
Chapter 20

Taking the few steps necessary to return to the table, she tilted her head to the doorway. “I’m not interested in your words right now. But if that’s all you’ve got to offer me…”

There. If that didn’t put a stop to the games, she wasn’t sure what would.

“No?” Ashley didn’t make a move to stand, but his eyes were dancing. “That’s a pity, because I was going to say some things I thought you’d like to hear.” He pushed away from the table now. “I guess I could show you the power of words later.” He unfolded his lean body from the chair, rolling his shoulders before approaching her.

Now that he was right in front of her, the reality of her situation began to sink in, her blood roaring in her ears, skin already tingling though he had yet to touch her. Jenny swallowed once, twice before her voice decided to work again.

“Talking will only wake Bryan up anyway. And I really don’t want him interrupting right now.”