

Akira, a 14-year-old adventurer, is in Crestania with his goddess Luna. As he descends further into dungeons, he grows stronger with each level, but he also encounters terrifying enemies. Akira will discover that having a team can aid him in navigating the harder dungeon levels, but can he truly do it even with a party? Find out...

AkiraKaze · Fantasy
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24 Chs


While Akira and Miko were waiting for their gear to be ready, they still haven't found a member to join them.

But within a few minutes later, Mako the god of Fortune had walked into the Arcania home with his head down on the floor.

"Please lady Luna! Allow your children to help me with the war!" Mako shouted.

Akira and Miko were watching from upstairs and saw Mako was begging for Luna to help him in the war.

"I cannot risk my children like that Mako, losing Miko and Akira is just as important to me then my life" Luna said.

Akira intervened "Please lady Luna, Allow us to help lord Mako in the war, I'm sure we'll be okay" Akira reassured.

Mako gasped "Are you sure child?!" he said holding both of Akira's shoulders.

"Who is the child you betted on anyways?" Akira asked.

"His name is Ren, He's an A rank support type. He is wearing all black and carries a katana behind his back" Mako described

"Wait, wasn't It that guy I walked by 2 days ago, near the Dawn smith's?!" Akira thought.

"Wait, I'd like to make a deal lord Mako, but If you don't accept It I'll still help you no matter what" Akira asked.

"What is it then?" Mako said.

"I'd like to bring Ren to our dungeon exploration, Me and Miko have been searching for a support type and I think Ren could help us! Could you do that for us If we win you the Crestania war?" Akira asked.

"Absolutely, you can take Ren whenever you want. I will hold my end of the offer." Mako said.

"Alright then Miko! Let's go win the war!" Akira said with excitement.

"W-wait, I only need 1 of you guys to join the fight." Mako said.

"Huh? Why not both of us?" Akira asked.

"Well...since I don't have many children the god I was up against made a rule only allowing me to request 1 children from each Crestania. I only have about 6 in my Crestania but I'm trying to get 10 in total, so which one of you will participate." Mako asked.

"I'll do It, I'm sure you guys would need someone with speed and strength. Miko can watch lady Luna for me while I am in battle." Akira said.

"I-is that alright with you lady Luna?" Akira turned asking Luna.

Luna sighed

"Fine, do as you wish my child. But make sure you kick their butts out there!" Luna motivated with her words.

"Alright then Akira, let's go to my home and discuss the plan of actions. This will be a full on war in a field. The game is called "Capture the leader" basically meaning to win you have to take down their leader." Mako explained

"Now then, lady Luna and lady Miko I will see you 2 later. Akira please come with me" Mako said as he left.

"Do your best out there Akira!" Miko said waving goodbye.

"I got this in the bag." Akira said with a smile.

2 hours later...

Akira arrived at Mako's home base, It was a pretty small house but Mako seemed to have a lot of herbs and plants inside like he was making medicine.

"For a god of fortune I'd expect to see well...a lot of money not plants and herbs" Akira said to Mako.

"Hahaha, I am a god of fortune but I like to make herbs and medicine for people with Haku my personal assistant and Crestania leader." Mako explained.

As both of them entered, Akira was greeted with all 9 other children from different Crestania's.

"Everyone, this is Akira. He is from lady Luna and from Arcania Crestania. I'd like you all to work with him for a bit" Mako said.

Akira was greeted with open arms and with smiles and positive energy.

"Now that everyone is here, allow me to go over the plan."

"Haku will be the leader, I'd like 3 people to protect her from anyone trying to capture her. while 3 of you guys will defend the 3 protecting her. For the 4 of you guys I want you to go and take down their leader. Akira you will join the front line team." Mako explained.

"Here's a picture of their leader, he looks pretty scary but with 4 of you taking him on. It'll be simple, remember this is not a blood bath type of war. So refrain from actually killing people. It's a game not a blood show." Mako warned.

"There's also a secondary commander, she will be the last line of defense for their leader. We might have to be split up in order to get to the leader." One of the members said.

"I'll take her on then, this isn't my fight so I'll leave It to lord Mako's child to take the leader on. But If I do beat their secondary commander fast then I'll come to assist Ren in the final fight."

"Akira right? It's nice to have someone reliable like you around" Ren said with a smile.

"The war will begin tomorrow at 9 AM. We'll be the raiders, all we have to do is take down the leader but...their Crestania has 100 members in total. Haku,Ren,Akira,Noah,Wisdom,Liam,Makoto,Sakura,Siren and Shatter. you all have my thanks for helping me. Now then! Let's win this for the sake of my Crestania!" Mako shouted

As everyone went over the plan and thought about it for awhile, everyone went home.

As Akira got home he had dinner with Miko and Luna.

"So you think you'll be fine with the war? I mean...our gear is still being made." Miko said.

"It's okay, Neon gave me a special dagger that won't break very easily. It's made out of obsidian. Plus I think I'll be okay wearing just light armor like a cloak with a hoodie." Akira explained.

"I am fighting the secondary commander of their Crestania though, and I don't know anything about her but as long as Ren can take out the leader of the Crestania then we win!" Akira said.

"Rest well then. I have a feeling this fight will be very tough but will be hard earned, also I turned off your passive skill for now Akira. I'm afraid If you lose to the commander then you might activate your passive and end up doing something you regret later on." Luna explained.

"That's okay, I was gonna try and prevent that from happening anyways." Akira said.

"Good luck then Akira! Do your best. If you win this you might rank up" Luna said...

To Be Continued