
Crescent Hearts

When a young alpha starts university, he feels something's off. While following this unknown feeling calling for him, he stumbles upon many obstacles. While he chases a feeling longingly, his best friend has problems with the reverse. He misses a feeling, feels an emptiness, a void.

ChuYoisho · Celebrities
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Chapter fifteen


"Urgh, no need to yell at me like that, lix. Gimme two more seconds, I'll be right there."  Jisung answered, yawning.

"You already played that card twenty minutes ago. Minho and I..."

Now Jisung was wide awake.

"You what?" "We already cleaned the table, you have to buy something on-the-go because class will start soon."

Jisung wasn't sure if he was exaggerating, but he felt like the older one was ignoring him.

Okay, not long after doing the dishes, Jisung went to bed. Minho was sitting in the living room, reading a book, and he didn't even look up when Jisung bid Felix, who was watching TikTok in the living room, good night.

"Get dressed. I'll see you at the bus stop. If the bus hasn't left yet. I will head out now, I ain't getting late 'cause of your lazy ass."  He blew Jisung a kiss and left.

Groaning Jisung got up, put on the same clothes as yesterday and left for the bathroom.

As he opened the bathroom door, he saw someone brushing his teeth. Dressed in nothing more than a towel around his waist. Of course.

"Hey, good morning!!" Jisung said, smiling at the other.

Minho looked at him through the mirror, spit out the toothpaste in his mouth and left after quickly washing his face.

I knew he was ignoring me. But no matter how much Minho ignored Jisung, Jisung's heart continued to beat fast and his hands remained clammy. Please, calm down. There's nothing going on.

But until Jisung put his hands on the sink, something was definitely going on.

His brown eyes turned yellow. He was slowly opening his mouth, just to see the exact thing he was afraid to see.

His teeth had grown too.

He quickly opens his phone and calls Felix. "Hey, Ji. What's-"

"I'm turning." Jisung whisper-yelled.

"Or, like, I think I am. How do I know if I'm turning? Like, my eyes turned yellow and my teeth grew too, but I'm not all hairy or dog or something. And-"

"Wow. Wow. WOW. Jisung, sweety, calm down. Now tell me, what happened?"

"I...I don't know..." 

"lol, Jisung if you want me to help, you have to give me something."

"pffff. Okay, so errr...you left, I got dressed, went to the bathroom, Minho was there; he just came out of the douche and was brushing his teeth, he left without saying anything; like I wasn't there; like he didn't or didn't want to see me, well then I looked in the mirror and yea yellow eyes and canine teeth."

"Come again? You fell in love and didn't even bother to tell me? Good best friend I have.."

"What? Lix, I don't have time for this nonsense.  I'm asking you something serious here, this really isn't the right time.

Why should I change already, my first full moon is only tomorrow? You said I would only see physical changes then! And more importantly, how does it stop?!"

Jisung was panicking, and the fact that his heart rate was already higher didn't really help.

On top of that, his best friend and alpha ánd the only person he can go to at the moment doesn't take it seriously.

"Jisung, listen. First of all, the chance of you transforming fully is very unlikely right now. You might notice small changes, but since you are not a full-blood, you cannot fully transform without the full moon. Not yet.

And it would be painful, very painful, especially for your first time and as far as I hear you don't really have much pain.

We change because of different reasons. We change when we feel anger or want to defend ourselves. But those are not the only times when we transform.

I remember in my adolescence, sometimes, you know, the transformation went hand in hand with um...morning wood?" Jisung could almost hear his friend blushing.

"What the what man," Jisung laughs, "Wait...don't make me laugh."

"Okay, sorry, the point is, being a werewolf your wolf is going to have a mating urge and this can involve transformation.

Just try to calm down, wash your face, take a shower, I don't know jerk off for my part. I don't care, just try to control your body and calm down, okay? Just calm down and you should be fine again.

And don't worry, the transformation will probably not go beyond your eyes, teeth and senses, as it is not for combat or defence and there is no full moon.

I'll make up an excuse with the professor, come as soon as you can.

The bus is here, gotta go." And with that, he hung up.

Jisung stood up, groaning, and stepped into the douche stall after taking a towel.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Towel wrapped around his waist, Jisung walked back to their bedroom.

Showering is one thing, but now I also have to pick out a new, clean outfit. After about ten minutes, Jisung walked to the kitchen all dressed up and ready.

The first reading is almost over, the second doesn't start until the afternoon, so I might as well stay home until then.

After making himself a sandwich for breakfast, Jisung went to eat it at the table.



  monstrous alpha





  monstrous alpha

How are you feeling? Could you calm down?



a cold shower really did help thx Lix

  monstrous alpha

You better come back soon

I had to socialise T~T

Not that that was a problem

Everyone wanted (!) to talk to me

They literally don't leave me alone for two seconds

Come save me 🥺


lol sorry but you will have to wait a little longer

  monstrous alpha


ohhhhh and guess what?



  monstrous alpha

I bumped into a childhood friend of mine in the hallway!!




  monstrous alpha

You won't know him

Our parents knew each other so at gatherings etc we always hung out together



  monstrous alpha

don't worry I'll introduce you soonnn

he also goes to uni here lol

he said he wanted to meet up with some friends of his

but apparently they didn't had any lectures till the afternoon lol



Lix I'm having breakfast now

I'll be at the campus b4 the next lecture starts ok

  monstrous alpha

ok ok

talking to strangers sucks


even tho they r our classmates?

  monstrous alpha

even tho they r our classmates :\

As Jisung continued eating the kitchen door opened.

Jisung, who had just taken a bite, looked up, confused.

Then he saw Minho walk into the kitchen and quickly swallow his bite. yeay, there goes my heartbeat again.

He saw Minho clearly trying to suppress his laughter. "Now I get why Felix calls you 'quokka'." He said while filling up a cup of water.

The emerging blush, after less than a day, had become a familiar feeling to Jisung. It made him smile. "Yeah, that's why...so ehm...why aren't you at the university?"

"My first lecture starts in the afternoon, so I still have some time," and continued after drinking a sip of water, "How about you?" he said, pointing at Jisung with his glass.

"I...ehm...I wasn't feeling too well. But I'm all better now, so I will participate in the afternoon classes."

"Sick? You too?" Minho asked.

"What do you mean?" 

"Felix was sick tonight. Didn't you hear his whimpers?

He was rolling around all night making complaining noises. I thought you figured that out, too.

I was up half the night because of it. I couldn't hold it in any longer and put a wet towel on his head, it stopped the whimpering long enough for me to go back to sleep."

So he really is kinder than he shows. Jisung's giggles made Minho look up at him. It's now or never...right?

"So...ehm...about yesterday-" 

"I'm sorry. I don't know what got to me. I get that it made you feel uneasy. It won't happen again, don't worry." Minho interrupted him.