
Crescent The Beginning

It all started off with with her being scared of the knowing but as she gets more information about the world she ends up wanting to change it from the way she found Calista in slavery to even falling in love with a shifter who killed many traning a boy who has lost his mother in away that no one should and finding a wepon from a mysterious kid and even teaming up with magic people that had been casted out and forgotten she is no longer scared of the unknown any more she embraces it she can do it but its not going to be easy to change the minds of the people who are stuck in there way

moonstone2537 · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Chapter ten the capitol

When I wake up I feel something soft and fuzz as I open my eyes I see a familiar black fur adonis must have cared me but where are we as my eyes adjust I see that we made time there before me was the capital the sheer size made me feel so small, the was way the gate stud strong over my head gave me a sense of safety and warmth but it was soon taken away when I saw the grads at the gate there armor told me that they meant business and that I should be wary of them I slid off of adonis and got onto night who was being lead by callista we ride up to the gate and the guards stopped us and look at adonis is he your bond animal un... no he is not adonis would you change back already he shifted back and the guard look all but confused ok ...just keep a eye on him you may go enjoy the capital we moved on and the shock of the size of this place made me hold my breath as to how I am going to find one person in this place is beyond me but I have to do it so I can find what this bow really does I feel a shiver run down my spine and the sound of people talking fill my eres and the sound of feet shuffling make this uneasy feeling thicken around me I pulled my cloak around me and draw my hood up over my head callista did the same thing sensing my uneasiness as we keep moving more and more people look at me as if I am some kind of monster and they started to follow me to I came to a stope and tuned to face them I took a deep breath and said why is that you follow me have I done something to offend you or is there something that you want from me if there is please tell me ..a man spoke out first you are the girl from the rumors the one who has killed and left a trail of body with a wolf as a pet and a spellcaster at your beck and call you are a monster to us all and we want a chance to defeat you and cast you out ....but I have not done any of that ...who is it that has said that this to be true because if I know it to then they must be lie because I was saved from a terrible fate by her without her I would be dead right now i don't know what I would have done without her she is my saver callista you really ....if it weren't for her I think that I would lose myself all over again I really don't know what i would do without her she keeps me sane adonis you the two pups jumped out of the satile bag when know one was looking I saw someone about to kick at something I then knew who it was crimson I jumped off of night just in time to stop the man from hitting him taking the blow was not the smartest thing to do but I picked him up you need to stay in the bag you and you sis are going to get me killed one day i put him back in the bag I am sorry that he was bothering you it will not happen again I hold my side and walk back to night I get on with some struggle but I say one last thing before I go the stories you told me are nothing but stories just don't mess with me or my friends and I will not bother you I am here to find someone that is it I will not close trouble for anyone just don't test me I walked off and left

She walked off holding her head high as I saw her ride off i could see the pane in her eyes as she saw for the first time what people are really like and that not everyone will understand her or what she is capable of that is why she was destined to be alone her skills scare off men and friton the ones who are under her she is something special but I could never had said that to her or those peoples because .... she would know how i have grown to love her more than she could emachine that we are alike in more than one way ...we walked on for sometime and she stopped at a little inn at the end of the street she slipped off of night and fell to the ground I saw that she was in a lot of pane but i could not ..... The man that kicked her she must be ...I walked over to her I pick her up off the ground and cared her inside I left the hours outside with callista she tied them down even though they would not run I walked with her in and asked for a room the man gave me a weird look and then handed me a key thanks I walked up to the room she said put me on the bed and get callista I did just that I came back with her and she told me to leave not this time she whispered something to her she said something and then one minute I was in the room but the next I was outside and the door was locked

