The Cardinal Four, Reina and Musashi gathered in the square after the last of the Tacet were effectively wiped out. Though the battle was won, the war was far from over. In the distance, the various tribes were already focusing their efforts on procuring resources, tending to the wounded and bolstering the defenses for the next assault. The Symphogear girls along with Satsuki, Ryuko and Arcueid were also helping out where they could before eventually making their way towards the palace. In the meantime, the Last Word descended towards Reina's palace as Akaro and Raizo jumped from the hull of the ship and landed promptly amongst the group.
"And the brothers stick the landing," Akaro joked a little to help boost the mood after the brutal fight the forces of Cocytus endured.
"Quite impressive as always, I am proud of you both," Reina said with an indication of warmth as she reunited with the Crimson Envoy and the young Crusader giving them both pats on their shoulders.
"Ah well, ya know…gotta have my sister's back and her kingdom. After all, Cocytus is my home now too," Akaro shrugged with a smile.
"Wait…what?" Yaten-douji gasped.
"Your Majesty…this man is…" Zion quickly pieced the puzzle together.
"Oh dear, what a stunning revelation," Garuda placed a hand against her cheek with a raised brow.
"Yep, turns out your Sovereign and I are indeed siblings. It's definitely a long story…one that I'm sure dear ol' mom can explain whenever she elects to reveal herself again," chuckled the God-King.
"Dear Heavens, I love hanging around y'all," Musashi smirked with a playful grin enjoying the banter being shared.
"The family tree just gets more and more complicated with each passing day, but you get used to it," Raizo sighed whilst coursing his fingers through his hair.
"You are still on about that considering developments between us?" Reina remarked as she boldly closed the distance between herself and Raizo in a split second.
Her eyes locked with his, gauging the full depths of his worth. She felt her chest tighten with exhilaration as she eyed him carefully. Her fingers danced up the contours of his armor before eventually stopping just under his chin as she leaned in close to him. The boy was unable to resist her charms feeling a sudden warmth in his chest as he allowed this to happen. He felt his breathing become a little uneasy, his nerves acting out of sorts for a second. Then she just leaned over and whispered into his ear.
"You fought well enough. I am most certainly proud of you, my love," she whispered playfully before blowing a small puff of air into his ear before retreating. The strength of her words in such a low, seductive whisper excited him, but he kept it contained to a heated blush for now.
"Ahem…a-anyway…" he mused shyly.
"It seems you two have developed in your relationship since being away, yes?" the buxom sorceress approached with a slight hint of envy in her gentle smile having seen this unique closeness between the Sovereign and the Child of Light.
"Yeah Rudy-chan…they totally smashed on more than one occasion by the way. I mean…it's painfully obvious," Akaro elected to throw in the remark from the side.
"Dearest Little Brother…perhaps I need to fetch my Sister-in-Death to discipline you…both of them," Reina expressed with a wry smile mixed with an intimidating aura about her.
"Hey now…no need to get dramatic…" the Crimson Envoy found himself grinning with a little touch of nervousness. During that awkward staring contest, Garuda elected to focus her wiles on Raizo.
"Raizo-kun, look at how strong you've become," she cooed while playfully running her fingers against the breastplate of his armor; however, even while protected by Janus, he could still feel the gentle nature of her touch beneath the plating. Or rather, her presence was potent enough in his mind that he could envision it.
"You have not forgotten your promise to me when we last spoke, yes?" she suggested as she leaned her body against him from the side, playfully pressing her ample bosom against him.
"I-I know…and I intend to keep my word. I promise, we will…um…spend time together. Just…when things are a little less complicated," he stumbled over a response with a slight blush.
"Oh dear Raizo, you're so cute when you blush. It is almost like you have a natural aura that makes a woman want to tease you, yes…"
"Tch…honestly," he sighed, but then his flustered gaze became serious and filled with concern.
