

"You and I are nothing but strangers this marriage doesn't mean anything to me. Don't you dare touch me ever again!" ---------------------- Leah Jones was a 21-year-old girl who was forced to marry the most feared, wealthy, powerful, and heartless man in the world because her father's company was on the verge of bankruptcy. She thought that he was not as bad as they said he was, she thought that marrying him. was going to be the best thing but she couldn't be more wrong. He never touched her and he refused to touch her too. To him they were only husband and wife in name, but Leah refused to believe that he was that heartless so she made it her mission to try and bring back the smile that he once lost due to unforeseen courses, but that proved to be easier said than done because her tries only brought her nothing but tears and heartbreak.

lilly42 · Fantasy
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18 Chs


Leah walked into the bathroom in her room and she searched for something to clean and treat her wound, since she had no one to help her out she had to do it by herself. She opened the bathroom cabinet, she searched it and she found an antiseptic liquid which was probably what she was looking for. She walked out of the bathroom and she made her way downstairs and into the kitchen.

It was the first time she had entered a kitchen. She was amazed by how big it was, it was bigger than her father's kitchen. Everything in this house was big, if only Alexander had a big heart too then that would be more great and Leah would have been living a happily married life but now she wasn't because her husband didn't care about her. She poured water into a small bowl and she poured the antiseptic liquid in the water, not all of it. She then used a pad of tissues to clean her wound.

She didn't know where the first aid kit was, or if there was a first aid kit there but there had to be a first aid kit in this house. She just had to find something that she could use to clean her wound so that it wouldn't get infected. "Ouch!Leah why did you have to say those stupid stuff to him, now look at you."She scolded herself. She now regretted her words, she just wished that she could turn back time and stop her past self from saying what she had said to Alexander. She was sure that she was not thinking when she said those words.

Next time she was going to think before speaking, she was going to make sure of that because she could not make him angry anymore, he looked scary when he was angry so, she was not going to make him angry anymore. She just didn't know if she was going to be able to keep that promise that she was making to herself because she never thinks before she speaks most of the time. She would just think later about what she had said and if it was the right thing to say.

She finished cleaning her wound, she threw the now wet and dirty pad of tissues into the lift bin that was in the kitchen. She then poured the water into the sink and she washed the bowl that she had used. The only thing left was to dress her wound, but she didn't have anything to dress it with because she didn't even know where Alexander kept his first aid kit. If she did not want to spend hours looking for it then she had to ask Alexander because Drew had left earlier because he got a call from home and he needed to leave quickly.

So Drew was not going to be available for at least a week so she just had to do everything on her own now. The maids have already gone back to their bedrooms, but even if they were there she was not going to ask them because they were most probably not going to help her because they looked like they did not like her at all and she didn't know why. She just hoped that they are not planning on poisoning her or making her life miserable there.

She walked back upstairs, she now had no choice but to ask Alexander himself about the whereabouts of the first aid kit, she just hoped that he was going to tell her and not tell her to get lost or something. She took a deep breath and then she knocked on the door, gently. She had already pissed him off so she could not afford to worsen the situation and the first thing to do was knock on the door gently.

After a few minutes Alexander opened the door. Leah smiled at him but he didn't smile back. "Uhm Alex, do you know where I can find the first aid kit?"She asked. He looked at her for twenty seconds.

"Hold on a sec."He said and then he closed his door. Leah just hoped that he was going to get the first aid kit and not a gun because she was not ready to die right now at all.

After a minute he opened the door again and he gave her the first aid kit. "Return it after you are done."He said and then he closed the door. At least he gave her what she needed, that gave her a sense of hope that there was some good in him and that he was not a hundred percent bad like people say he is,but she wasn't too sure because he was the same man that threw a glass on her face. It would have been better if he had just poured the water on her face and not throw the glass.

She was just confused, maybe as time went by she was going to know for sure what kind of person he actually is. She opened the first aid kit and it had everything that she needed. "Why didn't I go to him in the first place?"She asked herself. But she thought that it was good that she did not go to him earlier because maybe he might have still been angry at her, maybe now he was a lot better. She couldn't tell because he seemed to have the same expression on his face everyday, so it was very hard to tell.

After dressing her wound she got off the bed and she walked out of the room. She knocked on Alexander's door. "Leave it there on the floor!"She heard him say from upstairs.

"Okay!"She said. She put the first aid kit on the floor and she went back to her room and she just went to bed.


"Hey what happened to your arm?"David asked,noticing the bandaged hand as he was taking a seat next to Leah.

"I got cut by a glass that's all, but it's fine now."She said. There was no way that she was going to tell him that her own husband got angry and he threw a glass on her and if she hadn't gotten her arm up on time then it would have been her face with the wound.

"Sorry about that. I hope that it gets healed soon. Who dressed the wound for you."He asked. David wanted to laugh at the way that the wound was dressed but he did not want to hurt her feelings. She had never dressed a wound before so it looked bad but not too bad.

"I did. My husband was not around so I had to do it on my own. Is it that bad?"She asked.

"Well to be honest with you it's not too bad but it is bad. But you'll be fine, I am sure that your husband we'll dress it for you."He said. She smiled at him and she nodded her head in response, she just wanted to tell him that that was never going to happen but she decided not to. She did not want anyone to know what was happening in her marriage yet.