
Him Chapter nine

The well-beaten path makes for slow travel as I try to find the new assignment I was told that it's a wolf and a girl but I soon come to find out that it's not just that it's a shifter who favors his wolf and not one but two girls why did they send me again let's get this over with I fall from the tree with a grease that only I can they are all on guard now I here a who are you but I say nothing only pull out my sword and start my attack but for the first time in my life I was surprised the girl from the horse jumped down and with speed I can't follow hit me hard what the hell are you I thought to myself I barely had time to stop it and the strength she has is crazy I push her off of me just barely

We come to a sudden stop when I see a man fall from an enormous tree but instead of landing on his face like I thought he would he landed gracefully I asked out who are you but got no reply he then pulled out a sword I have had enough I can't do this anymore I hope off of night and meat his sword he just barely blocked it I then did something I thought I would never do again I knocked him out instead of killing him I walked back to night and routed around him I don't have the time or patients to deal with this right now I need to get to the next town and get everything that we need and the fact that Calista is rags and I really need a thicker coat it really getting colder fast and if we have the money a horse for her to it would be faster and my mind drifts off into all the work that needs to be done then back to now little sis mmmm what is it that you would want the most she took some time and said well I have never been able to ride a horse so I guess that I would like to learn to but please you don't have to go out of your way to do that your already teaching me how to fight ....I want to teach you how it will be fun when you know how that way if you need to go somewhere you can always have a way to go ok I will try it

We walk the well-beaten path until sunset with the town just insight we keep going into the night we walk into the town it was very busy with carts and people everywhere the smell of fresh baked bread and sweets fill the air as we walked through the town the shops had think that I have never seen before weapons and spices for everywhere what did I expect form carnival the city before the capitol I walked night throw the town I could not ride him because he was so big that I would hit someone we walked around and found the states got him settled in I walked out and almost ran right into someone but I stopped just before I did

I'm sorry I backed away are you the owner of this place yes I am he said with a accent and which one is yours he ask mmmm take a wild guess he look around and settled on a small wight horse how about that one I laughed no I walked him over to night this is night I reached out and night lower his herd he is a sweet boy but as you can see he is really, enormous the man cut in where did you get him at shadow meridian village wow he is really something you think that I could oh yes you can he reached out and gently pet night with his hand he really nice what is his name night you know I have this horse that I can't get to listen and she falls into the same category as this big fellow you think that you could help yes I can but not right now I have some thanks to do but how about later yes that would be a big help but for now will you look at her I don't know I really have to go but one look will not hurt I followed him out to where she was and boy was I in shock she was beautiful she was the same color as snow but had a fire in her eyes what is her name she does not have one what I jump the fence and walk up to her I pet her and she jumps a little and looks around and see me she turns and looks at me she sniffs the air and walked to me she stops in front of me and blouses air at me I laughed your playful aren't you need someone to keep up with you don't you I will be back I hope over the fence and walk back to the stall were night I let him out come on I have some one for you to meet he followed me out to where she was she saw him and walked up to the fence she seemed happier and he look like he wanted to play a side of him I didn't see is it ok if I let him in yes go on I opened it and let him in they ran around and played that's all she needed someone her size to play with she was bored and wanted to have some fun well I don't know how you got so close to her she doesn't like me or any of my ranch hands I think that she does not like men I have a idea but I really need to go one more think you should know about night he is smart and when you put him away he will follow you just ask him to follow you and do not tie him down he will freak ok I ran off to find the everyone at a small shop looking at some spices you want to go and look around for some stuff yes she said with excitement there is just one think we need I walk over to adonis he looks down at me yes I need money to he hands me a sack full of coins I hug him thank you we will be back I know you will he smiled you always come back

