

"You and I are nothing but strangers this marriage doesn't mean anything to me. Don't you dare touch me ever again!" ---------------------- Leah Jones was a 21-year-old girl who was forced to marry the most feared, wealthy, powerful, and heartless man in the world because her father's company was on the verge of bankruptcy. She thought that he was not as bad as they said he was, she thought that marrying him. was going to be the best thing but she couldn't be more wrong. He never touched her and he refused to touch her too. To him they were only husband and wife in name, but Leah refused to believe that he was that heartless so she made it her mission to try and bring back the smile that he once lost due to unforeseen courses, but that proved to be easier said than done because her tries only brought her nothing but tears and heartbreak.

lilly42 · Fantasía
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18 Chs


Leah sighed in frustration because she was woken up by her phone which was ringing, it was ringing for the third time now. She regretted not putting it on silent mode before she went to bed the previous night. She checked the time on the clock that was on the nightstand and she saw that it was 6:45am. She wondered who would call her so early in the morning and on a Saturday too. She rolled to the right side of the bed which was where she had placed her phone.

She took the phone, she lifted it towards her face so that she could see who was calling, it was her father. This was the first time he was calling her after she got married, she thought that he would never call because her stepmother would make sure that he didn't. She answered the call, putting the phone over her ear and then she said. "Hello?"

"Hey there Leah, how are you?"He asked, he sounded like he was whispering which was weird to Leah.

"I am doing fine, why are you whispering?"She asked, sitting straight. She leaned on the headboard of the bed with her back.

"It's nothing dear, I am just sick so I can't speak any louder."He said. Leah could tell that he was lying.

"Dad, what's wrong?"She asked. She loved her dad too much to not want to know what it is that was bothering him.

"There is nothing wrong dear, I am fine. Like I said I am just sick."He said. Leah knew that he was whispering because of another reason not because he is sick, but knowing her father he was not going to tell her especially if it had something to do with her stepmother which is what Leah suspected.

"Do you not want your wife to hear us talking?"She asked.

"Leah! She's your stepmother."He said raising his voice, Leah smiled letting out a chuckle.

"Not sick anymore huh dad? You are so blind dad, not because you can't see but because you choose not to. That woman is not the sweet and loving woman you think she is. She is a snake dad. If it weren't for her, your company wouldn't be on the verge of bankruptcy and I wouldn't have to marry a man I didn't even know,but yet you still choose to ignore all that and continue to be her puppet."She said. Tears were now streaming down her cheeks.

"Leah, she is not like that. She is a good woman and what happened to my company was an accident. She was only trying to help me but she just made a mistake and I forgave her. I really wish that you could see the goodness in her like I see it."He said.

"And I really wish that you would open your eyes and set yourself free from her."She said and then she hung up the call. She looked up at the ceiling, wiping her tears. She loved her dad very much and she just wished that he would be able to see Lucille for who she truly is and free himself from her. She just hated how her father keeps ignoring the truth. He could have just seen Lucille for who.she was right from the start when she made him remove his late wife's photos from the walls and the family album.

But her father being who he was, he just thought that she was just doing it because she didn't feel comfortable with him looking at his late wife's photos everyday. The only photo that he has of his late wife is the one at his office but he has to hide it everytime Lucille comes around so that she doesn't see it. She won't even allow him to talk about her and she made him cut Leah's monthly allowance because to her she had everything so there was no need for her to get a monthly allowance. If Leah needed something then she would have to ask from her.

Her father still felt like everything that Lucille did was all in the name of love and that she only wanted what was best for the family, but the truth was all she wanted was his money and the title of Mrs Jones and to get rid of Leah. That is why she was more than happy to make Leah marry Alexander, that would be minus one problem for her. She knew what kind of a man Alexander was, she knew that he was not going to let Leah have a pleasant life there and she also knew that he did not do love at all, so it would make her job easier.

All she wanted was for Leah to suffer and to brainwash her father too. She just wanted to have it all, and she was more than ready to crush anyone that decided to stand her way.

Leah was brought back from her thoughts when she heard a light knock on the door. "Come in."She said, looking at the direction of the door. The door opened and one of the maids, Serene, entered.

"The young master told me to tell you that you will be going to the main mansion today, the whole family will be there, so wake up and get ready now you'll be leaving at 9am."She said.

"Why is there an event or something?"Leah asked. Serene rolled her eyes and then she said.

"I told you what I was told to tell you, you can ask the young master those questions, not me."She said and then she walked out the room, closing the door. Leah just shook her head. Now that she was married to Alexander, a lot of women seemed to hate her now. She didn't understand why because it's not like she married him by choice, if she had a choice then she wouldn't have married him at all.

She got off the bed and then she made the bed. After making the bed she made her way into the bathroom and then she took a warm shower.

After taking a shower she wore a red, thin strapped, knee-length tight dress and grey high heels. She curled her hair and then she applied some make up. After she was done she walked out of the room making her way into the living room where she, as usual found Alexander who was already seated and he was eating his breakfast. She did not bother saying 'good morning' to him because there she didn't feel like there was a need to do that.

She decided to sit on the chair that was next to him. "Sit where you usually sit."He said.

"What's wrong with where I am sitting?"She asked.

"Everything."He said.

"I want to sit here so I am going to sit here. It's not like this is some kind of special seat and besides I get to be a lot closer to my husband."She said, placing her hand on his thigh. He quickly removed her hand

"Don't you dare touch me."He said, glaring at her. "You are not allowed to touch me, do you hear me?"He said, tightening his grip on her already injured arm.

"Ouch! Stop, it hurts."She removed his hand from hers. He scoffed and then he removed his hand. If he had held her for much longer then her wound would have opened up. She said that she was not going to make him angry today but she did. Her body just keeps moving on its own, and now she regrets touching him. What was she even thinking? If this goes on she might end up finding herself in a very tough situation, because Alexander's patience has got limits.