"Are you okay though? Those bastards of the Abyss Order are terrifying opponents. I know you have your honor as a member of the Cardinal Four, but…if you're hurt in any way…"
Garuda felt a soft gasp escape her as she felt like her heart leapt into her throat. As she looked into his eyes, their faces just inches away from another, she felt a flush in her cheeks.
"Oh my…to have the tables turned in such a way…" she muttered to herself before clearing her throat to answer.
"I'm fine, Raizo-kun. Admittedly, I felt myself shaken over the weight of the presence of this…'Abyss Order'. However, I can most assuredly say that whatever fear I had is gone now, yes? O-oh?"
Raizo suddenly wrapped his arm around the Yakshini and reined her in towards him for a warm embrace. He hugged her close for a moment then peeled away to make eye contact.
"I'm glad you and the others are fine, but I still feel awful that it took us so long to come back. No one has to fear anything anymore, we're all in this together," he spoke with determination behind a warm tone. Garuda felt herself swoon over the weight of his words as she began to blush a little.
"Goodness, has the boy become a man while he was away? You certainly have a way with words now."
Just as Garuda was becoming enraptured by Raizo's growing charm in her eyes, a new voice entered the fray.
"Papa! Papa!" a young female's voice echoed out which caused attention to focus on its source.
"Good grief ya little shit, I told ya to wait inside the castle until I called ya out. Man, that stubbornness of your father's is already startin' to show!" Ashura Gozen called out as she saw her daughter coming out from behind the castle's main entrance.
The girl in question was a small child in a red and white dress with black and gold shoes on her delicate feet. She had black hair with strands of pink twisting through her forward bangs, black horns protruding from her eye and lush aqua green eyes. As soon as she came into view, she ran right towards Akaro who knelt down with open arms.
"Well, well, now this is a surprise! Looks like I got a little girl to spoil now," he smiled enthusiastically as he lifted the child up in the air and spun her around a bit. The last time he was in Cocytus, he and Shugo shared a lengthy night together which led to the Dragon of the East to conceive a child.
"Not exactly the way I wanted you to meet, but shit happens. Say hello to our beautiful baby girl - Akira Gozen," Shugo announced.
"Akira eh? That's a good name, I like it," Akaro nodded while smiling with pride as he held his new daughter close to him in a fatherly embrace.
"Congratulations Shugo-chan, words cannot express my happiness for you," Reina remarked while approaching from the side.
"Thanks, Your Majesty. I really wish you were here when I went into labor. I wanted ya in the delivery room with me so I could have formerly named you her Flamemother…"
"I know, but circumstances drew me elsewhere. Words cannot begin to express my regret at missing such an important moment in your life."
"Lady Morana, please…I understand. You have responsibilities to attend to. We all get it. Such matters that drew you away do not diminish my respect or loyalty towards you in any way."
"Heh, this is your Aunt Reina," Akaro politely interjected while holding his daughter proudly.
"Why hello there, Miss Akira Gozen. It is a pleasure to meet you," Reina smiled at her new niece who was smiling shyly towards her.
"Hi… Um…should I call you 'Your Highness', Lady Morana, or…Queen Reina?" Akira asked innocently.
"You can just call me, Auntie. You are my precious niece, after all."
"Okay Auntie Reina!"
In the background, the Gear users, Arcueid, Satsuki, and Ryuko joined up with the collective. Introductions would eventually come, but almost everyone gathered around were confused by the presence of the small child cradled in Akaro's arms.
"It hasn't been that long since we've been gone, right?" Raizo asked the number question occupying the minds of those who knew of Cocytus.
"Allow me to explain. Ryu-jin have supernatural characteristics, aggressive breeding habits and an extremely potent desire to grow and spread their species. As a result, Ryu-jin children grow exponentially fast. Couple that with how time flows differently in Cocytus and you have a child that develops faster than any other species, yes?" Garuda explained for those present.
"Well shit…and here I thought either myself, Shirabe, Tsubasa, or Hibiki would be the first to bear his kid since we're all pregnant," Ryuko ruffled her hair in a perplexed fashion.