We walked from shop to shop to shop but could not find anything she wanted but we came to a shop it had a simply made dress that was navy blue her eyes let up I walked into the store she followed me can we look at the dress in the window the women behind the counter look up from what she was doing and said if you must she got up and went and grabbed the dress I think that you should try it really yes come with me she went to the back to a room and came back with it on it fit her perfectly and she looked happy that's the one I walked to the lady at the front of the shop and ask how much one bit i pulled it out and payed for it I walked back over and said let's go but the its been payed for come now I need to find a cloak for her one that will keep her warm and one for me as well as well as shoes we walked in and out of the shops trying to find shoes and what we need but it was really hard but by the time it was dark we had found her shoes but not a cloak we walked back but something cote my eyes it was a red cloak the same as I had on but it had a thicker material I walked into the shop and ask to see it I pulled it on it was heaver the the last one but really warm I asked how much it was and the man said there bits I looked at the money that I had left I had ten left I will get it I look around and I saw that Calista had picked out one as well it was a brown clock and it had fur on the hood just like mine it that the one yes try it on she pulled it over her shoulders and said its hever but it's really nice and warm let's go then lets pay for it and go I walked over to the man and gave him the money and her said thank you for your business we walked outside it had grown cooler scene we got here I pulled off my old cloak and put on the new one it was hard then i thought it would be i hold the old one in my hands it has been so long scenes when I had gotten this and all i have been threw with it would be a shame if I got rid of it it's still in good condition ....I look up and I see that Calista she seem to be missing something I thought to myself something I have been teaching in her how to fight with a bald but I think that she needs something more but I don't know what .....what could be tomorrow then I stare to walk back but I get side tracked and end up at the stables how did we get here Calista said with confusion in her voce I was about to say something but I was cut off by a the owner who said she is here to get her stubborn horse in for the night I hope he said with a big smile pretend aroused his face I guess I can if I get to see that beautiful girl again I can get him I laughed, of course, you can we walked to the back and night and the white mera were running around and planing I called out and night came and so did she Calista came to the fence and pet the white mera she has a fire in her eyes what's her name she asked she....she does not have one she looked the horse over one more time but to my surprise Calista started to cry she jumped down from the face and wiped the trees away I am sorry I didn't mean to start to cry its just that she brought back memories and I ....tell me about it I said as I sat her down on the hey bales it all started when on and warm summer night


she was running in the yard the 3-year-old me was so innocent running and planing with sticks my mother called me in for diner we laughed and talked but then a pounding came from the front door my father went to go and get it me being curious I got up from my sect and look what daddy was doing but when I turned the corner I saw what no 3 years should see I remember it so clearly my father had a knife rammed throw him the blood started to run down his arms and puddle on the floor tears escaped my eyes as my father's lifeless body hit the floor I tuned and to run back to where my mother was but I was too late she was right behind me she grabbed me and ran out of the back door the man with a missing eye ran after me and my mother she put me down and said to me to run but I didn't want to leave her I yelled and screamed for her to come and run with me but she would not she looked at me then to the man who was now looking at my mother with a wicked smile she pulled of a small locket and handed it to me and said something I didn't know what it meant but the locket was then placed around my neck and then my mother turned and stared to cast spells I didn't even know that she could do that she hit the man but he didn't stop she got right back up and went after my mother but she was not strong enuff to stop him and heramed the sword throw her and she fell to her nese but my mother wasn't done she said with her dying breath stick one to my little one and send her away but give her my power I felt something warm flush throw me as I was taken from my dying mother the last think I saw was her smiling face and then darkness I woke up later in chains and I live that way ever scenes

She started to cry even more now I pulled her into my arms we will find this man and i will prsoney help you kill him but how did she ...remind you it's not that its just I looked at her and it all came flooding back to me it's like I saw a little of myself in her i don't really know how to explain it then dont I open the gate and let her out along with night she walked right up to callista and let of a big breath you're nothing like night you're more like daylight the fire in your eyes shows that you are strong but you also have a softer side form now on you are called daylight could I have a ride the horse let her get close and she then helped her up with a houf she rould around only for a little bit mostly because she can't ride to well she hoped off of daylight and then walked back together she put her up for the night and the oner came by and saw how did you get her to come in here I asked her to come she did as I asked ...thank you he said he was about to walked away when I asked him would you ever sell her that would depend on who would want her he tuned and look at me you want to ....buy her yes I would if you are willing to sell her to me yes I am she is not happy here and she needs her new friends how much for her for you it's five bis and that also includes take as well I pulled out the rest of the money that we had thanks for selling her to me your welcome I look back and i walked over to callista so how much do you love this horse a lot I don't know what it is about her ...it's the same for me and night I chose him because he was so scared and that I knew that I wanted him to be with me I love that horse so much that's why i went and bought daylight she is all yours but you need to be there for her and not let harm come to her can you do that yes I can I will not let you down she wrights daylights name on her stall door and we walked away

