
Crimson Breeze

Even Vulcane, the one dubbed as the Great Crimson God, couldn't avoid the passage of time. Every one of his wives died due to old age, leaving him with only two undying Vampires. Having enough with his life, he decided to meet with the Universe Administrator to talk about the reincarnation program they had been doing. Where dead youth from whatever planets could live a second life, fulfilling their unfulfilled life. Without a system, he was reincarnated to the new Universe. --| Hehe |-- Discord: https://discord.gg/zmxBZmdqrH --| Hehe |--

Chrillion · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
101 Chs

Chapter 84 - God Sweeping Upper Realm

Chappy 84 - God Sweeping Upper Realm


"Well, there's no need for me to worry about her." Kenjiki let himself on the sofa, reading the text Furina sent.

"Where are we going next?" Kyoka laid her head on his shoulder.

Kyoka had started to like this lifestyle, going around places looking at all sorts of things.

It's much better than just sitting in the class, listening to the teachers babbling on a topic that didn't interest her.

"There's nothing much to do." Kenjiki put down the phone.

While going around places would surely give them all the fun things to do.

The world needed to rest and brew another exciting event.

Such as with all of this so-called war brewing in the background.

No one was dumb enough to start anything foolish, knowing that the heroes were upping up their games.

If even something were to happen, the heroes who were holding back their urge would explode and vent their frustration there.

"Looks like focusing on school was a lie again." Kyoka chuckled, remembering how many times they stopped going to school right after they said that they wanted to spend time learning.

"Do you want to go back?" Kenjiki looked directly at her eyes.

"Not really, it'd be better to have someplace to spend time." Kyoka drew a circle on his thigh.

Sure, lazing around in the school and wasting time was not in their fun alley.

At least it was enjoyable while it lasted since they weren't being fed high-octane action at all times.

For one, they could rest easy and watch the world continue as it's supposed to.

At the same time, they snuggled with each other on the sofa.

The space near them was mildly shaken, causing a ripple to appear.


A crack in the space suddenly appeared, revealing a familiar busty woman.

"There you are." Cyrene spoke with a hint of joy and sat beside him.

"Where have you been?" Kenjiki looked at her.

How long has it been since Kenjiki last saw Cyrene?

1 week?

2 weeks?

1 month?

The longest Cyrene ever had to leave him was a day, but this was a rare occasion.

"Was talking to someone. He wants me to recommend someone for a job; to wreak havoc in his world." Cyrene spoke with a straight face, baffling everyone else in the room.

"First time I've heard of this job." Kenjiki raised his eyebrow after hearing her words.

"Well, he usually tends to use his own people. Also, this kind of thing is quite common, since a god of a world needs to reset their world whenever it reaches a bottleneck." Cyrene pinched both of his cheeks and played with it.

"Thing like that exist?" Kyoka blinked her eyes in shock, unable to comprehend that an apocalypse caused a god's whim.

The word god had been thrown around a bit too much, causing it to lose any meaning that it ever had.

Degrading to a word that described an overly powerful being that stood above others.

"So, who are you going to recommend?" Kenjiki looked at her with an expectant look.

"Who else other than my dependable husband?" Cyrene chuckled and teased him. "We'll go whenever you're ready."

Kenjiki was the happiest of the bunch, since he should be able to unleash at least some of his power without care.

Kyoka too was expectant, since exploring a whole unknown world seemed to be a good pastime.

That's why also before Cyrene could tell them anything about the world they were going to go to.

A loud 'No!' stopped her from continuing to introduce the world, with Kyoka explaining that she wanted a fresh experience.

"Alright, I won't." Cyrene raised both of her hands as a sign of surrender. "Are you ready to go?"

"Of course we are!" Kenjiki and Kyoka replied at the same time.

With the world simultaneously looking for Kenjiki that seemed to disappear into thin air, it was decided that staying any longer wasn't a good idea.

Moreover, there are still 2 weeks left until the main event is going to start.

So, a vacation to another world was very welcome.

"Go in." Cyrene pointed at an entirely new crack in the space. "The destination is random."

Cyrene could easily set the destination to the strongest faction around.

But where would the fun be in that?

"..." Kyoka looked at Cyrene with a dead expression, because the latter had intentionally kept that information to herself until the last second.

Unfortunately, before she could complain, she had already left the world and was now traversing through the void.

"Hey, what is this war about?" Cyrene looked at Nagant, remembering a talk concerning a war.

"Like any war, it's a battle between all factions that exist in this world." Nagant explained with a straight face.

"Is this what young people see as a fun activity?" Cyrene sighed, fully knowing that there was no ulterior motive behind this war.

It's simply for the fun of the few.

--[ God Sweeping Upper Realm ]--

Kenjiki walked out of the space rift, arriving in an unknown place.

More specifically, the backyard of some family.

"There doesn't seem to be any strong people around here. Let's go up, Kyo." Kenjiki summoned his wing and readied to fly up when he noticed something was up.

He's alone.

"Kyo?" Kenjiki looked around frantically, but to no avail, as there were only strangers nearby.

At the same time, the owner of the house noticed that there was an intruder in their house.

"Who are you!?!" Someone shouted, alarming everyone else in the house.

Subsequently, he also noticed the pair of wings that were on his back.

"THERE'S MONSTER HERE!! ALERT THE CITY GUARD!!!" The man shouted even louder than the whole neighborhood heard his cries.

"Urgh. Really, now?" Kenjiki groaned and disappeared into the sky with just one move.

His departure left the people on the ground agape, unable to comprehend the speed at which he disappeared.

"The monster escaped! Who knows where he's going to go next!" The man shouted at the people who had just arrived.

In less than a minute of his arrival, Kenjiki had already started wreaking havoc.

Mainly in the small city that's inconsequential to the grand scheme of things.

The city quickly activated the level one emergency, getting ready for any attack if the humanoid beast was to come back.

Meanwhile, the culprit had already left the province, cranking his mana sense to the max looking for Kyoka.

This alerted every powerhouse that he passed through since he was being so obvious with his presence.

To the point, it covered the whole region.

"Where are you, Kyo?" Kenjiki was worried that something happened to her. "Is she trapped back in the void? But there's no strange fluctuation back there."

"Did she arrive at a different place? But how is it possible? Cyrene's teleportation shouldn't be so bad that they would be separated." Kenjiki racked his brain for any possible explanation.

It was unthinkable that someone who was responsible for an entire universe would make this kind of mistake.

On top of that, he was unable to contact Cyrene through any means because his words seemed to arrive nowhere.

Meanwhile, there were hundreds of people wearing white robes chasing him, shouting all kinds of words to persuade him to stop.

However, Kenjiki simply didn't have time to care about them as a message suddenly reached him.

"Kyoka is somewhere safe, there's no need to worry about her."
