
Chapter 19

“Jason invited me to attend the Jorgensen party with him.”

Ashley grimaced. “You’re not going with him, are you?”

“You want me to go with you?”

“I just don’t understand what you see in him,” Ashley said. She arched against his hands as he smoothed them up her back. “I mean, he’s all…slippery.”

“Didn’t you just tell me that you’re not at my beck and call twenty-four hours a day?” Yvonne teased. “Besides, he’s nice enough.”

“Rich enough, you mean.”

Yvonne smiled—a little-girl, you-caught-me smile. “He’s that too. Why? Are you jealous?”

“Come to the party with me,” Ashley urged, his fingers dancing down her spine.

She leaned back, her eyes suddenly serious. “Business or pleasure?”


Yvonne nodded. “I’ll call Jason tomorrow.”