We walked in silence as we came to the inn and we both stare at it was houg the door to the to the inn was covered with a lavesh green paint we walked in and all eyes are on us I make are way to the bar and ask have you seen a man with two foxes come thru here yes I rather I did he said with a ragged voce he went up to a room but it will cost you I looked at him I think you're mistaken I don't have to pay you know why I grabbed him and held my daker to his throat because your going to tell me he spoke only in a low whisper he is in room 13 now was that so hard they walk up the stres and made there to room 13 and nocked hard he opened the door what took you so long well we had a bit of trouble with the bartender but it's all well and done she said cressida what did you do i lost my cool and I didn't want to play any games with him so I ask a simple question and he didn't answer so I made him I just want to get to bed I take off my shoes and coute and lie them on the floor I crawled under the blanket and fell asleep

Hey adonis what he said thank you for today it was fun to go out and have some fun thanks a lot for being so nice to me it's just what is it that brock in her she seems so different .....you know that bow over there yes that one she always has it and it keeps her colem but how she got it was a different story you see this boy challenge her to a fight and she took him on but she gave him a warning if her eyes shift from green to blue run they fought like men hitting stile over and over so fast that you could not see it but just has she was going to finish him crimson ran out to her he saw this and to the optonitey to go after the little fox but she got to him first and it made her change and change she did her eyes went to blue and she went on a mission to kill him but just as she was about to finish him she stopped herself and her eyes went back to green ...up until we found you she was obsessed with finding that boy but I think that she still wants to find him just not as bad as she used to we will leave tomorrow and head that way as long as she wants to once we get to the captole it will be a different story really we will have to find this boy and then comes the hard part making him talk but for now you need to get some sleep callista yeah you're right I rolled over and thought what he said over in my head but before long I start to fall asleep I let the sleep take over with the one thought why do her eyes change

The morning air feels cold and crisp as I walk the town it's early so not many people are up and about so I take this time to wonder the town and think about what adonis told me why is it that her eyes change and what makes her do it if we do find him would it be a good thing I was lost in thought when I ran right into someone I fell to the ground I am sorry I said looking up at the stranger that I had run into but I was frozen when I saw who it was its you

The room has a tint of blue and green and red but I soon realized that it was a tail in my face I finally got up out of bed and looked around only to notes that Calista was gone but a poorly written note said that she would be back in a hour what am I doing here just look at me I am a mess ....what is it that I am missing I know that I need to get to the caploe and I need to get there fast but I feel that I am missing something but I just don't know what it is ....what are you doing I hear a voice from behind me nothing Really I just feel that I missing something and I can't figure it out what it is I don't know how can I help but I don't know that it would help if you come down and did not get angry at whatever it was let's get everything packed up and put away then leave this town and get to the capital .....I think that we should we got everything we needed yesterday so let get going I put everything away and fixed myself up I went to open the door but it opened quality and in ran callista she slammed the door shut and hid behind me what's going on ..he ...found ..me she said in between breaths the man who enslaved me I ran as fast as i could back here not before backtracking to lose them but I ...what is it I ... the door burst off its hinges and slammed into the wall I pulled my blades out and stud ready what do you want cressida said in a violent town ....he looked at me ....you are a sneaky one taking off with help from that bitch cressida was about to move but she was to slow adonis was on him he pinned him down with one hand mind saying that again so that I can hear it because I didn't hear you right because I think that you called someone who is very important to me a bitch he said as his hand tightened around the man's neck he was turning blue he tried to speak but all that came out was a small cofe what was that I can't hear you his eyes rolled back into his head and adonis dropped his life's body I hate people who sell peploe it makes me sick and what's worse is that you tried to do it again right in front of me how sick we grabbed are stuff and left I walked to the stables and put on nights stale and I took sometime to show callista how to do it but she was a little shook up about what had just acuderd she jumps up on to daylight we left that place as fast as we could I get next to her and asked her if she was fine she looked at me and said no ... tell me what it is wrong she was silent for a long time I think that I did something really bad I beat the living crap out of all his men.....I burst out laughing ....you did...a good job I said in between laughing you kept yourself safe that's all that mattered so don't be too hard on yourself and besides they came at you so you don't have to worry about it ....really it was ok for me to do that yes it was ok all you did was protected yourself that's what you have to do when your in that kind of situation so what you did was right ok her whole face turned red as she came to the connection that she did everything right and she was worrying for nothing they came to a stop and made camp for the night next to a small stream the air is cold so cold in fact that they dared not mover from the fire as time crawled on they all find some form of sleep

