

Akira, a 14-year-old adventurer, is in Crestania with his goddess Luna. As he descends further into dungeons, he grows stronger with each level, but he also encounters terrifying enemies. Akira will discover that having a team can aid him in navigating the harder dungeon levels, but can he truly do it even with a party? Find out...

AkiraKaze · Fantasía
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24 Chs

The War

As everyone has started to enter the Arena, Every Crestania was spectating the match on a holographic live stream hosted by Leon.

"Alrighty folks! We have a match today! The Herb Crestania VS The Forest Hunter Crestania! will be against each other in a siege battle. The Herb Crestania will be the attackers and the Forest Hunter's will be the castle defenders. The match is over when a leader from one of the Crestania's is defeated." Leon explained.

"Akira take this mask, It'll boost your magic spells" Ren said with a smile.

All the god's watched from the meeting place together.

"Mako...are you ready to taste defeat?" Kazaki the owner of the Forest Hunter Crestania said.

"Tch, you started something you cannot turn back" Mako said.

As Leon finished his explanation, he shouted "ARE BOTH TEAMS READY!".

And both Crestania's agreed.

And so the match began, Ren, Akira, Wisdom and Noah assumed a stance to start dashing and breaching the castle.

Noah, Wisdom and Siren would protected Haku after Noah and Wisdom help Akira and Ren breach in the castle. The first line of defense would be Makoto, Liam, and Shatter who would hold the line for Noah, Wisdom and Siren.

"Listen, I'll breach the castle walls with my fire magic, After that Akira, Ren and Noah you guys will run through everyone and I'll hold them off, at least all 25 of them or 50." Wisdom explained.

"Understood, Akira and Ren you guys will move forward as well after I breach the 2nd wall so we can get to the leader's room fast." Noah explained.

"Just leave their commander to me, Ren this is your fight. Don't mess It up." Akira said.

"Wisdom can you help the defense line after you dealt with the mob?" Ren asked.

"Yes, I will back them up If i can. No promises. Now let's breach in!" Wisdom shouted.

As all 4 ran towards a random direction and Wisdom began his magic chant.

"Blessing's of the god of flame's lend me the power to burn my enemies to ashes'" Wisdom chanted as a fiery aura started to surround him and he started to form a ball of flames in the middle of his hands.

"FIRE BLAST!" Wisdom yelled as he released the magic towards the wall of the castle and broke in.

The crowd from the city and god's place cheered on.

Leon announced that Ren's team had already breached and made the first move.

At least 25 members of the Forest Hunter Crestania were already on the 1st floor ready to attack.

"Get going! You 3, I'll hold them all off." Wisdom said as all 3 of them ran past all 25 member's and even knocked them out as they did to help a little.

Wisdom pulled out his sword from his sheath and enchanted the sword into flames.

"Now then, come at me you lot!" Wisdom shouted as the entire group rushed towards him with all their weapons.

Akira, Ren and Noah started to run up the stairs towards the 2nd floor, But there was 50 member's guarding the entrance.

"Start going, I'll hold all of them all off!" Noah shouted.

"Star's in the sky, grant me the power to defy the laws of gravity!" Noah chanted.

"GRAVITY PULL!" Noah yelled, and all of a sudden a magic circle appeared under all 50 members and started to pull them down so hard that they couldn't even get up. But Noah was having a effect too as he was being pulled down too.

"Get going now!" Noah said struggling to even keep up the spell.

Akira and Ren were the last two running to the last floor.

But a great rival appeared in front of Akira and Ren, It was the commander of the Forest Hunter Crestania.

Leon started to announce what was happening.

"Would you look at that folks! Noah from the Moon Crestania is pulling down 50 members with 1 spell! THAT IS INCREDIBLE!" Leon shouted.

The Camera was pointing at Akira and Ren running towards the 3rd floor, even Luna noticed. Praying for his safety she clenched both her hand's together and closed her eyes to pray for him.

"Ren, you know what to do...I'll take her on" Akira said as he pulled out one of his dagger out of his sheath.

"Sorry kid, I won't let you touch our leader!" She said.

"Careful, she has a powerful spell called Holy Wheel. She can control It...her name is Alice the Guardian Knight. Be safe Akira" Ren said as he ran off.

Alice tried to strike Ren down but Akira sent a bolt of thunder magic at Alice before she could stop him.

Akira started to sweat as Ren already ran off.

"Your fight...is with me!" Akira shouted.

