
Crystal Clear (MCU)

Waking up in the middle of the sky is not a very thrilling realization. Being in a universe where privacy is a fantasy and an intergalactic warlord is just waiting to kill half of all life isn't great either. But hey, atleast I have superpowers! You'll just have to read to find out what they are! Beware spotty canon knowledge and noob mistakes since this is my first piece of online writing. Hey, atleast there's proper grammer! READ THE TAGS, THERE WILL BE NO OP MC, I prefer the story over the action and if you don't like that then sorry but I'm not changing my story for that. Besides MC WILL GROW over the years.

TheScrubMain · Película
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7 Chs

Came In Like A Wrecking Ball~(1)

Mm-hum. Wha.. what time is it? Crap. Online classes! Shit, shit, shit, I completely forgot...!

Wait... something doesn't feel right. As I rub my eyes to get rid of the crust built up, at the same time I reach for my glasses, *swipe*..... only to flip 180° in mid-air.

Whoa, what the hell?!!

I look forward and I see something green and brown surrounded by blue coming straight towards me. Cue a light-bulb moment, and I realized that I was the one going towards it.

Shit. And it looked suspiciously similar to the earth. Double shit. "Aaaaaaaaahhhh???!!!!!"

I became all too aware of the wind whistling around my body and all I can think of is how I don't. Wanna. Die.

Countless emotions surface at this moment. Confusion at my circumstances, anger at the unfairness but it was all dominated by the fear that begins to surge. That fear of death seems to awaken some primal instincts, and I feel myself tuck into myself and roar as deeply and as loudly as my vocal cords can handle. The weird thing is, as I roar, I feel something changing. I can feel my body disassembling and reassembling, turning into something, not quite, human.

I can feel pressure build up in my arms, the ground coming closer and closer, and so I close my eyes, and I scream.

I let all my feelings, my fear of death, my anger at this situation and every other emotion I can muster bleed into that scream so much so that by the time I'm done, I feel empty, tired and just so, exhausted. Then, I feel myself stop abruptly and I open my eyes and all I could see is green. Piercing, emerald everywhere. I was....encased(?) in a cocoon it seemed like.

I wanted out. Right now. And, in response to my thoughts it seemed, a crack appeared in the layer of green in front of me and with a sound like glass shattering, the layer broke apart, letting in a large amount of sunlight.

'Wait, how could I see without light? No, I need to focus on how I fell from the SKY and DIDN'T turn into meat-paste!'

As I tried and failed to walk out of the cocoon and proceeded to fall on my butt, I saw it. The edges sticking out the side. The light reflecting off of those magnificent leaves-no, crystals. It was a scene out of my wildest daydreams. As I got up, I observed it more clearly. The 100+ meters tall green pillar of beauty, rising into the clouds not unlike Jack's Beanstalk.

I did that.

No matter how impossible it seemed, I could feel it, a connection to those crystals, one so strong it threatened to overwhelm me. I could feel everything affecting it, the sand and dirt sticking to its surface, the light reflecting off of it. And so I sat down covered my head with my hands and pushed that connection away. After that, I sorta just laid there and thought about my situation.

What. The. F***.

I looked at myself, and sure enough I'm still in my night-suit, pajamas, whatever they're called. I'm in my pajamas in the middle of.....actually, where the hell am I? Looking around I see shops and stores with the front windows broken in. More importantly, I can see that the signs are in Spanish thanks to 2 years of Spanish classes which I've mostly forgotten.

'So either somewhere in Mexico or Spain or any other Spanish-speaking country in the world. At-least I have somewhere to start wi-'


'-or I could ask the nut-job/cos-player wearing medieval armor and holding a hammer directions to the nearest police station.'

And so that is what I set out to do, until my pillar started shaking. Curiosity and worry taking precedence over cautiousness, I pulled and re-established the connection between me and the pillar and I could feel a gap inside the pillar. I could also feel that gap expanding slowly and every time it did, pieces of crystal broke off from the outside of the pillar.

I stood there, frozen until some robot like creature broke through the pillar into the open with its eye-sockets glowing orange and and looking around until it locked on to me. And while all this was happening, again all I could think was-

'What. The. F***.'

If anyone reads this, feel free to like and comment. Btw, still new to basically everything about writing on webnovel so please point out where I can improve. Thank you and have a great day!

P.S: Don't count on consistent update schedules lol.

TheScrubMaincreators' thoughts