The way to the capitol was cold and hard each night was harder than the last the last day was the worst a storm came in and froze everything and everyone the cold was hard to escaped and the thought of a fire was on the mind but out of reach for everything the snow tucherd could not be lite with the life saving flame the could threaten to take me but it didn't I press my back against adonis's thick black fur for warmth he was very warm mumed callista as she said pulled a blanket over her even crimson and azua hid under the blanket next to me to escape the cold it was dumb luck that we found this cave and that I got a small fire going but even then it was not enough to keep out the cold the storm got worse I sit here because I could not sleep the storm was loud and any time i was almost a sleep it would make a noise that sounded like the whole place was going to cave in and I would jump up from my sleep I decided to stay up and tend to the fire and the horse but I soon run out of firewood I pulled myself up off the floor and pulled my clock around me and headed out a sleepy voce ask were I was going I looked over my shoulder I will be right back callista we need wood ok she lead back down I walked out and the wind sweeped me every which way but I found a tree that was not to far away I brack of the bark until I have a arm full I walked back and put some on the fire and went back to adonis I pulled the covers over me this went on all night until morning I didn't sleep at all that night when morning finally came everything was blanketed with snow I dropped some herbs into a pot of hot water and begane to cook some of the food that we had it was not much but it was fine for now as the food cooked I waited for someone to waked up and to my luck crimson and azzara are the first ones to get up they walk over to me and rub up against me like cats wanting achon I reach out and pet crimson but I pulled my hand back when I here in my head pet me behind the ears I looked at him he looked at me and turned his head suddenly then I here a different voice chime in dont do that or she will not feed us I am really hungry ....that's it i'm going crazy I losted my mind I think to myself the both looked at me and said at the same time your not crazy we can hear you to but no one else can unless they have one of these gems how is it ....the man that you got these from specialized in bond animes you bought two of these things and now we can speak with you we tried before but we didn't really know how to but now we can father always said to keep up a barrier so that no one can get in I must be so tired that it fell and now they can talk to me this is crazy is it really true ..... I can talk with you guys .....as long as you have that gem with you and you let us into your mind but yes this is all now feed me, woman, I can't wait any longer ....no this is not real I am just imagine this you guys can't talk... nope I just really need some rest I go over and lie down but Azzara came over and sat on my chest this.. is.. real.. as ..the ..snow.. on.. the. ground... now feed me she said as she jumped up and down on my back to that's it am not losing my mind or this is not a Dream I pulled the covers up over my head and tried to sleep but she kept at it feeeeddddd meeeee nowww ok I said getting up fast sending her flying into a nearby bush are you ok yes she came out of the bush and followed me to where I was cooking I dug into the bag and pulled out a long strip of meat I brought it into two pieces and gave one to her and the other to crimson he said thank you to me in a cute voice inside my head .....I still think that I am losing it but I stay up until someone gets up the first one to get up was adonis he was drawn up out of bed from the smell of food he came over and ask how I sleeped with he really regeared asking when he saw me ...not to well the storm keeps me up all night the fired was hard to keep going and then there's the fact That I am going crazy I here crimson and Azzara in my head and it's cold and I just want to sleep without warning he pulled me into his big arms and said sleep then his warm fill my whole being with this fiery warmth I could make out a faint heartbeat the sound of it was enough to rock me to sleep within no time I'm asleep

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