

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs


He went to the window and opened it not caring about the early winter cold.he stretched his hand out and a ball of mist left his hand,it traveled down far into a part of castle where his pets kennel is located and it divided into three smaller balls and went into each of the three kennels.

He heard low growls and he smirked, feeling satisfied he left the window and this time he went to stand in front of the girl whose energy he had drained but not enough to knock her unconscious,he eyes flashed a brighter red and her body was gone.

He walked out of his study and headed to his quarters.when he go to Mason's door,he stood and stared at it for a while.

He left for his own room and stripped as he got into bed. he needed to make it look real to get the best result he thought to himself as he shut his red eyes.

Tessa opened her eyes slowly and her vision adjusted to see who it was that was shaking her.when her eyes finally focused,she saw a worried looking Abby staring at her worriedly.

Her friend helped her as she sat up in bed ,she rested her head on the headboard "did I suddenly become a monkey in a zoo" she asked with sleepy eyes

"I was worried,you usually wake early even before the rest of us but you're still sleeping when it's almost noon" Abby looked her over and said "I thought something happened to you,I was sent by the head maid to come check on you"

"hmmn" she said when her eyes suddenly shot wide open "did you say noon?" she asked as she sat straight not sure if she heard her friend correctly

"yes, are you sure you're okay? and why did you even sleep naked"

Tessa looked down at her chest and discovered she was truly naked,then it her, she had gone to the king last night,he sent out his former butler who looked as if he been slapped when he was pushed out of the king's study because of her then the king had shut the door and he grabbed her and no?, he had pounced on her,torn her night dress and banged the living shit out her,it's no surprise she ended up sleeping like a log of wood

but how did she get back here?

"Tessa, can you hear me?" her friend called worriedly

"yes sorry I was just.."

"it's alright,put on some clothes first and rest, I'll go tell Martha the cold must have gotten to you and you're not strong, and I'll get some hot food and soup, you look out of colour" Abby said and left leaving her to her own thoughts.

"it worked" she said quietly and breathe a sigh of relief and that's all that matters,she doesn't care if he had an appetite of a horse as long as she becomes queen.

she rubbed her eyes and sighed again,she knows she should be scared for her life at the moment but it's better not jinx it,so she braced herself and got up to put on the clothes Abby laid out for her,thecold was biting into her skin.

Mason banged hard on the door to the king's room.without waiting for any response, he barged in and waited as his eyes adjusted to the dark room,an average human wouldn't have seen a thing but being a fox,his vision was clear and he could see.

he saw that christian still in bed asleep,he shut the door with a loud bang and he marched up to the bed and looked at the wicked and very heartless king who could sleep after what he did to him.

He continued to stand next to him as he glared daggers at the man who remained unmoved despite the loud noise he just made. He folded his arms and tapped his foot in anger, he was going to wait alright,he would wait till he wakes.

"is something wrong mister?" came the deep sexy bedroom voice before a set of red eyes stared up at him with droopy eyelids.

"wh_where did you sleep last night?" mason asked feeling flustered from the sight of the sexiness laying on the bed.

his face grew hot and he he used his hand in fanning himself " why is it so hot in here" he asked tearing his eyes away from the torso that kept beckoning him to touch and feel.

'God he's supposed to be so mad at this this beautiful looking demon' he thought to himself as he sneered at the man who still had his droopy eyes on and remained unmoving on the bed.

Christian kept his pretense up and closed his eyes back lazily and pretended to go back to sleep as Mason emotions kept colliding inside him.

"where the fuck did you sleep last night christian?"

Yes,he was beginning to lose his cool.he had always hid behind the shadow of being a butler and never showed his emotions but now that he had enough time on his hands he beginning to show his true colours.he can't argue that he loved this jealous mason better

"you've begin to grow balls Mason" he stated, boring his eyes intensely into forest green eyes while send seduction and danger through the gaze.

"what happened between you and the maid last night?"

"why do you want to know?"

" no reason,I just feel like knowing" he answered lifting his chin while his fingers kept at war

"well I don't want to tell you, now get out I'll like to get some sleep"

"don't get on my nerves mason,it's too early for that" he added quietly when Mason refused to move.

Hurt filled mason and hot tears stung his eyes.he left the king's room in sadness.when he got to his own room,he lay on the bed face down and cried.

Christian sighed as he saw Mason cry in his room,he stood from his own bed and prepared for court, after court he thought to himself then he would go and see mason.

He sighed as he thought about his power,it was fun when he watched him restless in jealousy through the night but seeing him cry now,it's not so fun

He scoffed,he acted all strong and nasty a while ago only for him to go cry in his room

"you're just the fragile fox I've always known afterall"christian said to himself as walked out.

Hello 👋🤩 dear readers, thanks for reading crimson fate, please 🙏 don't forget to rate and comment your thoughts and observations.it will mean a lot to me.


lots of love 💕💕🤗
