that might be sprouting from the seeds he had planted in that otherworldly realm.

Despite the changes and challenges ahead, Leon felt a solid resolve to protect Mei and to explore his new abilities discreetly. The path he was on was fraught with unknowns, but it was his to walk, and he was determined to navigate it with caution and care.

After breakfast, as they prepared to head to the field, Leon took a moment to himself. Closing his eyes, he visualized the interior landscape of his body, a concept he had learned from the skull in the Graveyard Garden. According to his new cultivation technique, his body was supposed to host a forest, with each cell resembling a tree, thriving on the "water" of Qi energy that should be coursing through him.

However, as he focused, Leon realized that his internal landscape appeared barren. There was no sign of the vital water needed to nourish his forest. As he concentrated further, he sensed just a single drop of water in his vast internal desert. It was a tiny, shimmering bead of potential, almost imperceptible against the backdrop of his dry, expansive inner world.

Determined, Leon willed this single drop of water to move toward a specific area he imagined as a small cluster of tender, young plants—representing the cells in his body he wished to strengthen. He guided the drop with all the focus he could muster, hoping to see a burst of growth, a sign that his cultivation was taking root within him.

However, as the water touched the ground of his internal landscape, nothing happened. No sprouts shot up, no signs of life burgeoned. It was as if the water simply vanished into the parched ground, leaving no trace of its presence or effect.

Disappointed, Leon opened his eyes, snapping back to the physical world around him. For a split second, as he transitioned back from his internal visualization, he felt a surge, a whisper of strength that coursed through his body. It was so fleeting, so subtle, that he almost thought he imagined it. But that momentary sensation left him both frustrated and intrigued. Had something happened? Had that drop of water done more than he could see?