"No…not even remotely. Aniki's got kids…you're each just the latest addition to the harem…respectfully," Raizo shook his head a little.
"So…how old is she then?" Arcueid asked curiously.
"She should be a year old, but her mind and temperament indicate she's the mental equivalent of a 10-year old human child. In two years or so, she will be a fully-grown 18-year old," Garuda responded.
"EHHHHHH?!!!" the group resonated simultaneously.
"Yo everyone, meet my daughter - Akira," Akaro strolled over with the little girl in question. The sheer innocence and cuteness of the young little salamander made them all admire how adorable she was and marvel over her. Taking time to introduce themselves, the Cardinal Four and the group from the Last Word took time to mingle for a moment before Reina rallied everyone's attention.
"Let us head inside the palace to prepare for what is to come next. But first, we shall take a moment to walk around the city and give the people a chance to revel in the hope that is the group of heroes assembled here," Reina suggested.
The heroes traversed the streets of the city surrounding the castle taking time to circle the grounds at least once so that the people of the varying tribes would be filled with hope. The presence of the Sovereign, the Cardinal Four and the party of the Last Word were like beacons of strength for them to come together and rally behind; a band of heroes to place their bets on to prevail for the battles to come.
Raizo admired Akaro's demeanor from the side as he held Akira Gozen over his shoulders giving her a piggyback ride. His natural mannerisms showing the loving qualities and protectiveness of a father gave him pause to rethink his earlier feelings of reservation over the idea.
"Maybe I too could one day be like him with a child of my own. But…I'm not sure I'm ready. I mean, would I truly be up to the task? Hell…what does it honestly mean to be a good parent? It's not like I grew up with the best role models in my life. Then again, I have my own father to use as a reference too…ugh my head hurts," Raizo sighed as he continued his march beside his brother.
"Heh heh…your hair looks kinda funny. It looks like someone spilled paint on your bangs," Akira Gozen pointed out with a sarcastic tone.
"Hmm…coming from someone who looks like they spilled strawberry milk in their hair…" Raizo smirked, electing to tease the girl back.
"Heh at least strawberry milk is delicious!" Akira puffed out her chest with pride
"Sure, until it gets spoiled," Raizo slyly responded.
"Joke's on you, I can own up to being spoiled because at least I'm honest!"
"Well at least you're freely admitting to it."
"Yeah, unlike someone who can't be honest with his feelings."
"E-Eh? What the hell does that mean?"
"I can smell the tsundere coming off of you."
"Oi…Aniki, you hear the sass coming out of your little one right now?"
"Hey man, don't look at me. Shit's just genetic, plus she is her mother's daughter through and through," Akaro chuckled as he listened to the two argue.
"Heh, what's the matter, Rai-Rai-san, can't handle the heat? Don't mess with a dragon if you don't wanna be burned!" Akira continued to prod.
"Look here you sassy little lizard…grow up a little bit first before you start boasting victory."
"Haha, if I waited until I grew up then I'd own you completely. Besides, even when I'm a big girl, I'll still be honest and you'll still be a tsundere with the bukkake hair!"
"...tch….not my fault my hair is like this…damn kid…mou…"
"I win!"
"That's my girl!" Akaro laughed heartily after listening to the two of them go back and forth. Akira shared a laugh with her father that caused the Stormbringer to look at their smiling faces with admiration.
"Moments like this are what we're fighting for. Who knows…maybe one day, I'll know what that experience is like. Until then…I have to do my part to make sure that we have a world left for the future generations to inherit." Raizo thought to himself as the group continued along.
After circumnavigating Tatsuya City, the heroes entered Kazuhiko Castle where the warriors reconvened within the antechamber of the throne room. Snapping her fingers, Reina invoked her powers to create a large square table for everyone to be seated comfortably before going to sit on her throne. The empty seat felt foreign in terms of sight to her as she swept aside any dust that may have accumulated during her time away. The moment she took her seat, a slow burning flame emanated from around her body as she felt herself become connected with the entirety of Cocytus almost instantaneously.
