
Crescent Hearts

When a young alpha starts university, he feels something's off. While following this unknown feeling calling for him, he stumbles upon many obstacles. While he chases a feeling longingly, his best friend has problems with the reverse. He misses a feeling, feels an emptiness, a void.

ChuYoisho · Famosos
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62 Chs

Chapter sixteen

It's now or never, right?

"So...ehm...about yesterday-" 

"I'm sorry. I don't know what got to me. I get that it made you feel uneasy. It won't happen again, don't worry," Minho interrupted him.

What the- why is he sorry. He shouldn't be.

"Minho...I was about to say sorry...you didn't do anything wrong. I mean...you may have acted a bit...ehm...maybe you acted a little too much on impulse, but you didn't do anything bad.

Not in my eyes.

I was...I...I don't know, so much happened so fast that I was a bit startled and didn't think before I spoke and I didn't think it would hurt you either.

I didn't mean anything bad by it, it just came out through shock. And I rather feel that I am the one who makes you feel uncomfortable and not the other way around, so sorry."

Jisung was talking to Minho's shoes rather than to Minho himself. Because of this, he couldn't see Minho's smile either.

Minho walked up to Jisung and crouched down in front of his chair. He took Jisung's chin in his hand and made him look up, their eyes now on the same level.

Once Jisung looked at him he saw him smiling.

"You're cute. Don't worry, you don't make me feel uneasy. And I promise that I'll restrain myself," he tried to reassure the younger one, but while saying this he couldn't keep his eyes off of his lips. "I'll try..."

But Jisung didn't realize that. He himself had not taken his eyes off the other's lips from the moment Minho began to speak.

Jisung swallowed and looked Minho in the eye. Seeing that he wasn't the only one who couldn't contain his gaze made Jisung smile.

Minho slowly looked up and into Jisung's eyes.

They stayed like that for a couple of seconds. Until Minho cleared his throat and, releasing Jisung's chin and gaze, stood up

"I'm sorry. I'll leave you now."

But Jisung rose and stopped Minho. He took Minho's wrist and had no intention of letting go.

When Minho did not turn around, Jisung pulled him closer and turned him around in one fluid movement.

Without further thought, he let go of the other's wrist and placed both his hands on Minho's cheeks; pulling the other one closer, slightly downwards, connecting their lips.

Minho's eyes were large with pure shock. But when he realised that this was a heartfelt kiss he finally took part in it too.

The kiss started heating up and Minho put more pressure on it.

Jisung's hands slid from Minho's cheeks to his shoulders. He put his arms around Minho's neck and pulled the other as close as he could.

Minho at his side wraps his arms around Jisung's waist and leans in.

This is not working, Minho thinks. And in one movement, he lifts Jisung up and he wraps his legs around the older's waist.

The younger one stops the kiss for a moment to look up and catch his breath, but Minho's swollen lips act as a magnet to his.

Minho takes careful steps towards the sink, careful not to let the precious thing in his arms fall or bump into anything.

He lets Jisung sit at the sink and moves his hands back to the other person's waist. And draws the other closer to him again.

Every few seconds, they leave each other's lips alone to catch their breath.

But every time their lips touched again, it felt like something snapped inside.

It was more than blind lust, more than simple pleasure, and they both knew it. But they didn't know what it was.

Touching Minho's lips felt like a wave of electricity washing over him. He saw sparkles behind his eyes, which hardly stayed open for a second.

He wanted to enjoy this moment to the max and seeing everything around him ruined it, ruined the pleasure. He wanted to feel, only feel and no other stimuli.

Minho asked for permission to board Jisung's mouth, which of course he got without any problem. Their tongues worked without any problem, pure harmony, as if they were attuned to each other.

Jisung could not believe that he can ever go even a few seconds without this touch anymore, not one.

Without really knowing it, he hardens the kiss. It would almost hurt if Minho did not do exactly the same.

Their lips moved as one while their tongues danced in their mouths.

