
Created Stars

James_Hibbard_5781 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 2. Accidental practice

After seeing an old lady bend water like a it was snake to clean him and his new mother off was enough to make Sol (Tom) wonder what kind of world he had become apart of as he just witnessed, something that made no sense.

"Maple you better take it slow unlike you did with Ria, up in two days and practicing sorcery in four, this baby has taken it out of you and if you're not taking care of yourself like you should be you will only hurt yourself. I know you are a grand sorcerer in the guild of the arts but if you don't slow down Ria and Sol will be orphans, because we know Grey is long gone by now." granny had said to try and keep Sol's mother in bed, but did he hear right did she say sorcery.

"Mimi I know my body well it might not be much but I can tell it needs magic circulation otherwise what kind of future do I make for my children if I can't help them with my position in the government?" the muscular woman in what looks like early 20's said while pulling some of the stuck hair off her face, seeming like labor had been very hard for her, "I know you are trying to protect me just like the grandmother you are for everyone in this beautiful town, but keep in mind there are so many people who can't wait for me to make a mistake so they can take my position or even worse so they can force me into a marriage to try to make a trophy out of me just like they did to your sister or my mother!"

After almost screaming that, Mimi wrapped up the young boy and handed him back to his mother, "That might be true but be careful, otherwise you will end up pushing away every sing person who cares, yes my sister was a fool and yes she did end up getting turned into a trophy but that being said she lived a long and healthy life bringing up a loving family that she cherished into the bitter end, even at that she died keeping the cursed one away from her son, and without her the boy who would become the man so close to your father that he deemed him a brother in arms, keep in mind love for a child will always trump social status or nice houses." and with that a black mist surrounded Mimi and as soon as it stated it cleared to reveal she was gone.

'What the hell is going on in this freaking world, first she was moving water like a tendril and then covering herself in shadows and just peacing the fuck out of the room like a vampire!' Sol was saying in his head when he heard a ding sound and with that it pulled him out of his stupor, to show a screen in front of him saying "Welcome to the galaxy system, please pick a starting ability: Star Gaze, Comet, or Planetary Body."

'Before I pick a skill can I see a little about the skills' and at that the screen split into three with small info of the skills.

"Star Gaze is a skill that allows the user to see further then normal and progresses more as the skill is used and practiced."

"Comet is a skill that makes the user speed up to that of a falling comet increasing speed this boost is based on the user's passive speed."

"Planetary Body is a skill that boosts the passive strength of the user but is only indicative of raw power and not combat skill, the skill is also improved the more it develops."

'System what would you suggest I pick, and also can I hold off picking one just yet?'

'System would suggest any of the three as they are all able to help in the future as all three will develop into high level skills; Star Gaze turns into Eyes of Dimension a skill that can improve perception to the point of slowing time or even showing future movements, Comet becomes Light Speed and this gives the user a increase to speed that is so potent that it can create after images of the user or if pushed to the maximum can even break the sound barrier, Planetary Body has a split in what it can become and those options are Void Body where the body can become shapeless and invisible whereas Dying Star Body allows the user to reinforce their body to the point they can create their own gravitational force and even become immune to basic attacks or simple weapons. As for if you can choose later yes you can but keep in mind the skills will change based on how your body develops and what will best fit you at that moment.'

'If that is the case then I think strength will be the most important, so I choose Planetary Body.'

'Planetary Body chosen, skill will be granted in the next 24 hours please be patient' and with that Sol closed out the system screen and just laid with his sleeping mother. closing his eyes he could almost sense that the world was almost breathing as the energy flowed in and out, like a soft wind blowing an a warm summer day, calming and warm as the embrace of a mother.

'Cultivation source found [MOLUS' WORLD ENERGY] starting energy gathering.