The Sovereign has not sat on her throne since her ascendancy as the Primordial Goddess of Fate so the realm would have to compensate for that accordingly. However, such acclimations would have to wait. Taking a deep breath to adjust in her position, she closed her eyes for a moment before Akaro started the show. He removed his daughter from over his shoulders and sat her down beside him to his right while Ashura Gozen sat to his left. Taking out a small circular device, he slid it towards the middle of the table as a series of radio waves emanated throughout the room connecting to the Last Word.
"This is Akaro with the ground team reaching the Last Word, over," Akaro called out through the paging system.
"This is Alexis aboard the Last Word, we hear you loud and clear," the Grand Archer responded in kind.
"That was a nasty state of affairs for an orbital bombardment, how's everything lookin' up there?" the Crimson Envoy asked, cutting straight to the heart of his concerns.
"All systems are performing at optimal capacity. Between Semiramis' runes and arcane magic and my reinforcement via Rho Aias, that outer darkness energy blast was largely repelled."
"A few items in the lab short circuited from the sudden energy overload, but nothing that was critical towards our operations, Akaro-san," the intelligent voice of Elfnein chimed in through the comm system.
"The vessel is more than capable of repelling any sudden attacks. Furthermore, any ambushes will be easily met by the Last Word's weapon systems which will bombard hordes of any foes before they even think of getting close," Semiramis confidently declared feeling empowered by the machinations of the vessel.
"Plus they got me if things get a little too stupid kiddo!" Akatsuki interjected in the background with a carefree tone.
"Heh well try not to get too carried away up there, we just finished giving her a makeover ya know," the hero chuckled before turning the comms over to the Symphogear girls who spoke with the other members of S.O.N.G. including Genjuro. A few minutes passed before the transmission eventually came to an end leaving Reina to take the show.
The Queen of Cocytus focused her energy for a moment and used her powers to scour for updates regarding every corner of the realm. In the background, Garuda conjured up a large mirror in the center of the table which Reina projected some of her power into. A gradual silhouette of a small, oni female came on the screen before revealing the visage of Shuten Douji on Onigashima.
"My, my, Your Highness, I was not expecting a call. Welcome home. I would love to drink in honor of your return, but we have some rather rude, uninvited guests to deal with," the heroic spirit recanted as several squads of Oni warriors were battling out against various amalgamations of Tacet that dropped in from above.
"These creatures are trying their best to cross the oceans of Cocytus to reach the far interior of the lands of our people. We have been holding them here for the most part," Shuten continued.
At that moment, the foundation of the island shook during the 'broadcast' as mysterious creatures hovered overhead. The beasts appeared like flying crosses bound by feathers. Their bodies were covered in black angel wings in two distinctive areas: two wings wrapped around their upper torsos like a straight-jacket that bound their arms, another pair of wings wrapped around their waists like dresses barely exposing their feet. The last pair of wings that the beasts had were the ones they used to fly. Projecting from their mouths was an ominous chorus of a mass choir singing "Gloria" like opera singers.
"Gloria, gloria, sing gloria to the one!
Gloria, O' Gloria, exalt thy odyssey…
Gloria, O' gloria, to Perdyssion!"
"My…my…such a lovely chorus, but I despise such ostentatious melodies," Shuten whimsically smiled as she took a sip of elixir from her sandazuki cup before exerting a cloud of poisonous miasma that melted the rows of avian beasts and reduced their bodies to bones and ash.
"I see…perhaps you require assistance? We have an adequate number of fighters that are more than capable of ensuring these monsters do not intrude any further. Plus I am sure your brother would love to fight side by side with his sister," Reina proposed.
"I appreciate the gesture, Your Grace, but I believe we have it under control," Shuten remarked as she stepped aside to show the silhouette of a giant red and black treasure galleon soaring through the skies with colossal cannons firing great chasms of light thus obliterating swathes of aerial combatants.
