
Cultivation Cafe

Liu Tang was close to achieve the highest peak of being a cultivator, the Celestial status. However, right before he could cultivate and burn his final Qi, a beam of energy destroyed his entire kingdom. He woke up in an unfamiliar era. This era is where people use a device made of glass for communication and beetle-like vehicles were used for transportation. He had traveled into a completely different world. Liu Tang was now an employee of an unpopular cafe with demons and evil spirits trying to threaten his daily life. To cultivate, he now has to brew coffee and make deserts. Watch how Liu Tang serve delicious coffee and pastries while dealing with demons and other transmigrated cultivators' problems as he tries to rebuild the cafe.

Peltivierre · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs


Liu Tang took a couple of steps back when the Void Arachnids woman sat on one of the chairs. "Emperor Liu Tang, you do not know the way of this world. You'll perish before you even know what happened. That is why I want you to join us."

"Xu Yiling–"

"You have no business here, Han Ying," the Void Arachnids woman growled. "This is between me and the Fire Emperor."

"Glorious Thousand Dragon Dance!" Han Ying took a step forward and started to dance. There were red light following her hands as she gracefully performed a dance.

The light from her hands glowed brighter and brighter until they formed into a giant dragon above her. Han Ying fired the dragon made of light right into Xu Yiling.

Xu Yiling gasped and blocked the attack with her arms crossed in front of her body. The dragon roared and exploded, destroying the front of the cafe and part of the street in front.

The force from the attack caused Xu Yiling to be dragged backwards, but it didn't hurt her at all. She scoffed as people crowded around her.

"Han Ying!" Xu Yiling yelled. "You dare attack me?!"

"Get lost, Xu Yiling," Han Ying warned. "Don't let Liu Tang follow your wicked ways."

"My wicked ways?" Xu Yiling chuckled. "No, Han Ying. You're the wicked one."

Xu Yiling left without saying any more words. The men behind her did not say anything and just followed the woman.

Meanwhile, Liu Tang froze as he watched an entire crowd watch him. Some of them even had their phones out, recordint everything that had happened.

"They'll clean this up," Han Ying said. "You better get stronger quickly. It's not only Void Arachnids that want your power, more groups want you."

"But Han Ying–"

Han Ying slammed her feet on the ground and launched herself up. When she was high up in the air, she thrust her hands forward and created a force that swerved her away, as if she was flying.

"What the hell was that about?" Liu Tang gulped. When he looked down, the crowd had dispersed. This made him scrunch his face. "What?"

The part of the cafe that had been destroyed was also being fixed. This made Liu Tang ran outside and see four cloaked people cast their magic to repair the cafe.

"What is going on?" Liu Tang asked, but the people did not bother to answer him. "Hello?"

"Liu Tang!" Mary shrieked and ran towards the man. "I heard about everything. Two powerful Cultivators fought here just now."

"Two powerful Cultivators?" Liu Tang asked. "Han Ying and Xu Yiling?"

"You saw them?" Mary gasped. "You saw them fight? Lucky you."

"They said that they wanted to recruit me," Liu Tang said. "What was that about?"

"I heard that the Void Arachnids wanted more cultivators to join their side," Mary said. "They want to overthrow the Bureau, so they're basically a rogue group."

"Why isn't the Bureau acting against this?" Liu Tang asked. "Aren't they afraid that they would get overthrown by this group?"

"The Bureau controls the cultivators," Mary said. "It's actually quite a dumb decision to even try to rebel agaisnt it."

"So you're not acting to prevent something like being overthrown because you're confident of your power?" Liu Tang asked, making Mary nod. "What is that?"

"The Bureau is powerful," Mary said simply. "Just look at this right now. Those men in black cloak are responsible for repair when cultivators use their powers. The man in white are the ones who erase the memories of regular humans who knew anything about cultivators."

What Mary just said caught Liu Tang's mind. Does that mean that the Bureau knows about his deal with the police officers? Liu Tang asked himself.

He was about to open his mouth and speak, but a man entered the cafe. He followed the man inside and he hurried to the back of the counter.

"I'm gonna go," Mary waved goodbye to Liu Tang and left, making Liu Tang question her entire existence.

"Why did she even came here?" Liu Tang asked himself as he positioned himself behind the counter.

"Hello. Welcome to Lotus Vermilion, what can I get you for today?" Liu Tang greeted the customer with a small bow.

The man just sighed and stared at the list of the coffee above where Liu Tang stood. "Can I have instant coffee here?"

"Excuse me?" Liu Tang asked. "What do you mean?"

"Here," the man showed Liu Tang a picture of an isntant coffee powder. "Can I get this here?"

"Sir, we brew our coffee from scratch," Liu Tang said. "I don't think we have that here."

"Can I get an iced latte then?" the man asked. "And two blueberry muffins, please."

Liu Tang paused and watched the man after his senses tingled. He narrowed his eyes at the man, not feeling well after hearing what the man just ordered.

"You want the same thing as the–" Liu Tang scrunched his face when he saw the man's face get deformed. "What the hell?"

"Where is Han Ying?" the man asked, now hid voice sounding like raspy like he was growling. "I want to see Han Ying."

"She is not here," Liu Tang replied in horror. The face of the man had now completely deformed and he was growling continuously. "She left after her confrontation with Xu Yiling."

"Oh," the man hummed. "Then can I eat your Qi then?"

"What are you talking about, sir?" Liu Tang asked. "You want to eat my Qi?"

"Yes." The man stared at Liu Tang for a couple of seconds before his face parted in the middle that revealed a giant mouth. The mouth had four lips with hundreds of teeth all around them.


Liu Tang yelled and took a metal tray, then slam it right into the man's face. This made it shriek in pain and stumble back. Then screech again and leaped to Liu Tang.

"I almost forgot to tell you," Mary entered the cafe. "Your weapon is located in your interface."

"Where?" Liu Tang rolled to avoid the creature. "How do I see that?"

"Just say 'interface on' and you'll see," Mary instructed.

"Interface on!" Liu Tang yelled and saw a blue screen in front of him. There was a sword in his screen and when he tapped it, a sword appeared in his hand. "Woah."