Cressida I need him to leave then make him leave she did just that she whispered a spell and the next think I know is he was shoved out the door and the door slammed shut ok now what tell me why your in so much pain you have to not freak out ok I pull my clock off and let her see the blood that was seeping thru my shirt I pulled that off to but the pane was to much for me to beare so I had to ask callista to do it for me she pulled it off and tossed it away she got to work right away she cleaned the spot the man had kicked tunes out he had a knife hidden in his boot and had used it on me the. The spot where the man had kicked her was were nothing but bad the man's bout had caused a lot of damage but not only that the knife he had was striated and it was not a clean cut the bruise around it was the worse think about it the way is cured around the cut and then stopped just above were the knife cut into her .I can fix it but its not going to be pretty afterwards and it's going to take a lot out of me but she will be fine this by the time I had cleaned it she already passed out I began the long process of peecing the skein and musgloe together it's not as easy as it looks it takes a lot of concentration and power but I find that it's not all that time consuming ...it heales in no time this is nice it's been a long time scene I have used magick it feels as if I have warmth running thru my veins and everything is so bright and warm I pulled the blanket up over her and go to let adonis in but he was nowhere to be found I pulled the door shut and locked it where did he go

I walked out of the inn I could not stand to be in here the smell of blood filled the air is was driving me crazy . I went out to get some fresh air it helped calm me and rid me of thinking to much I walked around for a little bit until I was calm enough to take the horses to the stalls out back it was hard to control it was eating at me to know if she was ok so much that I started to paces back and forth this went on until voce a said Hey

I wander out into the streets and the horses were gone he must have taken them to the barren around back I waked there feeling uneasy about something I keep walking and find him passing in front of the stall door where night was I walked up to him hey he look at me with hope in his eyes he was right to hope she is fine, don't worry about it right now she needs to rest for now we will see how she feel in the morning his face went to shock to calm within a matter of minutes are you ok ...I don't know i am battling with myself right now your good right .....yes ...I am good when i saw the blood on my hand I almost lost it something almost snapped in me but i am good now but it was hard to not break the door down .....she didn't want you to see anything or how bad that it was it was not just a bruise you know the man had a hidden knife in his shoe and it was not pretty but she will be fine i have grown stronger thanks to her she has made me a better fighter and person she gave me a family and i would not let anybody come to harm this family let's get the pups and go up to see her I think that it would nice if we all could eat something and talk some more

When I lost consciousness I fell into the black liquid from before but it didn't pull me down by the endless hands I got to my feet and I see that you found your way back said a voce i tuned to see the girl from before what is this ....its your mind my dear don't you know she danced around me in circles you need to find that boy from before and have him explain I would if I knew were he was oh that I know where he is but if you want it then your going to have come and get it she said with a chuckle if thats how its going to be then fine my beloved knifes formed in my hands from the dark water below I could feel the rage billed in me and something I never felt before paine and a lot of it fiery hot pane ran down my arms and I fell to the dark waters I can see that my eyes are blue what .no this can't be I ...I can't be this is not me... but it is this is a part of you she said dancing around me you can't block it out it's a part of you no one asked you ,you think that I wanted to be where I am right not to be call a monster and to act like it's nothing it really bothereds me but I can't show that you know why because it's weakness she stood up it has always been weakness is that what your heart says its what does it matter now .... It matters because if you can't get yourself under control then your heart and mind will not be on the same peg dear .....I could feel the hot tears run down my face because what she said is true ...I can't even tell the one person I care about that I truly care about him I pushed him away and hide it you finally get it don't you.... that you have a lot to figure out before you can get this information from me you have work to do now you need to reflect on yourself before you can even dream of getting any closer to this boy I understand now I have a lot to work on and much to do my mind twists and turns and starts to fade out of the world that's inside my head

Why hasn't she gotten up yet it's been almost a hole two days now she needs to rest now go and find something to do adonis you have have been stuck in this room to long and your a mess now get out and do something before I make you but I ...no buts out now she said as she used her Magic to push me out of the room but what if she wakes up he wined then she wakes up she said in Stern voce take azzara and crimson out to they have be in this room to long but I it was too late she had slammed the door shut and locked it I looked at the door then to crimson and azzara what's her problem I don't want to leave her I stand there like a puppy that was kicked out of a room ...she is right though me staying there was not helping anything I should go and find something to do I did see a bar not to far from here .....