"Fear the might of Temeross El Draque!" the Pirate Queen, Francis Drake, remarked as she continued to pull the triggers of her flintlock pistols thus wiping out enemies in droves.
Black wings soared through the skies leaving clouds of toxic miasma in its wake as the visible sheen of a black blade cut through the Tacet after Tacet letting them dissolve into nothingness. Upon further inspection, it was none other than the first wife of Akaro and the woman who served as the successor of Reina's mantle as the Goddess of Death - Akame Tenbatsu.
The movements of the Red-Eyed Killer appeared like something out of a high-octane action video game. She glided through the skies at varying speeds swinging the Murasame blade like it was a magic wand. With every stroke of the sword, the enemy was consumed by the maws of a poisonous death as each cut severed their very abstract existence and obliterated them from the domain of Cocytus.
On the ground, rattling chains permeated by swathes of purgatorial hellfire bathed the island sands in its wake as numerous scores of Tacet were bound then devoured by the raging inferno. Arcs of emerald green lightning bolts chained together several scores of others before detonating simultaneously. Any survivors were then consumed by waves of golden brilliance. The silhouettes of Jeanne, Jeanne Alter, and Frankenstein were seen in the distance as they did their fair share of work to ensure that the beasts would not so much as graze the lands over the horizon.
A few moments of intense action like a cinematic feature were on display through the mirrored projection before the Angel of Darkness made her descent thus reversed back towards her base form. Standing next to Shuten Douji, the flawless beauty of the red-eyed killer, Akame, joined in on the conversation.
"Senpai, we are managing to hold our own here. We thank you for your concern, but none of the enemy officers behind this invasion force have made themselves known. As much elation we all feel knowing that you, my husband, my student and the other heroes are here to reinforce us, I implore you not to waste precious strength over what feels like a diversion," Akame advised with humility in her voice tinged by years of fighting experience.
"Your wisdom makes a lot of…" Reina was about to say when she felt a strong wavelength ripple through her aura as she sensed one of the other tribes attempt to reach out. She snapped her fingers to cause an adjacent projection to appear which led to a horrifying visage.
Violent strikes of deep red bolts of lightning consumed the mountainous northern region as flaming plasma energies consumed the landscape. Strewn across a battlefield of shattered armor and charred mounds of flesh, silhouettes of tortoise-like creatures were on display being devoured by the maelstrom of chaos. Just then, a creature in dark blue armor mimicking Zion came into view. A portion of his mask was destroyed revealing tired emerald green eyes and the roundness of a wrinkled snout taking on reptilian-like features.
"Elder Sinai…" Zion murmured to himself knowing who the individual was. He was one of the elders of the Kappa race and the one who held the most influence over the northern tribe prior to Zion's succession of the mantle. The armored tortoise was down on his knees, weakened by a hard-fought battle.
"Great Sovereign…forgive our weakness…and ineptitude. These foes are far more powerful than we realized. Their blades can cut through our defenses…bypassing our natural protections and destroying our principles of balance. The North cannot hold back…these monsters for long. One in particular…whose strength outclasses any beast we've felled so far…." he spoke in a pained voice.
In the background, a solitary figure holding a black and red greatsword over her shoulder with a raging bloodlust marked through the wreckage of the Kappa Kingdom.
"AKARO!!!!! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!" the booming voice of an angry warrior echoed so loud that it shook the walls of the Sovereign's castle.
"For Cain's fate…Cocytus shall pay a billionfold! In the shadows of vengeance, I shall rise like a tempest, fueled by the fires of my brother's demise. Brace yourself, for my path knows no mercy, and my retribution shall be a symphony of your pain!" screamed the voice of the mad warrior with an eyepatch. She was the one who Raizo fought one on one a short while back known as Bellona. As soon as the last of her words echoed out, Sinai's broadcast was cut off.
Akaro clenched his fist, a subtle pressure wafting from the brief tension of the muscles in his hand creating a small fixture of cracks in the table; but the warrior took a deep breath.