One of Jisung's hands was in the older one's hair, the other moving slowly but surely from Minho's neck to his chest. Scratching his way down.

Minho puts his hand under Jisung's shirt from behind. Searching his way up his spine, stopping halfway, and his nails sink into the other's back. 

If this isn't the most beautiful thing I ever experienced in my entire life, I don't know what would. Minho thought, for once not feeling guilty about his thoughts of this boy.


Their mouths remain open, neither wanting to end the kiss. Neither of them wants to stop. Neither wants this moment to end, certainly not now and certainly not like this.

Minho was the first to withdraw his lips. Making a whining Jisung cling to him.

He wrapped his legs around Minho's waist and his arms around his neck again and held him close. Afraid that if this moment came to an end, they would forget, it would be the end.

Minho smiles and strokes Jisung's back. "Don't you want to know who called you?" 

Jisung shook his head. "I'm good like this." Making Minho's smile grow.

He wraps his hands around the other's back, walking towards the kitchen table. There he takes a seat on the chair Jisung was having breakfast on a few minutes ago.

"Hello?" Jisung looks up, startled and quickly takes his phone from Minho's hand.


"Hey, Ji...was that Minho just now?"


maybe," Jisung answered, looking at the boy on whose lap he's sitting, around whose waist he's wrapped his legs, on whose shoulder his arm lay.

"Yes, yes it was. What is it, Lix? Why'd you call?"

"I sent you a few messages but you didn't open them," As Jisung tries to listen to Felix he feels something on his collarbones.

Minho's kissing them, slowly going upward, kissing Jisung's neck. Sucking Jisung's neck.

Jisung's doing his best to suppress his voice. Biting his lip he looks at Minho. Making Minho nearly lose it.

"Please," Jisung begged, not able to say more because he was too scared he might whine.

Jisung felt Minho smirk on his neck. He kisses it and pulls back, leaning back and looking at Jisung, who is still biting his lip.

"'Please' what?"

"No, nothing"

"I was literally talking to you Jisung. Do you want to know what I was about to say or should I just hang up, huh?"

"To be honest, Lix, I don't know which one I'd prefer...Would you be mad if I wouldn't let you tell me?" "JISUNG! DON'T LET ME USE THE POWER OVER YOU THAT I HAVE!" He heard Felix whisper-yell, almost inaudible.

"Okay okay, tell me," Jisung answered, shrugging his shoulders at Minho.

"The professor got sick, so our afternoon class will no longer take place. I took that friend of mine I told you about with me. We're in the elevator right now. Just wanted to let you know, so you won't be walking around half-naked."

Jisung looked at Minho with frightened eyes and then at the kitchen. There was nothing wrong, fortunately. The sink was a bit messy, but nothing really stood out.

"Okay, don't worry, I have clothes on. See you in a bit," and with that, he hung up.

Minho was still smirking, the second Jisung hung up he crashed his lips onto Jisung's neck again. Kissing, sucking, biting, breathing, kissing, sucking, biting, breathing.

Jisung was taken completely by surprise, unable to hold his moan back this time. But this only encourages Minho to go on.

He's making his way up, from the neck to the jawline until he finally reaches those sweet lips again.

This time he didn't take as long as the first time and immediately dominates over Jisung's mouth. 

  Jisung had no other option than to give in because he too craved the other's taste. 

  As they were heating up the kiss and Jisung's hand found Minho's hair again, he heard someone yelling not too far away. 

  "Ji, where are you?" Dammit 

Jisung stubbles off of Minho's lap and walks towards the door, Minho following him. 

  As he opened the door he saw Felix standing right in front of the kitchen door. "Hey, Ji," then he saw who was standing behind him, "and Minho.?" 

"Minho?" Jisung heard an unknown voice say. 

"Yes, Minho." He answered and walked towards the person standing next to Felix. 

"I'm Jisung, nice to meet you. And you are?" 

"Hyunjin," the other said, shaking his hand, "nice to meet you too."