Akira quickly kicked his feet off the ground and rushed towards Alice, his dagger and Alice's blade clashed with each other and the 2 went at It, slashing each other but not dealing a single scratch to each other.

"Lightning BOLT!" Akira shouted sending another bolt of lightning at Alice.

"Is that all you got?" Alice said as she easily deflected the magic with her sword.

Akira knew Alice would probably be a tough opponent, despite her nice looks and everything. She was to not be underestimated.

Akira knew all he had to do was stall for time.

Akira took a deep breath before going in again, Akira swung his dagger left right quickly but Alice was matching his speed as their weapons were hitting each other.

They kept this up for at least a minute before they both hit each other's blades so hard that they both got launched back with the shockwaves.

Luna saw the battle in the god's meeting room she started to grip onto her dress stressfully.

Akira closed his eyes and reopened them again.

"That's right, lady Luna is watching, I won't let her down! Miko too!" Akira said in his head.

"Is that all you got Lightning Novice?" Alice teased.

Akira dashed towards Alice once more and they both held each other with their blades in front, But Akira moved his left hand behind him to take out the 2nd dagger he hid.

"W-what?" Alice thought as she was caught by surprise.

"I won't give up! Not until my last breath is drawn!" Akira shouted as he struck his left dagger at Alice but she deflected It with her quick reaction and Akira was knocked back.

Akira quickly recovered in the air and landed on his feet, having his 2 daggers faced in front of him as a stance.

"You're very pretty and strong Akira, how about joining me?" Alice teased.

"In your dreams. I won't just ditch my goddess like that!" Akira said.

Alice sighed in disappointment.

"Alright then, well I'll just have to end It here and now. Our little fight and chat is over" Alice said as she began to form a ring of light around her left hand.

"Is that the holy wheel ability?" Akira thought.

Within seconds Alice launched the wheel towards Akira, he quickly leaped towards the left to dodge the wheel and as he did the wheel shot up and started to break the roof a little.

But It didn't stop moving and was aiming towards Akira again before he could recover.

Akira quickly struck the holy wheel with his dagger but as he did, he missed.

"W-what?! How did I miss?" Akira thought as he was painfully cut on the side of his chest.

Blood started to spill out from the right side of his stomach.

"Did you forget? I can move this ability, so It's like you fighting me 2 times." Alice laughed.

Akira analyzed how he was hit and tried to think of something new,

"If I strike that wheel, then I'll miss and be hit even more. I have to be more careful..." Akira thought.

Akira rushed towards Alice and the holy wheel started to come towards him again, Akira quickly slid under the wheel as It moved towards him and he quickly thrusted his dagger at Alice, once again It was blocked with Alice's blade.

The wheel started to come back towards Akira again but Akira quickly jumped up and held the wheel against his dagger in the left hand. But the wheel broke It and Akira got seriously cut and a deep cut was on Akira's left shoulder.

Akira was in pain, but he held his ground.

Moment's later Akira spat out blood, slowly losing his strength. Dropping down to the ground a little.

Akira had one more idea, but It might end up knocking him out of the battle.

"I have to do this...It's my final act before I get eliminated from this battle." Akira thought.

Akira quickly ran towards Alice again.

"What good will that DO?" Alice yelled as she made the wheel go towards Akira once more.

But Akira dodged It by leaping to the left side, the wheel quickly shifted and went towards Akira again.

Akira smirked as he kept running towards Alice and moment's later Alice tried to strike Akira down with her sword's handle but he jumped over her and landed on the ground safely.

Alice was confused and distracted to the point where she didn't realize her wheel was coming towards her.

Within seconds her own skill attacked her and launched her into a wall afterwards cutting her up but Alice stopped the spell before she could get brutally injured.

She spat out blood, and she was covered in blood head to toe but she was alright, but not able to battle anymore.

"H-how...did you think of that" Alice said slowly.

"You were to greedy, you let your guard down and I was able to use your own ability on your self when you tried to aim towards me. You got so confused after I dodged your attack that you forgot the wheel is being controlled by you. I figured since you were commanding It, you'd also have to tell It to stop in place. But you didn't since I distracted you" Akira explained.

"Impressive..." Alice said as she closed her eyes and passed out.

Akira took a minute to breath as he laid on the ground after the big fight.

Luna and everyone watching was impressed!


Luna said to herself. "Good job my child" as she smiled in tears...

To Be Continued