

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


Tessa walked briskly as she entered the castle grounds. she gave a nod to the guards who acknowledged her as she walked past them, turning her face away immediately as they smiled at her.

She spotted her friend who was waiting for her.they had separated that morning after they got to the nearest village. they've been granted the day off and each had different plans for it.

She went straight home and lucky enough her father was home and was also expecting her,she hugged him in greeting and looked expectantly at him,she breath a sigh of relief when nodded his head.

They locked all doors and windows to ensure no one would see what they were about to do.

Lucas went to his room and carried out the small safe he hid under the bed,he placed it on the table in front of his daughter and opened it,he brought out a small vial containing a purple liquid,he placed in his daughter's hand and she hid inside her dress immediately then asked "how do I use it?"

"the witch says to drink it.... what are the chances of you meeting the king alone at night"

"I'm not sure, what exactly did she say"

"well she said to drink this at night and go straight to the king and you know.. do the seduction thing" Lucas said looking away

"what seduction thing father?" Tessa asked sternly

"have sex Theresa, have sex with him.the potion would make him not refuse you" he answered

"okay" she said and began to leave,on her way out,she turned and hugged her father again to assure him.There was somewhere else she has to go.

"I see that it's the break you needed" her friend said once Tessa was close enough "you look happy"

"a family's touch I guess" Tessa shrugged and laughed. They walked into the castle and went straight to the kitchen for their dinner before heading to their rooms for their night sleep.

Christian sat in his study going through some paperwork while Mason sat across him feeling bored and toying with whatever his hands could reach.

"don't you think it's high time I have my job back,"

"it's not going to happen"

"they couldn't even find you a decent butler"

"that is because, I do not want it to be from them" christian said not looking up was as he read the content of the paper in his hand.

Mason eyed him and asked "who do you want him to come from then ?"

"from Horace" he answered flatly still not looking up

"what if he brings a demon?" Mason asked laughing and wiped it off his face when Christian raised his head slightly and stared at him in silence.

Mason's eyes grew wide and he leaned forward on the table "you asked him to bring in a demon as a butler!"

"I'm glad you're quick witted" he answered and went back to his work

Mason sat back on his chair,he was about to speak when a knock sounded on the door. he got up and went to open the door.

he saw a veiled person standing at the door "I'll like to speak with the king"

"who are you and why is your face covered" a voice from behind the butler asked

'The king' Tessa thought as she saw him standing tall and looking sexy behind the former butler, gathering her courage she removed her veil and stared straight into the king's eyes and said "may I speak with you... alone"

Mason turned and looked at christian who didn't take his eyes off the maid who seemed to look extra beautiful tonight for some reason "go to bed Mason" christian husky voice brought him out of his thoughts

"what..." mason began to protest but he shut his mouth when christian raised his hand "wait for me there" he said and gently pushed him out of the study.

He stood back and gestured for Tessa to come in, immediately she stepped in he shut the door on Mason who remained standing at the entrance with his jaw in the ground.

He walked to his room quietly and hurt, never before had christian treated him that way and it's because of a maid. 'no maid was allowed near the king but twice that same wench had barged a way in' he thought and scoffed ' that's some audacity'

He suddenly stopped when what he thought finally sank in, he turned around to go back to the study as his jealousy suddenly began to seep out but he stopped and decided against it.

He turned back to head for his room as he began struggling with his inner conflict.

He got to his room and took off his day clothes,he went into the adjoining bath and cleaned himself then another clothe for sleeping

Feeling exhausted from the war his emotions were causing inside him,he went to bed and shut his eyes but he suddenly sat up again.

he went to sit on the couch in the room and decided to wait for christian. he sat and began tapping his right foot on the ground,he waited a long time way until after midnight but Christian did not show up.

Tired of sitting,he stood and began pacing around his room,he began biting on his finger when he got tired twisting it.

He went to the window and lifted the thick curtain and saw it was close to dawn,he sighed tiredly, annoyed with himself for expecting him he climbed into bed and soon fell asleep after turning and rolling around for some time.

Christian sat back and relaxed into the couch in his study and grinned to himself. the vision he was seeing dissolved in front of his eyes.

thanks to the stupid who is currently laying naked on the ground in front of him in the fantasy dream she was having and seeing what she thinks is happening,he was able to see a beautiful sight.

He smiled again as he remembered what he just saw,he would cherish that sight forever "let's see how far you can hold out my jealous little fox" he said to himself.

Looking at the maid again,he placed his hand on her forehead ,the dream she was having stopped and she fell into a deep sleep as tiredness hit her.

Hello 👋 readers, thanks for reading crimson fate, please 🙏 don't forget to rate and comment the story chapters, it'll help and encourage me to keep writing and update faster

lots of love 💕💕