Why have you not gotten up yet I know that you have don't have anything wrong with you but you have slept for two days now I pulled down the cover and change the bandage it was covered in a yellow substance that keeps pouring out of the site where I had healed is smelled and made me gag a few times but I still manage to keep it clean I wipe it down with a cloth and rebandaged it ....i looked up and found that she was saying something in her sleep i listened closely to her what she was trying to say but she sat up really quick and hit my head with hers ow what the hell Calista sorry you were saying something in your sleep it's not my fault that you have been out for almost two days now I go to stand up but a pane that was not there before shout up from my side and made me fall to my knees what the hell is this it hurts so bad everything came right back to me get me my bag ok she grabbed my bag and gave it to me every move I made was painful but I found it I took the small tube out and empty it at once I looked at her the blad was covered in rust I have a it will heal on its own now that I have had something to help with the pain and infection was I really out for that long yes and you had someone worry about you he wouldn't even leave the room I had to kick him out just to get you cleaned up he didn't want to leave you why is that ....I don't have time for this I need to get up and ow I whined as i tried to get up stope you need to rest and not move very much or you could make it worse but I need to find him and tell him some... the walls to the room started to move and fade in and out I closed my eyes until the room was still again

why is the room spinning Calista please help me up she came over and helped me to the bed I laid down and let my head rest where did adonis go do you know ..no not really I do know that he went out with crimson and azzara ok fine why me ....I open my eyes and look at Calista I have something that I need to tell you what you know that i care a lot about you and I would never let harm come to you but I think that we should find someone to teach you more about what you can do and maybe more ... I was going to do that as soon as we found that boy but not until then, that's fine but do keep in mind that it's going to tack a lot of time to find this boy so if you want to go and find someone I am ok with it

I walked from place to place for a little while but I found myself wanting to go back to the inn where she was at but I stopped myself and walked into the closest building I looked around and to my surprise it was the bar I went up to the counter and looked at the sacraments of drinks it has been a while too long, in fact, I sit down with the pups at my feet can i get a wolf blood on rocks he poor and slid it to me what brings you around here he said nothing much just looking to pass some time I take sip of the drink and let the cool licker run down my throw chilling me to the bone that's nice I finish that one off and by the time I was on my fifth drink it was already getting dark I put my head down mewled crimson was looking at something in the back of a mans pocket he jumped at it trying to get it one jump two jumps but his third jump the think was almost out of the man's pocket he jumped one more time and had bit the man's butt sending the sleeping man into the air with a yelp he tuned to see crimson with his wallet in his mouth crimson ran with the man's wallet he jumped onto the bar and ran down it sending the drunken man over the bar and into the rack of alcohol he picked up the first think he could fine and throw it but it missed crimson by a lot instead it hit the biggest guy in the bar he got up and grabbed the man and threw him at a table of men this then made everyone in the bar start to fight someone calling out bar fight ! crimson ran and hide from the man under adonis's chair hoping he will not be found but just his luck the man got up and looked right at him he jumped up into adonis lap making him jump up and stop the man from hitting him adonis punched him in the face and let him drop ok come on let's get going he slurred and card out crimson ,crimson looked back at the man on the floor with the wallet still in his mouth he gave a smug smile when the man looked up

adonis walked the streets alone and didn't really know which way is which so he walked until he felt a tug on his pant leg he was being pulled in the other Direction he looked down you know the way azzara she walked back the way they came and up a side street and out of a alley way she came to the inn hey would you look at that you did know he opened the door and she went up the stairs two at a time and scratched at the door to the room it opened and she ran up to cressida and pulled on her dress ....hey where is adonis Calista said ....cressida looked at her little pet and lowed her mind wall he is drunk off his mind and he cant get up the stairs what come on ok fine let's go ....go were Calista said well azzara said that adonis needs help he is wasted and can't get up the stairs ....ok now you sound crazy I know it looks like I crazy trust me it was crazy when I first heard them talk to me but really we need to go and get him ok crazy she playfully said lets go and get him they walked out the door with azzara showing them the way and sure enough he was passed out at the bottom of the stress and could not get up them how many did he have I asked well he had five I think I lost count after the bar fight someone caused she said looking at crimson... I am sorry this man had this thing and it was shine