"That's a trap…no doubt about it," he reckoned.
"What if we just sent a few of us to take her on? We're much stronger now than when we were in Cairo. Surely we can manage that much, right?" Raizo proposed.
"Even with just a few of us from the forces gathered here, we would be playing right into the enemy's hands. Like Akame said, the enemy officers behind this assault have not completely revealed themselves. Surely that Bellona person did not orchestrate an incursion into my domain all on her own," Reina responded as a subtle counter to his proposal.
"Senpai is right on this one, my young apprentice. Out of the entire batch of reinforcements, Akaro and Reina-senpai are the strongest. Diverting even one of them for a single fight when greater threats could be lingering around is tantamount to suicide," Akame stated.
"Worst case scenario, we could ask Mother if she would assist us," Reina proposed.
"Nah, Mom ain't gonna interfere too much. She acts in accordance with Akasha's will and all that so. Plus it would defeat the purpose of the lessons we're meant to be learning right now. Aspect on our side or not, this is a fight we gotta handle ourselves," Akaro commented on his sister's position.
"You have an Aspect with you? And…she's your mother?" Akame questioned with slight perplexity.
"It's a long story, but yeah…the Aspect of the Crimson Dragon is my mother…well…our mother. Reina here is my older sister…like literally," Akaro summarized.
".....The family tree gets fucked up with each passing second…" Akame remarked.
"You get used to it…" Akaro and Reina responded in perfectly timed harmony.
"Anyway…Rei-chan, why don't ya send me and Arc-chan up north to help?" Musashi suddenly cut in to volunteer her services.
"Yes, I'd love to take that annoying bitch down a peg or two after last time…" Arcueid grinned with sinister intent as she relished in the thought of some much deserved payback.
"That…" Reina was going to say something before the Turtle of the North spoke.
"I would be satisfied taking these two fearsome warriors to my homelands, Your Majesty. I believe them to be more than capable," Zion implored on their behalf.
"Very well, but be prepared for whatever this battle may bring. Bellona is not to be trifled with. She gets stronger as the fight drags on so do not hold anything back or count her out for a single second," Reina advised.
"Heh, don't worry Rei-chan, I'll cut her down to size…Arc and I both," Musashi winked.
Garuda then used her magic to conjure a portal to the northern mountain ranges of Cocytus which Zion, Musashi and Arcueid venture forward as they disappear through the magical threshold.
"You know what…as precious as manpower is, we really can't afford not to waste any opportunity to secure some allies. Yo Rudy-chan, ya thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Ashua Gozen asked with allusion towards another initiative.
"Ah…that is a valid idea. But who should we target for the spell?" Garuda tilted her head to the side softly.
"Anyone who shares a connection with Lady Reina or anyone affiliated with her and the kiddo's bloodline is a good start."
"Um…what…." Raizo was about to ask when he saw Reina out of the corner of his eye raise a hand to stop him from asking. From there, he witnessed the two women get up from the table and walk over to the side of the chamber before grabbing each other's hands.
"Ready?" Garuda asked.
"As I'll ever be," Ashura replied.
The pair closed their eyes and synchronized their breathing as soft glows of translucent green aura spiraled around them. A soft melody escaped their lips, their voices harmonizing in perfect pitch. A warm, enveloping presence filled the room as the union of aura reached out and gently passed by Reina's position before rushing over towards Raizo. From there, a beacon of light shot up into the air before passing through a small portal of magenta that led through parts unknown for those present to witness.
"A duet of the Ryu-jin and the Yakshini; or what became known as the Siren's Song. It is a special spell shared between Shugo and Rudy that allows them to reach out to draw the hearts of those intended by the catalyst of their song in hopes of drawing them in," Reina explained. While the two were busy handling that business, the Sovereign closed her eyes and focused her energy to other regions of her kingdom.
