
Cultivation Cafe

Liu Tang was close to achieve the highest peak of being a cultivator, the Celestial status. However, right before he could cultivate and burn his final Qi, a beam of energy destroyed his entire kingdom. He woke up in an unfamiliar era. This era is where people use a device made of glass for communication and beetle-like vehicles were used for transportation. He had traveled into a completely different world. Liu Tang was now an employee of an unpopular cafe with demons and evil spirits trying to threaten his daily life. To cultivate, he now has to brew coffee and make deserts. Watch how Liu Tang serve delicious coffee and pastries while dealing with demons and other transmigrated cultivators' problems as he tries to rebuild the cafe.

Peltivierre · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Another Cultivator

For Liu Tang, being sent to another world to help it get rid of all the evil spirits and creatures was a joke. But he was now a part of this joke, so he didn't have a choice but to play the game.

He mopping the floors, but was too immersed in the ideas in his mind that he didn't realize that DongFeng was in front of him, arms crossed and one eyebrow raised. "Earth to Liu Tang?"

"What?" Liu Tang snapped away from his thoughts. "Oh. What's wrong?"

"I need you to cover for me today," DongFeng said. "I have a class this afternoon, so you're the only one here."

"What?" Liu Tang scrunched his face. "But how am I supposed to do this?"

"You've done it before, you'll do it again," DongFeng said. "You do this every week and I know that you have recovered from your accident already. You have returned to the things that you usually do."

"No, I really haven't," Liu Tang tried to say, but DongFeng was already in the middle of untying his apron.

This made Liu Tang wonder how the Liu Tang of thid world had been acting. He was now more warry of how he should act, thinking it wouldn't match the actions of the Liu Tang who was here.

And most importantly, where was that Liu Tang now that he replaced him.

He was surely going to ask Mary about this, but for now he had to finish the rest of the day alone. When DongFeng leaves, it will only be him that's left and there was still one customer that was yet to show up.

"You can do this," DongFeng said. "I will go now. Don't forget to lock up later. I won't be back until tomorrow morning."

The man left, leaving Liu Tang alone in the cafe. He felt so alone right after DongFeng left him. He continued to mop the floors just in time for him to finish and the bell rang.

Ding Ding!

Liu Tang immediately ran to the counter with a big smile. "Hello, good afternoon. Welcome to Lotus Vermilion Cafe, whag can I get your for today?"

"An iced latte," the woman said. "And two blueberry muffins."

Those two orders did not sink inside Liu Tang's mind immediately. He paused for a moment before shaking his head and punching in the order in the cash register. It was a good thing that he had a small list of codes for the coffee and he could easily type them in.

The woman paid for her order and now Liu Tang was in the kitchen, looking around to see if he could find the recipe for the iced latte.

A couple of pages in the book, and he finally saw it. The recipe for iced latte that the woman ordered.

"Do I remember how to extract the espreso?" Liu Tang asked himself then groaned. The recipe in the book stated that he needed a double shot espressos for his coffee, so he started doing that now.

Just like what he did to the Americano the other woman ordered, he ground the coffee beans before pulling them. Using the portafilter which was the equipment used to extract the espresso, he placed the coffee ground inside.

He also remembered that DongFeng used a needle to evenly distribute the coffee in the portafilter, so he did just that. Now, it was time for him to press it. He tamped the espresso grounds using the wooden tamper which looked like a stamp.

The coffee grounds was now tamped and was ready to extracted. He used his machine that he forgot the name and pulled the espresso, seeing the liquid flow out of the grounds and into the small glass under the machine.

This placed a smile on Liu Tang's face. He nodded at himself and decided to now start with the second part of the latte, the milk.

"Start with condensed milk," Liu Tang read the instructions allowed. He rushed to get all the equipment he needed which was nothing more than a few measuring cups, a glass, coffee, and different kinds of milk. "Then evaporated milk, and lastly whole milk."

He poured a specific amount of each into a small glass where he mixed it. On a separate, much larger glass, Liu Tang poured a generous amount of ice inside.

He then poured the milk mixture he just concocted and the finally, two shots of espresso he just extracted and smiled at himself.

'Iced latte brewed. 5 Qi is burned.'

There was a smile on his face after Liu Tang heard the notification. He was still trying to figure out how he would reach the next gate or level of his cultivation but he was excited to get there.

The next thing he needed to do was to figure out where the blueberry muffins.

He even got out of the counter and leaned closer to read all the labels. He was eyeing each and every one of them, trying to figure out where the exact muffin was.

"It's on the left side," the woman stood beside Liu Tang and spoke to him. "So, I was right after all. You're not from this world."

"I…" Liu Tang trailed off. "You two? Are you also a cultivator?"

"General Han Ying," the woman offered her hand. "From another world and was noted as the most powerful general that ever lived."

"Emperor Liu Tang," Liu Tang took Han Ying's hand and shook his. "Also from another world and was one Qi away from reaching Celestial status."

After hearing the words, Han Ying's eyes widened. "Everyone has been talking about you."

"About me?" Liu Tang asked. "But why?"

"Among everyone that was sent here, only a few had reached your level," Han Ying said. "They all want to meet the great Divine Emperor, that's what they are calling you."

"But who's they?" Liu Tang asked just in time for the door to open.

Ding Ding!

"Us," another female voice spoke. "The Void Arachnids want to recruit you, Divine Emperor. Join us and we will rule this world together."