ok ok what in the world is going on here said callista how is he here how is this happening and why does crimson have a wallet I will tell you but we need to get sleep here to the room fine let's move him we both grab an arm and start to move him he opens his eyes oh how did I get here he said in a high pitched voice oh look is cress and cat ...hahaha you look funny ok lets get you up the stears and into bed but I am not tired I want to run and wow you look really nice has anyone told you that you have very pretty eyes I blushed and smacked him why you

We get to the door and open it and get him to the bed we put him down and Calista moves away I go to move but I am pulled into the bed with him adonis what are you doing I just want you with me he said why me but this is not ok but I really want a cuddle buddy pleas he ask with brite eyes I just could not say no he pulled me closer and fell asleep ...callista today has been stressful can I tell you what's going on tomorrow fine but you owe me an explanation for all of this oh and you two were meant for each other she said with a wicked smile it's not like that he is really messed up yes I know but you didn't have to give in you know unless...no you like him my face said it all ooooo you have it bad your red hat does not matter now go to bed fine have sweet dream about your boy she said

Why me I looked up at the sleeping adonis he was sweet looking the way his heir fell over his face and the slight tint of red to he had to it and his brown eyes that are looking right at me I thought that you went to sleep I did but I wanted to see you beautiful face one more time my face went red all over again he moved his hand to my face you really are perfect in every way what makes you say that you look for the good in everyone and your not afraid to tell someone when they are wrong and ...and because you could learn to love someone like me

I froze he .....loves me why all I did was make him suffer and push him away ..I will believe that when you are not wasted I turned over a I wanted to cry because I was happy but I knew that he could just be saying things I start to fall asleep but was pulled to his chest what are you doing I need a snuggle buddy she said fine but go to sleep fine

The sun shined through the window and it hurt every part of me hurt from my head to my feet why me but I soon found out that I was not alone I looked down to see Cressida wrapped in my arms she was still asleep I was now red from head to my feet how many drinks did I have last night I get up to get some water to help with a splitting headache but my foot cote the blanket sending me to the floor surprising me by pulling Cressida with it

I was sleeping and I felt a tug on the blanket but did not think too much of it but the next thing I know I am on the floor or so I thought I opened my eyes and I was on top of Adonis what the hell I smacked him I was trying to sleep I said as my face heated up I get up really fast climb back into bed why does he do the things he's does are you ok I said from the bed for the most part .... Good what happened last night which part do you want to know the part that you got into a bar fight or the fact that you would not let me go and demanded that i was you snuggly buddy

Oh god did I really do all of that and more I flushed red you said a lot more but I think you need to get your head on right before I tell you in other word go and clean yourself you smell of alcohol and its really bad he got up all embarrassed and walked right into the bathroom hahaha I went to get up but some pane ran through my body why me I looked down to see that my nightgown had some blood on it this can't be good I try to move and get callista to wake up but I can't move so I throw a pillow at her hey get up now but I don't want to now I think that I did something to a wave of pain pushed its way throw me ....please get up I cried what do you need she rolled over to look at me but soon got to her feet and asked me what I did I was pulled off the bed could that have done something I told you to not move too much or that you will open I know but it's not my fault he pulled me off please fix it fine I pull up my nightgown up and let her see it the warmth of the healing maig feels right thanks a lot now don't move so much and don't get into any trouble who me...

yes you she said with a smile what are you going to do today well I don't think I can do anything I might go and look around the town for awhile but I think that I might need someone to come with me .... I can adonis say as he came out of the bathroom what are you doing I looked away why do you only have a towel on i need my close why did you get them before I forgot he grabbed them and wet to walk back in but stopped if you really want I could go with you ....ok ..fine but go and put some clothes on fine but you need to tell me what happens when I was messed up last night oh I will trust me