The southern lands that were governed by the Bird of the South were largely unscathed throughout this whole ordeal; however, a massive incursion was marching towards the Ryu-jin lands home to the Dragon of the East. Feeling that disturbance grew with each pulsating moment, Reina focused harder on that part of Cocytus to get a better picture of who was leading the pending assault. She projected the results for those in the room to see.
The Dark Knight that was eviscerated by Akaro in their last battle, Vili, marched towards the front gates of the Ryu-jin borders unimpeded. Solitary, defiant, and audacious, the lone dark knight pressed forward with her advance as legions of Tacet under her command followed behind. Their mission: Decimate the Ryu-jin race and erase the kingdom leaving nothing left for the God-King to rule.
"So bait me into the North while the true intent is to destroy my kingdom before I ever get a chance to formally take my place amongst the Ryu-jin? That's rather clever of them," Akaro remarked as he continued to watch the events unfold.
"Beneath the blood-stained moon, the God-King's reign will be brought to an end. As my blade will sever the Lifeblood of dragons, the very essence of their existence shall wither into eternal oblivion. From the ashes of their might, a new era of Perdition shall dawn and their majestic legacy shall crumble!" Vili declared whilst raising her blade high above her head to begin the assault.
"Akame, I leave the West to you. I'm sure Yaten-douji will join you of his own accord as soon as he gets a chance to rest," Reina said as she elected to begin to divide up the current forces appropriately.
"Copy that, Senpai. Good hunting out there," Akame remarked as the 'call' came to an end. From there, the Queen of Cocytus affixed her attention towards her brother.
"I leave the decision of how to handle Vili and the East to you, Akaro. You are the Father of All Dragons now," Reina presented.
"Well isn't it obvious, Sis? I'm goin'. And this time…I'll probably have to make sure Vili ain't a problem anymore," Akaro remarked as he beckoned Ashura Gozen to his side.
"Daddy…can I come too?" Akira asked.
"No sweetheart, I need you to be a good girl and stay here in your Aunt's castle. Your Mom and I have business to take care of at home by stomping the bad guys out, okay?" Akaro explained.
"Okay…" Akira looked down with a small pout on her face before she was cheered up by a loving pat on the head by her father. Without asking, Garuda generated another portal for the draconian couple to pass through. As Ashura was held close by her King, the would-be Mother of Future Dragons was delighted by this.
"Try to stay focused, you two, and take care of business. I have a feeling you will be busy acquiring more wives and adding more to the load of my being a babysitter if occupied otherwise, yes?" Garuda chuckled, hinting that Akaro's new position also meant that he would be indulging in a lot of mating in the future.
"I'll try to behave, but ya already got four of my future wives in the room with ya carrying four more of my children," Akaro chuckled as he and Shugo were about to pass through the makeshift doorway.
"Goodness, well..there's a certain hero in the south I could rely on who enjoys being with children. Maybe if she is not busy with her hunting trips, she could help me with watching your energetic kids," Garuda pondered. Akaro merely chuckled again before turning his eyes to Raizo.
"Yo lil bro, while I'm out taking care of business, you got your own job to do. Find that Kiichi Hogen person and learn everything you can from 'em so we can finish this fight, alright?"
"Yeah Aniki," Raizo nodded in agreement, "I'll do what I must."
Without further delay, the Hero-King and his draconian bride passed through the doorway before disappearing from sight.
"Satsuki, Ryuko, and the Gear users will stay here and protect the Castle as well as all the injured and refugees from the war. I can trust you all to handle that much, right?" Reina asked them, knowing they were fully capable of doing that.
"RIGHT!" they responded in unison.
On the side, Raizo pondered what his path was going to be like going forward. A war was going on and he would have to be on the backburner.
"Whatever this path is…I hope it will be worth it. I want to join the fight, but at the same time…I don't want to be dead weight."
"I'm ready," Raizo said, pushing through the thoughts gnawing at him in the back of his mind.
"Good," Reina approved whilst raising up from her throne as she walked towards the youth with her blade in hand.
"Come, even though the night is dark and full of terrors, we shall journey forth to seek the light at the end of the tunnel."